Make Your Own Hollywood Stars Walk of Fame! 

Celebrate the Academy Awards with a touch of authenticity, create a memorable awards ceremony for your kids, or take a virtual trip to Hollywood with this fun DIY Walk of Fame activity!

For movie lovers like myself, there’s nothing quite like taking a stroll from the corner of Hollywood and Vine, down the eight or nine blocks to Grauman’s Chinese Theatre. Where the classic cinema-style terrazzo and brass stars meet Marilyn Monroe’s handprints – that’s Hollywood, baby.

DIY Hollywood Walk of Fame Activity – Table of Contents

We’ve organized our collection by theme, so you can use the links below to jump straight to a specific topic of interest in this article

I can tell you from experience, that yes, it is a total tourist trap, but somehow, it’s also an intersection that manages to capture both the current moment and vintage starlight of classic Hollywood.

You can easily imagine the blinding flashes and pops coming from the camera bulbs of the paparazzi. And for fans of the movies (or just imagination in general), it’s still exciting to let yourself be transported to a parallel plane where YOU’RE the star for a mere minute or two.

But why should Hollywood have all the fun, right? With the Oscars on the horizon, roll out the red carpet for the pint-sized stars in your life right at home!

This homemade Hollywood Walk of Fame is a fun way to take a virtual trip to Tinseltown, celebrate your kids’ own star qualities, and maybe even work in a pop culture history lesson or two. I’m ready for my close-up Mr. DeMille…(wink!).

To make your own DIY Walk of Fame you’ll need:

Note: We prefer to shop locally or use what we have at home, but this list contains Woodpeckers Crafts, Etsy, Blick Art Materials, and/or Amazon affiliate links for reference. As Amazon Associates, we make a small commission on qualifying purchases.*



  • Construction paper
  • Acrylic or finger paint
  • A paintbrush
  • Crayons, markers, or other coloring supplies

How to make your own Hollywood Star Walk of Fame – DIY Instructions

Prepare the Walk of Fame stars.

Print our personalized Hollywood star templates or draw your own!

Cut out the stars and use tape or a glue stick to glue them to a square of black construction paper.

You can make your stars look even more authentic by splattering your construction paper square with white paint.

Prepare the Sidewalk.

Unroll gray paper (any paper roll works, really) in the designated “Walk of Fame” area. Secure the edges with tape to prevent it from moving.

This area should be spacious enough for children to walk along (or beside) once the stars are placed.

Assemble the Walk of Fame.

Place the personalized stars along the gray paper, spacing them evenly.

Secure each star to the sidewalk with tape or glue dots.

Add handprints.

Using fingerpaints, tempera, or acrylic paints, have each child stamp their hand on construction paper and sign their name.

You can use metallic markers, stickers, or other decorations for an extra touch of glamour (and kid-made creativity!).

Five Ideas for Using Your Walk of Fame Sidewalk

Expanding on this Hollywood Stars Walk of Fame activity, there are so many imaginative ways to enhance the experience and integrate it into broader themes or events. Here are some ideas for playing with your sidewalk of stars as an interactive and versatile learning tool.

1. An Academy Awards Party Activity for Kids

Transform your living room into a star-studded Oscars night event, complete with decorations, a red carpet leading to the Walk of Fame, and a small stage area where children can give acceptance speeches.

Assign roles to the children, such as nominees, award presenters, and audience members. You can even create simple DIY awards to hand out for categories like “Best Use of a Cardboard Box,” “Most Inquisitive,” or the “Lifetime Achievement Award for Bedtime Negotiation.”

Encourage children to dress up for the occasion. They can make or choose costumes that reflect their favorite movie characters or celebrities.

Set up a photography area where kids can have their pictures taken with their stars or while giving speeches.

2. Interactive Storytelling Sessions

  • Celebrity Biographies: Use the Walk of Fame as a starting point for storytelling sessions about the lives and achievements of real-life celebrities or fictional characters created by the children.
  • Role-Playing Games: Children can pick stars from the sidewalk and create impromptu skits or scenes inspired by the names on the stars, encouraging creativity and improvisational skills.

