Rin - Japanese boy(male) name meanings | Japanese Names .info

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Japanese boy(male) name Rin
Click to speech りんShare this page

  • Gender:Male
  • Hiraganatip:りん
  • Katakanatip:リン
  • English transcriptionstip:Rin, Lin
  • Nickname examplestip:

    Rinchan(りんちゃん)Click to speech りんちゃんRinkun( りんくん)Click to speech  りんくんRintan( りんたん)Click to speech  りんたん

Names and Meanings by Kanji - 13 variations

In Japanese, there is a culture of kanji which is a set of characters that originated from Chinese characters, and the meaning of the name changes according to the choice of kanji characters.
The more numerous variations of kanji, the more common name is in Japan. On the other hand, a name with very few variations in kanji is unique and rare to the Japanese.
For Rin, kanji choices are listed below, sorted by the total number of Good!

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- Rin -

Share林 - Rin -

means "woods, forest."

  • Forest - A place where trees and bamboo grow in abundance.

  • Abundance - A large number or quantity.

  • Prosperity - A state of being successful and thriving.

Name ideas examples

  • Forest - This kanji that symbolizes strength, growth, and resilience.

  • Abundance - This kanji that symbolizes abundance, wealth, and plenty.

  • Prosperity - This kanji that symbolizes success, prosperity, and good fortune.

- Rin -

Share麟 - Rin -

means "unicorn, mythical animal."

  • The kanji 麟 is used in the word "麒麟" which is an imaginary animal. It is said that when a sage appears in the world, it will show a shining figure. "麒" is male and "麟" is female.

Name ideas examples

  • Brilliance - This kanji conveys a sense of brightness and radiance, which is a desirable quality for a baby.

  • Divine - The kanji is associated with a mythical creature that is said to appear when a saint appears in the world, so it can be seen as a sign of divine blessing.

  • Strength - The kanji is associated with a mythical creature that is said to be strong and powerful, so it can be seen as a sign of strength and power.

  • Wisdom - The kanji is associated with a mythical creature that is said to be wise and knowledgeable, so it can be seen as a sign of wisdom and knowledge.

  • Harmony - The kanji is associated with a mythical creature that is said to bring harmony and balance to the world, so it can be seen as a sign of harmony and balance.

- Rin -

Share稟 - Rin -

means "application, petition, report."

Name ideas examples

  • Receive, Accept - To receive something from above to below, symbolizing the acceptance of a new life.

  • Support, Endowment - To provide support or endowment, symbolizing the support of a new life.

  • Innate, Inborn - Innate or inborn qualities given from heaven, symbolizing the divine nature of a new life.

- Rin -

Share臨 - Rin -

means "to face, to confront, to attend, to be present."

  • To face - To face a situation or person directly, to confront.

  • To view - To look down from a high place, to observe.

  • To visit - To go to a place, especially when a high-ranking person does so.

  • To rule - To govern, to have authority over.

  • To capture - To take a picture of something exactly as it appears.

  • To mourn - To express grief, especially during a funeral ceremony.

Name ideas examples

  • To face - It conveys the idea of facing life's challenges with courage and strength.

  • To look down from a high place - It conveys the idea of having a broad perspective and looking at the world from a higher point of view.

  • To visit a place - It conveys the idea of being open to new experiences and exploring the world.

  • To rule - It conveys the idea of having the strength and wisdom to lead and make decisions.

  • To capture an image - It conveys the idea of capturing moments and memories that will last a lifetime.

  • To cry at a funeral - It conveys the idea of honoring those who have passed and showing respect for the deceased.

- Rin -

Share倫 - Rin -

means "ethics, morals, principles."

  • Relationship - A relationship between people that is proper and orderly.

  • Order - The order in which things should be done.

  • Kindred - People of the same kind or group.

  • Courtesy - Acting in a polite and respectful manner.

Name ideas examples

  • Relationship - This kanji that symbolizes the strong bond between parents and their child.

  • Order - This kanji that reflects the importance of following the right path in life.

  • Kindred - This kanji that reflects the connection between family members.

  • Courtesy - This kanji that reflects the importance of being polite and respectful.

- Rin -

Share凛 - Rin -

means "dignity, majesty, awe-inspiring."

  • Cold - A coldness that makes one's body tense.

  • Impressive - An awe-inspiring and dignified presence.

  • Stately - A stately and dignified presence.

Name ideas examples

  • Cold - This kanji that conveys a sense of coolness and strength.

  • Impressive - This kanji that conveys a sense of awe and grandeur.

  • Stately - This kanji that conveys a sense of dignity and grace.

