JUSTIN NURSE RESPONDS AFTER LOSING DAUGHTER – 2oceansvibe News | South African and international news

    Some of you have already heard the tragic news about the death of Vanilla, the daughter of Laugh It Off founder, Justin Nurse and partner Camilla.


    Rest in peace,
    beautiful little girl


    I had lunch with Justin the day before the accident and chose not to write about this sad event on 2oceansvibe. I simply wouldn’t know what to say – it just seemed so surreal. So impossible! He had just told me during that lunch how excited he was about his daughter’s birthday the next day – the very day they lost her.

    But Justin emailed me today, which has prompted this post.

    To fill you in, here is the story from The Times. We’ll chat again after that:


    Little daughter of T-shirt satirist dies after mother wrenches her from burning vehicle.

    THE two-year-old daughter of Laugh It Off founder Justin Nurse died on Wednesday despite her mother’s heroic efforts to rescue her from a burning car.

    It was Vanilla Nurse’s second birthday.

    She was trapped in the family’s Honda Jazz outside their home in Kommetjie, near Cape Town, when the vehicle inexplicably burst into flames.

    Camilla Colley, Nurse’s partner and the mother of Vanilla and four-month-old Willow, had just returned from a midday shopping trip when the car caught fire. Nurse was at home at the time.

    Saul Kornik, a close friend of Nurse, told The Times that Colley had just finished unpacking her shopping when she heard the car alarm.

    “She rushed outside and found the car in flames,” said Kornik. “She tried to save Vanilla and managed to get her out of the car,” he said.

    Colley, 28, sustained second- and third-degree burns while trying desperately to wrench her daughter out of her car seat.


    The charred remains of the Honda Jazz
    Which, essentially, spontaneously combusted


    She was admitted overnight to Vincent Pallotti Hospital and was discharged yesterday.

    The family are trying to come to terms with the tragedy at the Stellenbosch wine farm of Colley’s parents, Susan and John.

    Susan Colley said her granddaughter was beautiful and always laughing: “She was an angel.”

    Satirist Nurse is best known for his fight for freedom of speech. He triumphed against beer giant SA Breweries when it took him to court in 2003 over his “Black Labour, White Guilt” spoof T-shirts, a parody on Black Label beer.

    He and Colley met at the Grahamstown Arts Festival three years ago .

    Nurse’s father, Richard, said his 32-year-old son was “putting on a brave face” but was going to need a lot of help .

    “We’ve got to get the pain and suffering out. Their four-month-old is going to be the catalyst. I think that is going to help them grow strong together,” he said.

    Richard Nurse said most of Colley’s burns were superficial.

    Kornik said Nurse did not want to speak to the media and asked that the family’s privacy be respected, at least until after Vanilla’s funeral at the weekend.

    Police spokesman Inspector November Filander said the child was taken to hospital and declared dead on arrival.

    It is not known what caused the car to ignite.

    “We are waiting for forensic investigators to find out why the car went up in flames,” Filander said.

    The vehicle was taken to Fish Hoek police station. Kornik said the couple bought the Honda about five months ago, but he was unsure if it was a new or used car.

    Honda SA managing director Yoshiaki Nakamura said the company was deeply saddened to hear of the tragic death and Colley’s injuries.

    “We are co-operating fully with the forensic investigator in order to determine the cause of this tragedy,” he said.

    An inquest docket has been opened.

    [more here]


    Justin tells 2oceansvibe: “Vanilla was an angel who brought bliss, joy, light and love to all she met – even strangers. She beamed wonder, humour and amazement back at a world that can be cruel and unkind. She came in to this world a pure bundle of joy; and, two years later on her birthday, she has departed, still innocent. Time will hopefully heal our pain, and while nothing will ever replace her, we will strive to celebrate our lives, savouring each moment, consciously, in honour of her. “

    So I’m writing this today because, while the family is obviously trying to deal with this massive blow privately in there own way, Justin managed to muster a very short email. In honour of Vanilla, as well as to warn others about this bizarre event which may have had to do with some kind of technical/electrical and or manufacturer fault with the car, a Honda Jazz.

    Have any of you ever heard of this kind of thing happening? Of cars (the Honda Jazz or any other) spontaneously combusting?

    *Readers should feel free to leave tributes or notes to the family below. This is obviously a very sensitive time for them and will allow them to receive the comments in their own time.

    *Our thoughts are with the family during this very sad time. Lots of love from 2oceansvibe.

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