Michael Jackson's Moonwalker - Guide and Walkthrough - Genesis - By Snowflake - GameFAQs
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Guide and Walkthrough (GEN) by Snowflake

Version: 1.2 | Updated: 05/16/2001

                 Michael Jackson's Moonwalker v1.2
By: Snowflake(snowflake002@hotmail.com


This is my first FAQ, so you might notice it's pretty crappy.
I wrote this because I was bored and it was actually on the request list.
This guide has a few parts missing, like the storyline. If anybody knows the
story or anything else useful, e-mail me and you will be credited.
Since nobody cares what I have to say, on to the guide...

Table of Contents

1. Version info
2. Legal stuff
3. Controls
4. Walkthrough
5. Cheats, tricks, and all that other great stuff
6. Contact me
7. Credit

1. Version info

Started: 5-8-01
Version 1.0 started
Complete walkthrough included
Finished: 5-9-01

Edited: 5-16-01
Version 1.1
How to turn into robot on other levels inserted
Finished: 5-16-01

2. Legal stuff

The most updated version of this FAQ will be found at www.gameFAQs.com
If you want to post this FAQ on your site, by all means, knock yourself out.
Just don't edit it in any way, or you might find yourself in concrete shoes
at the bottom of the Mississippi...(I wonder if I can say that?)

Umm... (c) 2001 Snowflake
Michael Jackson's Moonwalker is property of their licensed owners. I am not
affiliated with this group
All right reserved

3. Controls

This is assuming you use the normal controls(Pretty bootleg art)
              | |
          ____| |____           Key to THREE-button controller
         / _         \
        /_| |_        \           A: Magic
       /|_   _|   A B C\          B: Attack
      /   |_| _S_       \         C: Jump
     /      ______       \        S: Start\Pause
    /______/      \_______\       +: D-pad

Explanation of actions

Tap the button and Michael will spin a little. Hold the button for about a
second, then release. Michael will toss his hat and it will fly around,
destroying what it touches.
Hold the button down for a really long time, and Michael will have all enemies
start dancing. It's pretty funny the first time you see it, but gets old. When
your low on energy, Michael does a short crotch grab:)
*Note that using magic takes life away at an alarming rate*
*Another note: pushing this button while on a staircase will make Michael slide
down the banister, destroying enemies he comes across. There is no energy loss
doing this*

Michael will attack either upwards, forward, in the air, or while crouching,
depending on your actions with the jump button and D-pad. Every time you
attack, you send out blue sparks that will travel about 1/8th of the screen.
These sparks will hurt\destroy enemies.
When your life bar reaches critical,(red) you will stop having sparks. Your
attacks start getting weaker.

Pretty self-explanatory, but for the brain dead, THIS BUTTON MAKES MICHAEL

4. Walkthrough

*This walkthrough was made playing hard mode*
First off, I will always start the level by going to the lowest floor of the
level. It just makes things easier(At least for me). It won't matter here,
because you are already on the lower floor. Secondly, when I say how many hits
it takes to defeat an enemy, I am attacking with the blue sparks. The whole
point of this game is to rescue children... or somethin'

Round 1-1
Club 30
5 Children to rescue

After the short intro immediately head right. The enemies are pretty easy, just
smack 'em and they're gone. Simple? Shortly, you will see a child. Touch her to
rescue her. Rescuing children restores some of your health. Continue right past
the prostitute(hit her to stop her pushing) to another child behind the piano.
Keep going until you see stairs. Don't go up yet, go to the door under the
stairs and open it to rescue another child. Up the stairs.
Go past the first door and open the second one you find for another child. Keep
going and you will soon find another child. After rescuing the last one, a
monkey(Bobo, was it?)will hop on your back and point the way to the boss. Just
go back down. All the boss does is send henchmen. Easily taken care of.