- Rin -

Share凜 - Rin -

means "dignity, coldness, coolness."

  • Cold - A coldness that makes one's body tense.

  • Impressive - An awe-inspiring and dignified presence.

  • Stately - A stately and dignified presence.

Name ideas examples

  • Cold - This kanji that conveys a sense of coolness and strength.

  • Impressive - This kanji that conveys a sense of grandeur and power.

  • Stately - This kanji that conveys a sense of dignity and grace.

- Rin -

Share琳 - Rin -

means "jade, precious stone."

  • Beautiful Gem - Refers to a beautiful gem or jewel.

  • Resonance - Describes the sound made when two gems or jewels come into contact with each other.

Name ideas examples

  • Beautiful Gem - It conveys the idea of something precious and beautiful.

  • Shining Jewel - This kanji implies that the baby is a source of light and beauty, and is something to be treasured.

  • Radiant Pearl - This kanji suggests that the baby is a source of radiance and beauty, and is something to be cherished.

  • Glittering Diamond - This kanji implies that the baby is a source of sparkle and brilliance, and is something to be admired.

  • Charming Jade - This kanji suggests that the baby is a source of charm and grace, and is something to be admired.

  • Melodious Bell - This kanji implies that the baby is a source of music and harmony, and is something to be celebrated.

- Rin -

Share綾 - Rin -

means "damask, twill, silk fabric."

  • A silk fabric with a beautiful pattern.

  • A pattern where lines intersect diagonally.

Name ideas examples

  • Pattern - This kanji symbolizes a pattern of intersecting lines, which could be a meaningful name for a baby. It could represent the idea of a unique and intricate pattern of life, or the idea of a beautiful and intricate design that will be unique to the individual.

  • Silk - The kanji also symbolizes a type of silk fabric, which could be a meaningful name for a baby. It could represent the idea of a luxurious and beautiful fabric that will be unique to the individual, or the idea of a delicate and intricate fabric that will be unique to the individual.

  • Beauty - The kanji also symbolizes beauty, which could be a meaningful name for a baby. It could represent the idea of a beautiful and intricate design that will be unique to the individual, or the idea of a delicate and intricate beauty that will be unique to the individual.

- Rin -

Share輪 - Rin -

means "circle, ring."

  • Wheel - A circular object, often used to refer to the wheels of a vehicle.

  • Vehicle - A counting word used to refer to a vehicle.

  • Circulate - To move around in a circle.

  • In sequence - To take turns.

  • Surroundings - The shape or form of something.

  • Vertical - Referring to the north and south.

  • Grand - A large and impressive scale.

  • Flower - A counting word used to refer to a flower.

Name ideas examples

  • Circulate - To move around in a circle, symbolizing the idea of a baby's life being full of movement and growth.

  • Grand - A large and impressive scale, symbolizing the idea of a baby's life being full of potential and greatness.

  • Surroundings - The shape or form of something, symbolizing the idea of a baby's life being full of beauty and harmony.

- Rin -

Share鈴 - Rin -

means "bell."

  • Bell - A ringing instrument that is shaken or struck.

Name ideas examples

  • Chime - A pleasant ringing sound, often associated with joy and celebration.

  • Harmony - A pleasing combination of elements that create a unified whole.

  • Melody - A pleasing succession of musical notes.

- Rin -

Share隣 - Rin -

means "neighbor, next to."

Name ideas examples

  • Close - Suggesting a strong bond between the baby and their family and friends.

  • Adjacent - Suggesting that the baby will always be close to their loved ones.

  • Connected - Suggesting that the baby will always be connected to their family and friends.

  • Approaching - Suggesting that the baby will always be open to new experiences and people.

りん- Rin -

Shareりん - Rin -

Hiragana and katakana, which are phonetic but without inherent meaning.

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Love for Ukraine

Supporting Ukraine Kids together

As the situation in Ukraine escalates, I feel with emotions too overwhelming to name. There are many children in Ukraine whose homes have been destroyed and without food and water. Gentle support is needed.

Please donate to Save the Children.

According to Google Analytics, Japanese Names.info has been visited from 217 countries and regions for 30 days. Of course, Ukrainian and Russian users are also included.

For the kind Russian people

Apparently this isn't broadcast on Russian TV, but what the Russian government is doing isn't actually a peacekeeping operation, but is more correctly described as an invasion and looting of your relative's country, Ukraine.

The only power that can change the reality in Ukraine is for the Russian people to speak out. Please touch the world media outside of Russia to see how your government is causing the tragic situation. Thank you for a peaceful world!

e.g. UNICEF, Red Cross