Star Wars is perhaps the most influential film ever made, ushering in a new era in the world of film; an age of sci-fi epics and gigantic special effects budgets. Its fandom spans generations, attracting enthusiasts with an array of different talents - including filmmaking.

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With Hollywood's best technology becoming more and more available to the hobbyist cineaste, it's easier than ever for Star Wars aficionados to tell their own stories with characters and settings from the beloved space opera. An awards show has even been held for these "fan films."

Updated on February 24th, 2021 by Melody MacReady: More time goes by and more talented aspiring filmmakers with a love for Star Wars leave their stamp. Whether it's through a short web-series, animated shorts, or short films, nothing will ever stop the passionate creativity of fans. These fan-films will likely continue on for years to come. The fans have actually become so talented that they end up recruiting familiar faces from Star Wars legacy to take part in their projects. They've earned the respect and praise of Lucasfilm, the stars, and other fans alike. Most, if not all of them, can be found right on YouTube and completely free to watch.

TK-436: A Stormtrooper Story (2016)

TK-436 Storming Into Battle - TK-436: A Stormtrooper Story

2016's TK-436: A Stormtrooper Story has the ability to change the viewer's perception of the Star Wars saga as a whole, focusing on the life of a solitary stormtrooper. It is a basic premise that, as the story progresses, leads to some great twists on traditional fan film tropes and an emotional, dramatic overall feel.

The film won several awards and, while it's not as well known as other, more mainstream fan-created Star Wars features,  is still a well-executed, legitimately cinematic treat that any Star Wars fan will enjoy.

Dark Resurrection (2007)

Jedi Wielding Her Yellow Lightsaber - Star Wars: Dark Resurrection

The 2007 Italian Star Wars-based production Dark Resurrection became a sleeper hit when it was first launched on the internet. The film's plot takes place several centuries after the events of the film Return of the Jedi and presents an original tale about young Jedi Hope and her master, who are sent by the Jedi Council to stop Sorran, a dark Jedi Master on a quest for infinite knowledge.

It's a solid, original story - and despite a few problems with its execution, Dark Resurrection is an enjoyable hour of entertainment that's become so popular within the fandom that it's spawned a prequel and a sequel.

Hardware Wars (1978)

The Cast Inside Cockpit - Hardware Wars

The elaborate fan production Hardware Wars is now considered to be the most profitable short film ever made, making nearly $1 million off its tight budget of just $8,000. While at its surface it seems like a somewhat routine Star Wars spoof, it does have some really clever, laugh-out-loud comedy.

George Lucas once said it was his favorite Star Wars parody of all time, and while we'd argue that more advanced creations have since surpassed it in terms of quality, it's still very memorable and will, most likely, continue to be a favorite with the franchise's fans.

Bossk: Scorekeeper (2020)

Bossk With Wookiee Head - Bossk Scorekeeper

Heavily inspired by 1987's Predator, Bossk: Scorekeeper features a group of elite Rebels venturing through a forest being stalked by the Trandoshan bounty hunter. It never hides its inspiration from the viewers but it manages to still work via the filmmakers' execution.

The cinematography is surprisingly beautiful which helps in showing off how well done the costume design is; specifically for the titular villain who looks like he could be straight out of a Lucasfilm production.

Rebel Scum (2016)

Snowtrooper And AT-AT On Hoth - Rebel Scum

The fan film Rebel Scum, named after one of the Star Wars franchise's most famous quotes, details the adventures of a rebel trapped on the icy planet of Hoth during the events of The Empire Strikes Back.

The filmmakers chose to use sophisticated stop-motion animation and scale models to create the film's visuals, rather than the routine CGI effects most low-budget fan productions use. The result is an amazing tribute to the Star Wars saga featuring beautiful landscapes, some great inside jokes, and a sleek, professional feel.

Star Wars: Destroyer (2017)

X-Wings Battling Star Destroyer - Star Wars: Destroyer

While it isn't particularly special or recognized by Star Wars entertainment connoisseurs, Star Wars: Destroyer is still a well-made fan film. The plot revolves around an Imperial Star Destroyer that's been completely decimated by the Rebel Alliance as it barrels towards a nearby planet, becoming a dangerous projectile.

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The Rebel Alliance's X-Wing fighters, despite having just defeated the Empire, only enjoy a brief victory as they are forced to find a way to take down the runaway wreck. Another great Star Wars fan production that manages to feel just like the original, despite not being a big-budget production with a huge studio backing it.

Troops (1997)

Stormtroopers - Troops (1997)

One of the first fan films to become a universal hit, Troops is a parody of the television show COPS, following Imperial Startroopers as they fight crime on the desert planet of Tatooine.

It boasts high-quality voice talent and some of the best Star Wars jokes in a fan production, and the success of the film led to creator Kevin Rubio being enlisted by Lucasfilm to write a comic spoof of Star Wars with his original characters Tag and Bink, who quickly became fan favorites.