Round 1-2
Club 30
6 Children to rescue

Same rules apply to enemies. Go to the lowest floor of the level and to the
furthest right, ignoring the other doors, which contain either nothing or
enemies. The door on the right staircase has a child. Go up the stairs. Go past
one door and open the second for a child. Then go up the stairs. Open the door
on the left where there is a set of 4 doors for a child. Head all the way right
and open another door for another child. Go up the stairs. Open the door to the
right of the yellow jukebox. Go up the stairs. You'll see a lot of doors. Head
to the left, next to the wall and open the door for another child. The monkey
will point you forward. Same boss rules apply, these enemies are a little
tougher than their old counterparts.

Round 1-3
Club 30
7 Children to rescue

Same enemy rules. Head down to the bottom floor. When you're there, go to the
left wall. Open the door there for a child. Go right, past one door, and then
open the second for a child. Go up the stairs. Head left, and jump on the first
pool table you see. Open the window for a child. Head to the left wall and open
the door for a child. Go upstairs. Go to the right wall and open the door there
for a child. Now, head back to the two white tables you saw. Jump on the left
one and tap the magic button once. The stairs will fall. Open the first door
you see for a child. Head to the right wall and open the door closest to the
wall for a child. The monkey will point you left. Just go one screen over. This
time, you fight a lone thug. He jumps around and shoots with his gun. VERY
predictable pattern, although he does significant damage if he touches you.

Round 2-1
6 Children to rescue

*Open the window in the top-left section of the level first. Wait for a star to
shoot down, then grab it to turn into a robot.

Some thugs just wait above and then drop down on you now. Open the door to the
first shop you see for a child. Then, open the window of the second shop for a
child. Moving on, you'll find another child on the ground near a car. Go all
the way to the right wall. You'll find another child in the dumpster. Hop on
top of the dumpster, then on top of the wall. On the wall, head to the left.
Open the first window you see for a child. The last child is in plain view on
the upper part of the roof. After the monkey hops on you, he'll point you back
near the dumpster. Here, the boss just sends a ton of enemies at you. Smack the
ones on the bottom floor, then jump up and attack the ones on the wall.

Round 2-2
7 Children to rescue

*To turn into the robot here, go to the top floor in the beginning, and open
the right-most yellow car, then grab the shooting star quickly.

*From now on, every time I tell you to open something: door, window, trunk,
etc. There is a child in it. Start going right. Open the trunk of the second
yellow car.(Cursed pedophiles) Go to the elevator and go one floor up. Open the
trunks of all the aqua(blue) colored cars you see. Go up the left elevator.
Open the trunk of the first aqua car. Go back up the elevator. On this floor,
open the trunks of the cars closest to the elevators. The left-most one should
be blue; the right-most one should be yellow. Go up the right elevator. Open
the yellow car in between the two aqua ones. The monkey will point you one
screen left.
This boss fight is a little tougher. Thugs with rifles come out. Just duck and
attack to eliminate all, or most enemies. The last ones should be easy to pick

Round 2-3
8 Children to rescue

*Turn into robot by going up one floor when level starts. Rescue the child in
the blue car and catch the star.

First off, step on top of the first manhole you see. Tap the magic button to
pop it off. Head down and go to the right wall. You will rescue two children
along the way. After you do that, head back the way you came. Once back on the
surface, go right and open the door to the first shop. Use the same tactic from
the previous level, jump on top of the car, and then on top of the wall. You
should be on the shop closest to the right wall. Open the window on the left
side. Go back to elevator and go up one floor. Open the blue car at the end of
the platform. Head up one story on the elevator. Open the red car's trunk.
Here, you will need to jump off the end of the platform. You should land on the
building with a child you saw earlier but couldn't reach. Rescue her, the jump
the gap and open the window on the other building. The monkey will point you
back to the wall with the car next to it. This boss fight is harder. Your
objective is to kill the white dog by hitting it 4 times while avoiding the
normal dogs it sics on you. I've found the best way is to crouch near the car
for cover, and pick off some of the dogs while they are jumping from the left
of the car, to the right. After attacking some, jump up and hit the white dog.
Note that the white dog lunges at you when you get near, so get the first

