Anna Camp on Darker Roles, Bride Hard, & the Post Economic Collapse America of NEO-DOME
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Anna Camp on Darker Roles, Bride Hard, & the Post Economic Collapse America of NEO-DOME

Pitch Perfect actress Anna Camp talks Neo-Dome, Bride Hard, & Hysteria

Anna Camp joins Kyle Meredith to discuss her latest project, Neo-Dome, a film that follows a woman's journey towards a utopian dome in a post-economic collapse America. As both an actress and producer on the project, Camp shares insights into the decision to shoot a pilot for a potential series and her desire to take on darker roles, particularly after her involvement in the horror film From Black.

Camp provides a glimpse into the world of Neo-Dome, highlighting the challenges of shooting in the desert heat and the creative choices made to evoke a sense of place and atmosphere. Drawing inspiration from filmmakers like the Coen brothers, she discusses her approach to character development, including leaning into her southern accent for authenticity.

Looking ahead, Camp previews her upcoming projects, including Bride Hard alongside Pitch Perfect co-star Rebel Wilson and Justin Hartley, as well as Hysteria, a Peacock series exploring the late 80s satanic panic.

Kyle is the WFPK Music Director. Email Kyle at

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