The Dark Redemption (1999)

Star Wars: The Dark Redemption Poster Art

The ambitious 1999 fan film The Dark Redemption features one of the coolest characters in the expanded universe of Star Wars - Mara Jade, who in the film is portrayed as a rebel trying to deliver the Death Star plans to other rebels while being held by the Empire on the planet Kessel.

The film runs for about half an hour and boasts great sets, outstanding special effects, and convincing actors - all trademarks of high-quality independent production that can keep everyone - Star Wars fan or not - entertained with its professional-grade value.

Star Wars SC 38 Reimagined (2019)

Darth Vader VS Obi-Wan Kenobi - Star Wars SC 38 Reimagined

The original battle between Obi-Wan and Darth Vader in A New Hope is great for the time. Over the years though, many can agree that it has not aged well. So, FXitinPost used a combination of footage/audio from A New Hope and newly filmed footage so that the fight looks more akin to modern lightsaber battles.

Not only is the choreography a perfect mix of all eras' lightsaber combat but the handling of characters is perfect. It's hard to mess up Vader but with Obi-Wan, his face was recreated digitally and rather well. It's an example of how a special edition could have worked better under fan guidance.

Star Wars: TIE Fighter (2015)

Star Wars TIE Fighter Promo Art

The animated short film Tie Fighter was a massive passion project for its creator, Star Wars fan Paul Johnson, and took nearly four years for him to make. The anime-inspired film follows the pilots of the titular starfighters - which prove the deciding factor in a fight between the Empire and the Rebel Alliance.

It packs a nostalgic 80s vibe complete with a rock soundtrack and some impressive hand-drawn visuals. It looks great and you can definitely tell a lot of effort went into it, plus, it's just seven minutes long - so it's definitely worth your time to watch.

Kenobi - A Star Wars Fan Film (2019)

Kenobi - A Star Wars Fan Film Banner

Megafan Jamie Costa has become famous for several fan films of different franchises. First, he played Han Solo in his own fan-film but in 2019, he went bigger and even better with Kenobi - A Star Wars Fan Film. Before the official Ewan McGregor series could do it, Jamie Costa played Obi-Wan in a story on Tattooine between episodes III and IV.

This fan-film also got the talent of James Arnold Taylor, the voice of Obi-Wan across many animated shows and games to play an Imperial villain. From the cast to the cinematography to even the special effects, every party involved did their job splendidly. Many hope that the Disney+ series takes notes from the short film and Jamie Costa.

Shadow Of The Republic (2020)

Clone Commando Squadron - Shadow Of The Republic

Filmed entirely through motion-performance and CGI, Shadow Of The Republic is a love letter to the game Star Wars: Republic Commando. The six-minute film features a squad of Commandos attempting to extract a senator being held as a hostage.

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This fan-made film suffers from one flaw: it's way too short. That's a testament to the quality as not only is the CGI beautifully done but it shows the potential of Star Wars stories taking a war movie approach. There is even a nice twist in there with some political commentary on blindly following orders.

Star Wars: Revelations (2005)

Star Wars: Revelations Poster Art

This fan film seeks to explain the absence of the Jedi Order in the original trilogy by creating a new story taking place between Revenge of the Sith and A New Hope, sprinkling in some delightful visuals and a complicated plotline during its massive forty-seven-minute runtime, which highlights its care and dedication.

While the film can be appreciated by anyone, it's careful to appease the fans by including blink-and-you-miss-it moments that pay homage to key elements of the Star Wars saga, and with its great production value, Star Wars: Revelations is a fan film classic that has all the trappings of a canon Star Wars film.

Darth Maul: Apprentice (2016)

Darth Maul In Battle - Darth Maul: Apprentice

The eighteen-minute fan short Darth Maul: Apprentice, produced on a $25,000 budget, follows the titular villain as he trains to become a Sith under the most universally evil character in the entirety of Star Wars, Darth Sidious himself. Ben Schamma plays Maul and he nails the intimidation factor of both Ray Park and Sam Witwer.

The fan project has some great homages to the Star Wars fandom and lore, and its great battle sequences and impressive computer-generated visuals genuinely rival those of the franchise it was based on in terms of creativity and flair.

Vader Episode 1: Shards Of The Past (2018)

Darth Vader On Naboo - Shards Of The Past

It's become one of the most universally-admired fan films of all time - and a testament to the dedication of those motivated only by their love for the source material. YouTuber and Star Wars lore aficionado Star Wars Theory created this fan film with much love for the character and the prequel era.

Delving into more of a character study of Darth Vader, Shards Of The Past takes place just months after the events of Revenge Of The Sith. Vader is still battling the light of Anakin deep inside him. With a rather impressive cast and shockingly good effects, the first Vader episode was released to instant love from the community.

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