
King Misuzulu's livelihood under threat!

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The Pietermaritzburg High Court will hear Prince Mbonisi Zulu's application against King Misuzulu. Photo by Jabulani Langa
The Pietermaritzburg High Court will hear Prince Mbonisi Zulu's application against King Misuzulu. Photo by Jabulani Langa

KING Misuzulu overcame a significant challenge from his half-brother Prince Simakade Zulu to take the throne in 2023, and his uncle Prince Mbonisi now faces a new legal battle in the Zulu royal house. 

His uncle Prince Mbonisi Zulu seeks a court order to prevent King Misuzulu from receiving benefits from government and Ingonyama Trust, arguing that his legitimacy is still under dispute.

On Thursday, 16 May, and Friday, 17 May, the Pietermaritzburg High Court is set to consider an application from Prince Mbonisi to strip King Misuzulu of the financial benefits he currently receives from government. 

Despite the ongoing legal challenges, King Misuzulu continues to receive his monthly salary and other government perks. This follows President Cyril Ramaphosa's request for leave to appeal the North Gauteng High Court's decision, which declared his recognition of King Misuzulu as Zulu king unlawful and invalid.

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In December 2023, the High Court found President Ramaphosa's decision to recognise Misuzulu as Zulu king to be unlawful and invalid. However, he has stated that pending his appeal, King Misuzulu will remain the rightful heir to the throne.

Prince Mbonisi is also contesting King Misuzulu's benefit from Ingonyama Trust Board, which generates significant revenue through the use of land belonging to the Zulu nation. It's believed King Misuzulu, who recently dismissed Ingonyama Trust Board chairman Inkosi Thanduyise Mzimela and appointed himself as the new chairman, is reaping benefits from both government and Ingonyama Trust Board.

Since ascending to the Zulu throne following the deaths of his parents, King Zwelithini and Princess Mantfombi Dlamini in 2021, King Misuzulu has faced numerous challenges. 

Earlier this year, Prince Mbonisi, who supported Prince Buzabazi Zulu for the throne, took King Misuzulu and Ramaphosa to the North Gauteng Court, challenging the recognition of King Misuzulu. 

Prince Simakade also challenged the decision, leading to a ruling that Ramaphosa's recognition of King Misuzulu was invalid and unlawful.

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