Are you ready to celebrate all the national holidays in your dental office this year?

Every month has some quirky holiday to celebrate!

There's a few serious ones too...

So let's dive into what 2024 could bring to your office by exploring the national dental holidays (and a few world ones thrown in for good measure).


Medical Group Practice Week is an annual celebration dedicated to recognizing the collaborative efforts and achievements of group practice medical professionals.

During this week-long celebration, healthcare teams across the nation are honored for their commitment to providing comprehensive and coordinated patient care.

It's an opportunity for medical groups to engage in team-building activities, share best practices, and highlight their contributions to the community's health. Educational events, workshops, and seminars are often organized to enhance skills and promote the latest advancements in medical group practice.

This week not only celebrates the successes of these dedicated teams but also raises awareness about the importance of collaborative healthcare in improving patient outcomes.

Medical Group Practice Week is celebrated on the 4th Monday in January, which is January 22. 2024 this year.


February is National Children’s Dental Health Month!

Kick off the month by focusing on the littlest smiles. Decorate your office with colorful posters or send some postcards courtesy of the ADA. Hand out tooth-shaped stickers, and maybe even have a visit from the Tooth Fairy herself.

It's all about encouraging good dental habits early on!

Gum Disease Awareness Month also falls in February in an effort to raise public awareness about gum disease.

This month-long campaign focuses on the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of gum disease, and you may celebrate it in your dental office by encouraging patients to adopt better oral hygiene practices and to seek regular dental check-ups.

Additional February dental holidays include:

  • Toothache Day (Feb 9th)
  • Tooth Fairy Day (Feb 28th)


Dental Assistants Recognition Week is maybe one of the most important holiday weeks in March. Second only to Employee Appreciation Day, which falls on the first Friday in March, which happens to be March 1, 2024. Dental Assistant Recognition Week comes just after, March 4-8, 2024.

Other dental holidays in March include:

  • Dentist Day (March 6)
  • World Oral Health Day (March 20)
  • National Write a Letter of Appreciation Week (March 1-7, 2024)


National Dental Hygienist Week is celebrated April 8-12, 2024. It's a great opportunity to celebrate the hard work of your hygiene staff!

April is also National Facial Protection Month, sponsored by the Academy for Sports Dentistry. As sports start to ramp up this Spring, remind your patients about the importance of protecting their smiles.


May has some special holidays, starting with National Receptionist’s Day (May 12th) and National Smile Month 2024 begining May 13 and running until June 13. In addition, you may want to celebrate:

  • World Hand Hygiene Day 2024 (Sunday, May 5, 2024)
  • Root Canal Awareness Week (May 6-12, 2024)
  • Root Canal Day (Wednesday May 8, 2024)
  • Mental Health Awareness Month


We know it's a bit ironic, but June is National Candy Month. Again, maybe a little ironicly, the month wraps up with National Toothbrush Day on June 26th! 

June is also Dental Diversity Month. Read more about diversity and inclusion at the ADA.


National Fresh Breath Day is celebrated August 6, 2024. Rockland Dental Specialists have some suggestions for celebrating.


It's uncertain which is more legit, the February National Tooth Fairy Day, or the one that happens August 22, 2024. Some people suggested that there are two becuase the ADA recommends two annual teeth cleanings.


Don't forget your office manager this September 2024, since it's National Office Manager Appreciation Month.

September is also National Gum Care Month, a great time to focus on the health of your patient's gums. Educate patients about gum disease and its prevention. You could also offer discounted periodontal cleanings or free gum health assessments.

Our friends over at Woodyard Dental Care offer some great tips for taking care of gums.


October is National Dental Hygiene Month. This is a great time to show your appreciation as well as feature your hygienists. For example, you might host an 'Ask the Hygienist' session on Facebook where patients can ask your hygienists anything that's on their minds.

Start your month with a smile by celebrating World Smile Day on October 4, 2024.

October 15th, 2024 is Global Handwashing Day. Then celebrate your boss the next day on Boss's Day-October 16th, 2024!


Our friends at the TMJ Association help raise awareness and research funding for Temporomandibular Disorders (TMJ) through TMJ Awareness Month every November. Use a hashtag: #TMJAwareness #NovemberTMJAwareness #TMJAwarenessMonth #LifeWithTMJ #ChangingTheFaceOfTMJ

Not that we're recommending you celebrate it, but National Candy Day is November 4, 2024. Doesn't make so much sense that National Brush Day would be November 1, 2024, but there it is. You'd think someone would have suggested the day after National Candy Day...

Mouth Cancer Action Month is November 1 through November 30, 2024. See more about that at the Mouth Cancer Foundation.


Aren't there enough holidays in December already? Beside the obvious (Dental Christmas), December is Hand Washing Awareness Month. Great for staff and patients alike!


Here's to a year of fun-filled dental celebrations! What's your favorite dental holiday? Let us know on social media!

Chris Lewandowski

Published January 10, 2024

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