El Paso's Greatest Unsolved Mystery

El Paso's Greatest Unsolved Mystery

El Paso Times
El Paso Times

Sixty years ago, a neighbor of William and Margaret Patterson took boxes of Girl Scout cookies to their home and, feeling unwelcome, soon left.

That was the last time anyone saw the Kern Place couple — and the last lead detectives had in solving the mystery behind the couple's disappearance.

"I took some cookies to Mrs. Patterson, and she seemed very upset," Jeri Cash told the El Paso Times in a March 18, 2013, article. "It was the only time I had talked to her. The couple tended to keep to themselves. The husband seemed unhappy that I was in the house, and I left soon after leaving the cookies with her. She was a tiny (petite) woman, and he always came across as mean and unfriendly."

The Pattersons, who lived in the 3000 block of Piedmont Drive, were last seen between March 5 and 6, 1957, according to police records.

The Pattersons' disappearance remains one of El Paso's great unsolved mysteries. It's still an open case.

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