Round 3-1
7 Children to rescue

First, "open" the tombstone in front of your starting point by pushing up. The
enemies in this level are kinda tough. They take two hits and are hard to hit
because of their jumping ability. Head to the right, until you see a zombie
rise out of the ground. Dispose of it, and open the grave to the left of it.
Head right. You'll see a small valley with two stepping-stones, one empty and
one with a child. Don't worry if you fall, it's harmless.
Go to the right, until you bit a wall. "Open" the bush on the right side. Jump
on top of the rocks to the right and onto the second floor. You'll rescue a
child in plain site. Go left, and open the first bush you see. The monkey will
point you back to the valley. You'll just fight a bunch of zombies, no problem.
It might take a while to eliminate the zombies on the bridge if you don't have
enough life to use the super magic.

Round 3-2
8 Children to rescue

*The child to rescue in the walkthrough is also the trigger for a shooting star
that turns you into a robot.

Open the second tombstone you see, next to the rising zombie. Jump up, on top
of the tree branches, up to the second floor. Head to the left wall, and jump
up to the third floor. Once there, open the second bush from the left. While
still on the third floor, go to the right wall and open the bush there. Jump up
to the fourth floor and head to the left wall. Open the bush there. Go to the
fifth floor. On the fifth floor, head as far as you can to the right, you
notice a plateau too high to jump onto. You also see a tree branch that's too
high also. I discovered this while on this level. Walk under the branch and
hold up on the D-pad. Face the plateau and jump up. Michael will hang under
onto the branch. At this time, tap jump twice(or more) to have Michael make a
big leap from the branch to the plateau. Open the bush closest to the right
wall. Jump up to the sixth floor. Rescue the child in plain sight. Open the
bush to the left of that girl you rescued. Go to the left wall and open the
bush there. The monkey points you to the right. The boss sends a whole bunch of
zombies on you. The best way to save energy is to stay in the center of the
area. Crouch down and attack zombies when they get near. After dispatching
them, two more zombies hop in. These are special though. Their upper bodies
detach and fly at you! There are three ways to attack. First: Try to attack
them back and forth when they first leap onto the screen. Second: After they
hurl their bodies at you, jump over them, dodge their leap at you and attack
them. Lastly: Stand and have them throw their bodies high at you, at which
point you could duck under them, dodge their leaps, and attack. Hit them each
six times to defeat them.

Round 3-3
9 Children to rescue

*When the level starts, you should see a child in the top-right corner, rescue
her first and the shooting star will come.

Head right and open the bush next to the rising zombie. Head all the way to the
right wall and open the bush there. Jump up on the parrot-infested branches to
the second floor. Go left, until you see the waterfall again. Open the bush you
see. Jump on to the step the child is on. Continue left, and rescue another
child in plain sight. Jump up onto the nearby branches, and onto the third
floor. There is a child in the bush behind the rising zombie to the left. Head
right, passing the waterfall again to rescue yet another child in plain sight.
Jump up to the fourth floor and head left, rescuing the last two children in
plain sight. The monkey will point you to the bottom of the waterfall. This
time, the boss sends two zombies similar to the last two you fought. Except
this time, their upper bodies detach, take to the skies, and rain body parts on
you! The best tactic is to start off with the zombie on the right, attack him
so you send him back. He'll get caught up on a little step in the lake of the
water- fall. Repeat with the other one. If all goes well, you should get hit
only once or less. Six hits will take a zombie down.

Round 4-1
8 Children to rescue

Oy, this is where the game starts getting hard. The enemies start taking three
hits. Start off by going into the door behind the spider web. Rescue the child
within the room and exit.
Head right, jump onto the platform of the next doorway and enter. Rescue the
child and exit. Go right, and into the next room behind webs for another child.
Exit and jump onto the platform of the next doorway you see. Enter, rescue a
child, and exit. Go right, and jump up on the platforms you'll see. Rescue a
child in plain sight at the top. Head left, and enter the door between the two
spiders on the wall. Rescue a child and exit. Go left, jump over the gap, and
enter a door behind spider webs. Rescue the child and exit. Head to the left
wall and enter the door in between the three. Rescue the last child. The monkey
will point you to an area on the first floor close to the waterfall you saw
earlier. The boss sends a whole bunch of those soldiers with guns that take
three hits. Kinda tough, here.

