The Meaning Behind The Song: Mean by Taylor Swift - Old Time Music
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The Meaning Behind The Song: Mean by Taylor Swift

The Meaning Behind The Song: Mean by Taylor Swift


Taylor Swift is well known for writing songs that connect with people on a deep emotional level. One such song is “Mean,” released on her third studio album, “Speak Now,” in 2010. At face value, the song seems to be about a mean person. However, as with many of Swift’s songs, there is more to “Mean” than meets the ear. In this article, we will explore the meaning behind the song and its significance in Swift’s career.

Verse One

The song starts with Swift’s clear distaste for the target of the song. She paints a picture of a man who is “driving a fancy car” but “can’t afford the gas.” Swift highlights his insecurities by saying that he “looks like a happy meal” and his “critics aren’t kind” with his “insults” and bringing him “down.”

The person Swift writes about could be anyone, but it’s clear that he is someone who has put Swift down personally, which has left a deep impression on her. She wants to make it clear that despite his attempts to bring her down, she isn’t phased. The lyrics read, “And I can see you years from now in a bar/talking over a football game/with that same big loud opinion/but nobody’s listening.”


The chorus of “Mean” is universally relatable. Swift sings about how she “can’t help loving” despite the person’s meanness. She also highlights how people around the world face bullies, but there’s a way to overcome them. She writes, “Someday I’ll be living in a big old city/and all you’re ever gonna be is mean/someday I’ll be big enough so that you can’t hit me/and all you’re ever gonna be is mean.”

The way Swift envisions life in a big city shows that the person’s meanness can’t touch her. She has grown enough to know that it is not her fault that he is mean. Moreover, she knows that there are people around the world who face bullies, but they all can overcome them one way or another, just as she does in the song.

Verse Two

Swift isn’t only tackling the issue of bullying in these lyrics. She is also addressing body shaming. She is talking about how people get powerful by shaming someone based on how they look rather than by working hard. Swift notes that this type of boorish behavior doesn’t work in the long run because the person’s looks will fade.

The lyrics describe how bullies try to put others down by calling them stupid, weak, or ugly. The person Swift is describing doesn’t know how to love, which is why he is always putting others down. She sings, “You have pointed out my flaws again/As if I don’t already see them/I walk with my head down tryin’ to block you out/’Cause I’ll never impress you.”


The bridge pulls all of these emotions together. Swift sings, “And why you gotta be so mean?” She then states that people can only be happy when they get out of the miserable world that the person is attempting to impose on others. She writes, “You, with your switching sides/And your wildfire lies and your humiliation/You have pointed out my flaws again/As if I don’t already see them.”

This song is the ultimate response to every bully in the world and anyone who has ever put Swift down before. It is an empowering message that tells people they should never listen to a person who is as mean as the one in the song.


In conclusion, “Mean” by Taylor Swift is more than just a song about a mean person. It is a song that tackles multiple issues, such as bullying, body shaming, and self-confidence. The song empowers listeners who have gone through the same thing by telling them that they are going to prevail if they stay true to themselves. It’s a reminder that there’s something bigger out there for everyone, and there’s always a way to get through difficult times.

By inspiring and empowering millions, “Mean” has become a notable part of Taylor Swift’s career. The message of this song is one that Swift has carried with her to continue writing songs that uplift her fans and people worldwide.

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