The Meaning Behind The Song: Orpheus by Sara Bareilles - Old Time Music
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The Meaning Behind The Song: Orpheus by Sara Bareilles

The Powerful Lyrics of Orpheus


In 2010, Sara Bareilles released her third studio album, Kaleidoscope Heart, which boasted hits like “King of Anything” and “Uncharted.” However, one song on the album that often goes underappreciated is “Orpheus.” The song showcases Bareilles’ powerful vocals and poignant lyrics, leaving listeners with a message that resonates long after the song has ended. In this article, we take a deep dive into the meaning behind “Orpheus” and what makes it such a powerful ballad.

The Story of Orpheus

The mythological story of Orpheus dates back to ancient Greece. Orpheus was a talented musician and poet who fell in love with Eurydice, a beautiful nymph. However, tragedy struck when Eurydice was bitten by a snake and died. Distraught, Orpheus decided to descend into the underworld to try and bring her back to life.

Through the power of his music, Orpheus was able to convince Hades, the god of the underworld, to allow him to take Eurydice back to the world of the living. However, there was a catch: Orpheus was not allowed to look back at Eurydice until they had reached the surface. Sadly, Orpheus lost his resolve and turned back to look at Eurydice, causing her to be pulled back into the underworld forever.

The Lyrics of “Orpheus”

In her song “Orpheus,” Bareilles draws parallels between the mythical story of Orpheus and modern-day relationships. The lyrics paint a picture of a relationship that is struggling to survive, with one person fighting to bring the other back to life:

“Don’t stop, don’t break, we’re in the homestretch
Don’t wait, don’t fade, be at my defense
Don’t lose faith, this pain’s passing by
We’ll be dancing soon in the Orpheum”

The first verse of the song sets the scene for the struggle that the narrator is facing in their relationship. They are in the “homestretch,” meaning that they are close to the end but are desperately fighting to keep the relationship alive. The narrator calls on their partner to “be at my defense,” indicating that they feel like they are fighting this battle alone.

But despite the pain and struggle, the narrator has not lost faith. They know that the pain is only temporary and that they will soon be “dancing soon in the Orpheum.” The use of the word “Orpheum” is a nod to the mythological story of Orpheus, who was known for his music and dancing.

The Bridge of “Orpheus”

The bridge of “Orpheus” is where the song truly shines. In this section, Bareilles uses powerful imagery to convey the pain of a relationship that is falling apart:

“Hold on, I promise you’re not alone
We’re stumbling, but we’re in this on our own
Our love is stronger than this
You see, they think we’re not going to last
But we’ll blow them away, they’ll see
They’re wrong”

The narrator acknowledges that the relationship is “stumbling,” but assures their partner that they are not alone in this struggle. The line “Our love is stronger than this” packs a powerful punch, instilling hope in the listener that there is still a chance to save the relationship.

However, the narrator knows that there are doubters who believe that their relationship is doomed. But they confidently assert that they will “blow them away” and prove them wrong.

The Chorus of “Orpheus”

The chorus of “Orpheus” is a simple but effective one, highlighting the theme of hope in the face of adversity:

“Don’t let me go, don’t let me go
Don’t let me go, don’t let me go
Don’t let me go, don’t let me go
Don’t let me go, don’t let me go”

The repetition of the line “Don’t let me go” emphasizes the importance of holding on to hope and not giving up on the relationship. The use of the word “go” also draws a parallel to the story of Orpheus and his attempt to bring Eurydice back from the underworld.

The Conclusion of “Orpheus”

In the final verse of “Orpheus,” the narrator reflects on the struggles that they have faced in the relationship, but acknowledges that they were necessary to get to where they are now:

“What if the worst is true?
What if there’s nothing left for me to lose?
I’ll keep on climbing, I’ll start anew
‘Cause the moment that I stop is the moment that I lose”

The narrator recognizes that there is a possibility that the relationship may fail, but they are willing to take that risk in order to keep fighting for it. They vow to keep climbing and start anew, even if it means risking everything.


In “Orpheus,” Sara Bareilles delivers a powerful message of hope and perseverance. The song draws on the mythological story of Orpheus to convey the struggle of modern-day relationships, with the narrator fighting to bring their partner back to life. Through poignant lyrics and powerful imagery, “Orpheus” instills hope in the listener that it is never too late to fight for a relationship.

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