Civil Cases | Definition, Types & Example - Lesson |
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Civil Cases | Definition, Types & Example

Chantraale Price, Erin Krcatovich, Lesley Chapel
  • Author
    Chantraale Price

    Chantraale Price has taught elementary (first and second grades) and middle school (Social Studies) for over seven years. She has a bachelor’s degree from Georgia State University in Urban Policy Studies with a specialty in Human Resources. She has also earned her master’s degree in Early Childhood Education from Grand Canyon University.

  • Instructor
    Erin Krcatovich

    Erin teaches undergraduate and graduate classes in Political Science, Public Policy, and Public Administration and has a PhD in Political Science.

  • Expert Contributor
    Lesley Chapel

    Lesley has taught American and World History at the university level for the past seven years. She has a Master's degree in History.

Explain the purpose of Civil Court. Identify types/examples of civil cases that are presented before Civil Court. Compare civil cases to criminal cases. Updated: 11/21/2023
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Prompts About Civil Court:

Study Prompt:

Make a set of flashcards containing the definitions of all of the bolded terms from the lesson (civil court, plaintiff, defendant, complaint, answer, discovery, arbiter, mediator, burdens of proof).

Example: An answer is a defendant's response to the plaintiff's initial complaint.

Graphic Organizer Prompt 1:

Create a poster, chart, or some other type of graphic organizer that explains what a civil court is, who the parties in it are, and the process to begin a civil case.

Example: One step in the beginning is that a formal summons is provided to the defendant.

Graphic Organizer Prompt 2:

Make a chart, poster, or some other type of graphic organizer that lists and briefly describes the differences between a civil court and a criminal court.

Example: Punishments are different in civil courts versus criminal courts.

Essay Prompt 1:

Write an essay of approximately one page that explains the pretrial process in a civil case and why it can take so long. Also make sure your essay explains why it is relatively uncommon for civil cases to make it all the way to trial.

Example: Mediators often help both parties come to a resolution so that a trial is not necessary.

Essay Prompt 2:

In about two to three paragraphs, write an essay that describes how a civil case proceeds in trial.

Example: Each side has witnesses testify.

What are civil courts used for?

A civil court is an institution created by the government to resolve disputes or arguments between two or more people.

What are the three most common types of civil cases?

The three most common types of civil cases presented in civil court are:

  • Tort Claims
  • Breach of Contract
  • Landlord/Tenant Issues

What are two examples of a civil case?

  • A person injured in a motor vehicle accident sues the driver of the vehicle.
  • An employee sues his employer after falling at work, injuring his leg and being unable to work.

There are two types of court: civil court and criminal court. A civil court is an institution created by the government to resolve disputes or arguments between two or more people. However, criminal courts handle criminal offenses in which a case is filed against a person for a crime committed. The state initiates criminal matters. A criminal case starts when a police officer arrests someone for breaking the law.

Cases that are handled in civil court include:

  • Damage to property
  • Probate issues
  • Family issues
  • Divorce
  • Landlord and tenant disputes
  • Juvenile misconduct
  • Back rent
  • Unpaid personal loans

Civil court resolves noncriminal issues between two or more parties.


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  • 0:01 Civil Courts
  • 0:46 Civil Court Process
  • 2:42 Comparison
  • 4:37 Lesson Summary

Courts handle two types of disputes: civil and criminal. A civil case is a dispute between two citizens in which one person sues another. It includes description of incident, assignment of blame and request for a specific remedy. The plaintiff, or accuser, brings the case to civil court and usually asks for money in compensation for damages caused by the defendant, or the accused.

Let's consider this example: Robert needed extra money to improve his business he recently started. A longtime friend of his agreed to invest $5,000 in his business. The agreement was for Robert to repay the money invested along with interest within six months from the day the loan was agreed upon. Robert, however, failed to uphold the agreement and did not pay back the money. How should this matter be handled? This is a clear example of how civil cases originate.

Let's look at another example of a civil case.

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Below are types of civil cases. The three most common civil cases are tort claims, contract breaches and landlord/tenant issues.

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Below are the general stages of a civil suit and terms often found within those stages.

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Below are examples of civil cases.

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Courts are designed to fairly and peaceably enforce laws and settle disputes. Courts decide whether a person or organization accused of a crime is guilty or innocent and determine the punishment for those who are found guilty. The nature of a dispute or offense will determine if cases are classified as a civil case or criminal case.

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Video Transcript

Civil Courts

A civil court handles legal disputes that are not crimes. In the United States, all such legal matters are handled by judges, attorneys, and law firms that focus on specific areas of non-criminal law, such as patent law or divorce litigation. In civil cases, there is not a prosecution by the government. Rather, the plaintiff, a person, group, business, institution, or a government body, brings a claim of harm against the defendant, another person or group. Among the many types of civil courts, we include personal injury, medical malpractice, torts, traffic court, bankruptcy, adoption and family court, business issues, and many others.

Civil Court Process

A civil case begins when the plaintiff believes that the defendant has caused some harm. The plaintiff will file an official complaint with the appropriate civil court, which describes the incident, identifies who is responsible, and asks the court for a specific remedy. Notice is given, through a formal summons, to the defendant. The defendant has the chance to respond to the complaint, with a formal answer, where he or she explains the incident from his or her perspective.

Cases move through a lengthy process of pre-trial activity. Indeed, most cases will never go to trial but are resolved earlier. In the pre-trial process, information is gathered through a process called discovery. During discovery, witnesses are interviewed, evidence is collected, and statements are taken. Each side is trying to gather the best case possible. Then, instead of going to a formal trial, many civil cases will go before an arbiter, or mediator. An arbiter or mediator is a court official, sometimes a judge or magistrate, who will assist both sides in coming to a satisfactory resolution of the dispute and assignment of blame outside of a courtroom.

When a case does go to trial, the process resembles a criminal trial. Opening statements are made by the plaintiff, then by the defendant, each side explaining the case from his or her perspective. The plaintiff calls witnesses first, with the opportunity for the defense to cross-examine and present appropriate evidence. When all of the plaintiff's witnesses have been called, the prosecution will rest and give the defense the opportunity to call witnesses, present evidence, and be cross-examined. When both sides have rested their cases, closing statements are offered. The judge will offer instructions to the jury (in jury trials) and, after deliberation, the jury will render a verdict. In bench trials (ones without a jury), the judge will then render a verdict. Finally, the court will compel one or both sides to comply with the decision of the court.


There are many important differences between civil and criminal court. Let's learn about the most important distinctions.

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