RJC, Democratic Majority for Israel denounce Biden arms embargo - JNS.org
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RJC, Democratic Majority for Israel denounce Biden arms embargo

“History will judge Biden harshly for this dereliction of responsibility to our friend and partner Israel,” the RJC leadership stated.

U.S. President Joe Biden. Credit: White House.
U.S. President Joe Biden. Credit: White House.

On April 15, the Republican Jewish Coalition and Democratic Majority for Israel issued an unusual joint statement condemning Iran for attacking Israel. Last week, the two groups individually criticized the U.S. President Joe Biden’s decision to withhold weapons from Israel.

“Joe Biden has cemented his legacy as the worst president for the Jewish community and the State of Israel ever,” stated Norm Coleman and Matt Brooks, respectively national chairman and CEO of the RJC.

“By withholding critical military aid to the Jewish state as it fights a war for its very survival, Biden is effectively siding with Iran and its terrorist proxies over Israel,” the RJC leaders stated. “This is an unprecedented, shameful and despicable betrayal of a key ally and vital security partner at the worst possible time.”

“History will judge Biden harshly for this dereliction of responsibility to our friend and partner Israel,” they added.

Mark Mellman, president and CEO of the Democratic Majority for Israel, praised Biden’s “unprecedented support for Israel and its security.”

“At the same time, we are deeply concerned about the administration’s decision to withhold weapons now and potentially impose further restrictions,” Mellman stated.

“A strong U.S.-Israel alliance like the one President Biden has created, plays a central role in preventing more war and making the path to eventual peace possible,” he added. “Calling the strength of that alliance into question is dangerous.”

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