the nines

this could end up being extremely good for the whole world

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Insofar as it will bash the shit out of psychopaths' plans for the planet.

pipe up any time....

i need a bath really, really badly

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Maybe Jocko can get me into my not-a-tub....

pipe up any time....

or maybe glenn

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I could just make myself a playlist of listening.

pipe up any time....

maybe a lie down

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While listening to Pepe... I'm considering it.

pipe up any time....


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Abuse of power is SO much worse than regular stupidity.

pipe up any time....

a bout of old age

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Seems to have taken me today....

pipe up any time....

okay, love him as i do

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It is extremely hard on my already impaired nervous system to listen to him for very long. I've been gritting my teeth through this crisis and now my teeth are even objecting to the ordeal. So this is very apt to be the last time I link him — barring yugeness — in which case, I'll need chill pills — until I've gotten new insulation on my wiring.

It's not very long, almost a blink in this epic, and it's got great explanatory value.

pipe up any time....

it's not metaphorical anymore

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Might never really have been....

pipe up any time....

it's official

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Ahmadinejad's hat is in the ring. I hope he succeeds. He's a very, very decent human.

I expect a replay of the immortal barnswoggle about wiping Israel off the map. So I remind you that was PROVEN to be a gross mistranslation of what he actually said. He was telling the world that Israel would at some point disappear from the map of time, like all political structures have on this planet. Some more frequently than others, but all of them.

It was a statement made with the exact opposite meaning from how The Blob decided he meant it.

pipe up any time....


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On those kooky Scandinavians, and the corrupted NATO.

pipe up any time....

neocons flitting between provocations

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Little nuclear red line stepping here, little nuclear red line stepping there.

Tra la la, motherfuckers.

pipe up any time....


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Don't they mean ballots?

pipe up any time....

some very lively brits

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With a plan. You know, grownups talking....

pipe up any time....

something of a reprieve for aj

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And I'd like to take a few moments to mention that the complicated system of pipes is flaming out over the Trump "verdict" and the renewed AJ persecution. They're still calling in to InfoWars on fire, all the shit-kicker bloggers are losing their minds... some even going way too far over the top for my tastes... but every conservative outlet right up to the tippy top is denouncing this shit loudly, none of them pulling punches.

I'd just got done listening to Tucker talking about preserving natural beauty last month, when I found AJ still kicking, and you should try to listen to at least some of it because the situation really IS beyond the pale rotten and, as Ted Nugent insists, THE thing that's wrong is NOT right or left or any other thing than APATHY.

pipe up any time....


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But I'd be more grateful if he did it while in office....

pipe up any time....

i've been waiting for someone to mention it

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And Ralph finally did.

pipe up any time....

loooooong read

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If you know how, you can get your computer to read it to you.

pipe up any time....