Flight Time Calculator + Online Solver With Free Steps

Flight Time Calculator + Online Solver With Free Steps

The online Flight Time Calculator is a calculator that allows you to find the duration of a flight from one city to another.

The Flight Time Calculator is a powerful tool that helps individuals find the estimated flight time.

flight time calculator

What Is a Flight Time Calculator?

The Flight Time Calculator is an online tool that helps you calculate the estimated flight duration between two cities.

The Flight Time Calculator has two inputs to operate: the departure city and the arrival city of the aircraft.

The Flight Time Calculator instantly displays the results after you click the “Submit” button.

How To Use a Flight Time Calculator?

You can easily use the Flight Time Calculator by adding the departure and arrival cities and clicking the “Submit” button.

The detailed step-by-step instructions on using the Flight Time Calculator are given below:

Step 1

First, we add the name of the departure city to the Flight Time Calculator.

Step 2

After adding the departure city, we add the arrival city name in the Flight Time Calculator.

Step 3

Finally, after adding the departure and arrival cities into the Flight Time Calculator, we click the “Submit” button. The calculator then finds the distance between these two cities and provides the distance between them and the flight time.

How Does a Flight Time Calculator Work?

The Flight Time Calculator works by taking in the inputs and calculating the aircraft’s flight time. The Flight Time Calculator uses the distance between the two destinations and divides it by the aircraft’s speed to get the time formula. The Flight Time Calculator uses the following equation to compute the flight time:

\[ \text{Flight Time} = \frac{\text{Distance}}{\text{Speed of aircraft}} \]

History of Airplanes

Airplanes have been around for around two centuries. Planes have provided us with a fast and safe mode of transportation. We can travel thousands of miles in just a few hours. We will look back at some key advancements that led to modern aircraft development.

The First Airplane

The Wright brothers developed the first practical airplane in 1903. Despite numerous prior attempts, some of which were successful, the innovation of the Wright brothers allowed for a sustained, powered flight that could be under control.

The plane flew for about twelve seconds and covered 120 feet. This was groundbreaking at the time.

War and Planes

Airplanes were quickly adopted as war weapons in World War One. Airplanes proved to be successful in crossing enemy lines and allowing an aerial strike. 

The United States was actively involved in World War I in the summer of 1917 and was highly concerned about the destruction of Allied ships by German submarines. The Navy created a series of patrol planes that could take off from the ocean after becoming convinced that aviation may be a useful anti-submarine weapon.

Between the start and end of the war, the flying boat’s performance, range, and armament improved dramatically. However, these aircraft demonstrated effectiveness, although the fuel and depth charge carrying capacities were constrained.

By 1939, all-metal monoplanes with retractable landing gear were the primary combat aircraft of the major nations. Fighters could exceed 560 km/h, while some bombers could fly at speeds of more than 400 km/h thanks to engines that produced at least 1,000 horsepower and were supercharged to allow flight at heights above 9,000 meters.

The first generation includes subsonic jets created between the middle of the 1940s and the middle of the 1950s. The jet engine was the most crucial feature. The ME 262 was the first fighter jet in use. Even though the construction was far from ideal, it showed a new direction for growth.

Technological advances and knowledge gathered from aerial combat over Asia led to the development of the second generation of fighter jets. New research has improved aeronautical understanding, materials, and avionic advancements. Radars were added to new aircraft, allowing air-to-air missiles to be used as the primary weapon.

The third generation continued developing air-guided missiles, sophisticated avionics, and aerodynamic performance. Air-to-air missiles, radar systems, and maneuverability all had to create due to dogfights.

Most fourth-generation fighter jets are multipurpose machines—fly-by-wire systems, in particular, improved maneuverability at the expense of aerodynamic instability.

Passenger Aircrafts

After the creation of airplanes, it was not long before planes became an essential mode of transportation; thus, the commercialization of aircraft began. 

Following World War I, numerous people started running commercial aircraft. But because of their enormous operating expenses, each of these early attempts was unsuccessful. Carrying either people or cargo was not profitable enough for airlines. 

They required financial assistance—subsidies—until organizational and technical advances could help them become self-sufficient and lucrative.

The airline business had reached maturity by the 1930s, and huge, consolidated national airlines had been founded, offering regular, global international services. Multiple-engine aircraft could now comfortably transport dozens of passengers.

Modern American jet travel began with the introduction of the sleek 707 aircraft, manufactured by Seattle-based Boeing and praised for its comfort, speed, and safety. The elongated, swept-wing aircraft were initially delivered to a commercial airline by Pan American Airways, which then started daily service between New York and Paris.

Today, airplanes can carry hundreds of passengers and fly them thousands of miles. Planes have changed how we travel around the world.

Solved Examples

The Flight Time Calculator quickly provides you with the flight duration of a flight.

Here are some examples solved using the Flight Time Calculator:

Example 1

A travel agent needs to figure out how long a flight will take if it departs from New York and arrives in London. Using the Flight Time Calculator, find the duration of the flight.


We use the Flight Time Calculator to calculate the flight time easily. First, we enter the departure city of the aircraft in the Flight Time Calculator; the departure city is New York. After entering the departure city, we enter the arrival city into the calculator; the arrival city is London.

Finally, after entering all inputs in the Flight Time Calculator, we click the “Submit” button. The Flight Time Calculator quickly displays the results below the calculator screen. The results include the flight time and the distance between the two cities.

The following results are generated from the Flight Time Calculator:


Aircraft (550 mph) = 6 hours 20 minutes

Sound = 4 hours 35 minutes

Light in fiber = 26 ms (milliseconds)

Light in Vacuum = 19 ms (milliseconds)


5585 km (kilometers)

Example 2

While making travel plans, a family needs to calculate the flight duration from Tokyo to Berlin. Using the Flight Time Calculator, find the course of the flight.


We quickly determine the flight time using the Flight Time Calculator. The flight time calculator is first used to enter Tokyo as the aircraft’s departure city. We first enter the departing city into the calculator, then enter the arriving town, Berlin.

We click the “Submit” button after inputting all the information into the Flight Time Calculator. Below the calculator screen, the Flight Time Calculator displays the results rapidly. The distance and flight time between the two cities are included in the results.

The following results are extracted from the Flight Time Calculator:


Aircraft (550 mph) = 10 hours 5 minutes

Sound = 7 hours 20 minutes

Light in fiber = 42 ms (milliseconds)

Light in Vacuum = 30 ms (milliseconds)


8945 km (kilometers)

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