Round 4-2
9 Children to rescue

The rule of heading to the bottom-left of this level will not apply, because it
is so far! Start by going right. Jump the gap and enter the door next to a
wall. Rescue the child and exit. Head down into the gap. Go down a little until
you see a door behind webs. Enter, rescue the child, and exit. Head into the
gap to the left. Once in the pit it leads to, go to the right wall. Push up on
the D-pad to crumble the wall the spider's on. A zombie pops out, dispatch it
and enter the new doorway. Rescue the child and exit. Head left, and jump onto
the platforms, back to the floor you came from. Go left and jump up the small
platforms. Enter the web-covered door, rescue the child, and exit. Go back down
and head down the pit to the left. Drop all the way to the bottom floor. You'll
see another spider on the wall. "Open" it to make the wall crumble. A soldier
jumps out. Enter the opening. Rescue the child and get out. Go right. You'll
see a big stone block you can move by attacking. Hit it to the right twice.
"Open" the spider past the web and enter the opening you make. Rescue a child
and exit. Go right, jump onto the stone you pushed before, then onto the
platform. Jump upwards and left. Enter the doorway behind the web. Rescue the
child and exit. Make your way upwards, past one web- covered doorway, and onto
a platform with a "No" sign. Jump in front of it to make the wall crumble.
Enter the opening, rescue a child, exit. The monkey will point you back to the
center of the bottom floor. The boss sends zombies and spiders this time. Just
crouch under the platform to the left and smack anything that comes near you.

Round 4-3
10 Children to rescue

When the level starts, you'll see another big stone. Move it left. Jump onto
it, up onto the platform, and onto the second floor. Go right. When you see a
spider, "open" it. Enter, rescue the child, exit. Go back left and down, back
to the first floor. Head right, past a web-covered door, a normal door, and
enter the next one you encounter. Rescue the child and exit. Go right, and
enter the waterfall. Rescue the child, exit. Jump onto the platforms until you
reach one with another "No" sign. Jump to crumble the wall once again. Enter,
rescue the child, exit. Head left, onto the second floor, and "open" the spider
near the wall. Enter, rescue the child, exit. Go to the right, onto the
platforms again. Go up to the third floor. Head left and "open" the first
spider you see. Enter, rescue the child, exit. Go left, move the big stone
behind the webs to uncover a door. Enter, rescue the child, exit. Move the big
stone further left. Use it to help you get to the fourth floor. Head right,
"open" the spider on the wall. Enter, rescue the child, exit.  Jump up, onto
the platform route, and to the right. Keep going until you see another "No"
sign. Jump to make it crumble. Enter, rescue the child, exit. Head to the right
until you hit a wall. Enter the door, rescue the child, exit. The monkey will
point you a little left. The boss sics, spiders, zombies, and soldiers! Jump
onto the platform to be safe for picking off zombies. After they're gone, pick
off the others with hit and runs.