3. Educational Activities

Have kids pick out stars that are currently on the actual walk (or make a set and let them pick one to research. Incorporate the Walk of Fame into lessons about the history of cinema, discussing famous actors, directors, and significant films throughout history.

Instead of a traditional “walk” on the floor, turn your Walk of Fame into a bulletin board to celebrate personal achievements within the classroom or group, assigning stars for accomplishments like reading milestones, math achievements, or acts of kindness.

4. Put on a Music and Dance Festival

Set up a small area for musical performances, where children can sing, dance, and showcase their talents, emulating the performances of the stars they admire.

Organize a karaoke contest where children can sing songs from movies or by artists represented on their stars. This can be a fun way to build confidence and public speaking skills.

5. Film Making Project

Encourage children to create their short films or skits, starting with scriptwriting, casting, and finally filming. The Walk of Fame can serve as the backdrop for scenes or the setting for an awards ceremony within their movie.

Host a movie premiere day where the kids’ films are showcased. Use the Walk of Fame as part of the event, creating a special moment for each child to celebrate their contribution to the project.

Explaining the Hollywood Walk of Fame

Dig into the history of the star walk by beginning with an explanation that the Hollywood Walk of Fame is a special sidewalk in Hollywood, California, where over 2,700 star tiles are embedded in the pavement.

Each star represents a person who has done something amazing in movies, television, music, radio, or theater. Honoring and commemorating famous entertainers, it’s kind of like a museum to pop culture, right on the ground.

The Five Symbols on the Stars and Their Meanings:

  • A Movie Camera: Represents achievements in the film industry. You can explain that people who act in movies or direct them might have a star with this symbol.
  • A Television Set: This symbol is for those who have made significant contributions to the TV industry, such as TV actors, hosts, or producers.
  • A Record: Denotes excellence in the music industry, including singers, musicians, and music producers.
  • A Radio Microphone: Recognizes contributions to the radio industry, honoring those who have been influential on radio shows or radio broadcasting.
  • Comedy/Tragedy Masks: Represents achievements in live theater, including Broadway and theatrical productions.

Why People Get Stars: Explain that getting a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame is a big honor. People receive stars because they have worked very hard in their careers and have become very good at acting, singing, directing, or other forms of entertainment.

That said, quite a few people have gone overlooked for ALL kinds of different reasons throughout the years. The official site has a star directory and map of all the current stars. Searching for favorite stars and discussing why they deserve a place on the walk is a great way to dig a little deeper into how these cultural symbols sometimes fall short, and the biases Hollywood still grapples with.

Walk of Fame Fun Facts:

  • The first star was awarded in 1960, and new stars are added every year.
  • Characters from movies and TV shows, like Mickey Mouse and The Simpsons, also have stars, showing that not only real people but also fictional characters can be celebrated for their impact on entertainment.
  • And let’s not forget about the animals…there are three, at the moment, who have stars on the Walk of Fame.
  • There is a special star for the Apollo 11 astronauts – can you guess why…?
  • You can nominate a star! FYI – the procedure is more involved than simply filling in a name, so be prepared to do a bit of research, a little documentation, and spend some time backing up your choice.

Interactive Element: To make the explanation interactive, you can ask the children if they have a favorite movie, TV show, or song, and discuss whether those involved in making it might have a star on the Walk of Fame.

You could also have them draw their own star and choose a symbol that represents what they would like to be celebrated for, encouraging them to dream big and work hard towards their goals.

More Movie-Making Crafts and Activities for Kids

Amanda Eldridge
Amanda Eldridge

With a passion for cultivating imagination, Amanda aims to help kids and families discover their creative potential through art, play, adventure, activism, conservancy, and community. Amanda has a background in graphic design, environmental design, and art curation. When not playing with ideas and designs for barley & birch, she enjoys working in freelance design, art, and illustration.

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