Chris Hemsworth Reveals Brother Liam Hemsworth Also Auditioned for His 'Thor' Role

The brothers were up for the same iconic role, but not at the same time.

Chris Hemsworth just revealed that he was up against his own brother, Liam Hemsworth when auditioning to play Thor in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. The 40-year-old actor dropped this fun fact in a new interview with Vanity Fair, explaining that he and Liam were under consideration for the same role but at different times. Still, he admitted that there was some jealousy involved.

Hemsworth was hooked up to a polygraph for Vanity Fair's infamous "Lie Detector Test" series when he was asked about competing with his brother for the role of Thor. He explained that he wasn't too worried about Liam getting the role instead of him, because "I was told I didn't have the part at that point. So I was excited for him, a little jealous, maybe, but I was excited for him. Then when I was allowed to re-audition, it was when he was out of the picture."


A bit of brotherly competition never hurt. #chrishemsworth #liamhemsworth #thor #marvel #marveluniverse #thelastsong

♬ original sound – Vanity Fair – Vanity Fair

"So we never were neck and neck," he went on. "It was either I was involved, then wasn't, then he was involved, then wasn't, then I was involved."

Hemsworth has been one of the central figures in the MCU since it began. He made his debut as Thor in 2011, and his first movie tied in to the existing titles, giving fans one of their earliest glimpses of the massive sprawling franchise that would soon take shape. He was in the first round of Avengers along with Robert Downey Jr., Chris Evans, Scarlett Johansson, Mark Ruffalo, and Jeremy Renner. However, even as other A-listers dropped out of the franchise, Hemsworth continued – most recently playing Thor in 2022's Love and Thunder.

Right now, Hemsworth's place in the MCU is uncertain. Thor: Love and Thunder ended with the tagline "Thor will return," though that might mean a different character with the abilities of the thunder god. Director Taika Waititi told Variety that he hadn't known that tagline would be added. In an interview with Entertainment Weekly last summer, he said that he would be open to reprising the role again if the next movie had a "drastically different tone," and if it would "close the book" on his character."

All of Hemsworth's Thor movies are available to stream now on Disney+, along with the rest of the MCU catalog. Right now, his character has no confirmed appearances coming up in the franchise.