How can I access my Quickstart and/or training videos? - Performance Golf Frequently Asked Questions

How can I access my Quickstart and/or training videos?

To get started, simply log in by visiting:

If you require any assistance with your login credentials, please don't hesitate to reach out to our dedicated customer support team at They'll be happy to assist.

Once logged in, locate the "My Training Courses" tab. You'll find this conveniently positioned on the main dashboard upon logging in or in the left-hand menu. This is where you'll discover your valuable training videos, including any additional courses you may have ordered. By clicking the "Access Training" button, you can instantly unlock the course of your choice.

As you scroll down the page, each lesson within the course will be presented. To begin, simply click the button next to the desired lesson ā€“ even if you've previously completed it. This will seamlessly transport you to the Lesson video. Here, you have the flexibility to play the video, mark it as complete, and easily navigate between different video segments.

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