Round 5-1
The Enemy Hideout
9 Children to rescue

It's all soldiers in this level. You'll start off at the top-left of this
level, so I'll guide from there. Go down the stairs and head to the door at the
left. Push up on the control panel to open these doors. Head right. When you
see a computer, you can smash it by jumping and attacking it. Destroy every
computer you see, because some deactivate traps.. Keep going right, and down
the stairs.Becareful, though, there are sentry guns that do massive damage.
Once down, Head left. You'll see two "pods" on the ground. Go past the first
one and use the second one by pushing up. It'll warp you somewhere, where there
is a child on the ground and a child hidden in the door. Rescue them. Use the
pod you came from to go back. Now use the one on the right. You'll warp to the
bottom of the level. Head left, and open the door near the pod you'll come
across. Then use the pod. You'll go to a room with a lot of computers and wires
running sparks from them. You'll also rescue a child to the left. Fight your
way right until you hit the wall. Rescue the child there. Use the pod to your
left. You'll end up in a corridor with dumpsters, guards and cameras. Head
right and open the dumpster closest to the right wall. Go all the way to the
left wall and open the last two dumpsters there. The monkey will point you back
to the first staircase you used. The boss sends soldiers on you. Hard to fight
as there are no good hiding spots. All I can say is, hit them before they hit
you. I beat the boss without getting hit once this way.

Round 5-2
The Enemy Hideout
10 Children to rescue

Open the dumpster in front of you. This level will be difficult. Sentry guns
are everywhere!
So, head into the fray. Go right, jump up onto the highest, top-left platform
and open the door. Then go to the top-right platform and rescue the child. Now
to the right, walking against the conveyor belts. Rescue the child on the
ground. Hop onto the top-left platform and open the door. Go to the floor and
head right, past one door, and open the second. Go up the stairs, and head a
little to the right, and open the first door you see. Be careful of sentry guns
overhead. Now go back left, jump on the platform, and jump to the right. Open
the right-most door. Head left, just past the computer and jump up to the
platform. Open the door there. Keep going left, Then jump onto the next
computer you see, then to the platform, then onto the sub-floor. Open the
left-most door there. The monkey will point you down the trapdoor and to the
first conveyor you saw. The boss sends three, very tough, green soldiers on
you. They hop everywhere and do a lot of damage. Plus, some of the sentry guns
respawn and attack you! The only strategy I've found is to jump to the
top-right platform and attack when they jump at you. It is also somewhat easier
to dodge bullets up there. After doing about four hits to each, finish them off
by charging the magic button and throwing you hat if you have the energy.

Round 5-3
The Enemy Hideout
10 Children to rescue

Head all the way to the right, and then use the elevator. Go up. Make a leap
from the balcony to the left. You should rescue a child when you land. Then go
right. Jump the gap with the help of a big stone(hard to notice) on the cliff
side. Rescue the child on that balcony. Now fall down the gap, and open the
first door on your left. Head all the way to the left wall now, rescuing a
child on the ground while you go. Open the door closest to the wall. Head to
the right and use the steps on the cliff face. Use the railing to get up to the
higher step with a child on it. Make your way up and left, to another child.
Fall downwards and left, onto the balcony with a child. Now head back to the
stones at the right. Go up again, but go right this time. Open the door on the
right, and then rescue the child to the right. The monkey points you near the
trapdoor you saw earlier. The boss sends HUNDREDS of green soldiers at you this
time! All seems hopeless...but wait! Push one of the buttons, and you'll morph
into a serious arse kickin' robot! You'll notice enemies only damegae you if
you're hit by lasers, not melee attacks. So run up to them and happy zappin'

Round 6
Michael's Battle Plane

The final level. Your objective is to destroy Mr. Big's ship. He fires little
kamikaze drones at you. You fire some kind of orbs. Use the radar on the bottom
right. The blue dot is Mr. Big. Manuever your ship so the dot is in the
rectangle, which represents your HUD, or what's on the screent. Line up your
shots and fire away, cuz' it's all luck and skill from here. After three hits,
he'll stop the drones, and use orbs like yours and kamikaze himself! At this
time, he becomes more stationary, but after he fires his red orbs and you have
him in your crosshairs, he'll crash into you. Five more hits will do him in.

Congratulations, You've beaten Michael Jackson's Moonwalker!

5. Cheats

Err...contributions anybody?

6. Contact me

If you want to e-mail, use snowflake002@hotmail.com
Flame mail, chain letters, spam, will not be accepted.
Contributions like ASCII art or praise will be accepted and credited

7. Credit

Thanks to Emtrey(m3@lightspeed.net) for locations of some robot triggers

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