Cinderella | Disney | Official Site

Share The Magic With New Blu-Ray™ Bonus Features

  • Personalized Digital Storybook: Bibbidi-Bobbidi-You – A Disney Second Screen Experience (Not Available In All Territories)
  • Alternate Opening Sequence
  • The Magic Of The Glass Slipper: A Cinderella Story
  • Behind The Magic: A New Disney Princess Fantasyland
  • The Real Fairy Godmother
  • Introduction by Diane Disney Miller
  • DisneyView: 16x9 Full Frame Experience
  • Tangled Ever After Animated Short Film
Blu-ray Combo Pack



Although gentle and soft-spoken, Cinderella has a keen, intelligent sense of humor, which she wisely keeps hidden from her cruel Stepmother and jealous Stepsisters.

Finding delight in her tiny animal friends, able to sing as she works, Cinderella has true dignity — something her Stepsisters could learn a thing or two about. Despite moments of heartbreak and disappointment, Cinderella holds onto her hopes until goodness and beauty are rewarded and dreams that she's dreamed do come true.

Prince Charming

A handsome and sensitive young man with a lovely singing voice, this royal prince has extremely high standards for female companionship. He is dogged and persistent in pursuit of his princess-to-be once he has discovered her, but like many of royal state, leaves the actual search to his underlings.

Fairy Godmother

A grandmotherly sorceress, the Fairy Godmother has a brief but all-important role in the story of Cinderella, performing the magical miracle that makes Cinderella's attendance at Prince Charming's Royal Ball possible. She is kind and funny, and the good cheer and confidence she gives to Cinderella are as important as her coach and slippers.


Jaq is skinny, wiry, and quick — both on his feet and with his wits — and he's got streetwise smarts around the house and its obstacles.


Gus is chubby, tubby, lovable, and a bit slow — both on his feet and with his wits. He counts on the support and help of his friends, but shows great courage and strength when confronted with real danger.

Lady Tremaine

A woman of good family and stately elegance, Lady Tremaine live by the maxims "above all, self-control" and "you must always keep your word." Therefore, Cinderella's wicked stepmother cunningly chooses her words with care and — unlike her awkward daughters — never lets her temper get the best of her. She is well dressed and impeccably groomed, and her comportment and etiquette are above reproach.

Cinderella's widowed father chose this widow of gentle birth because he thought he was protecting his daughter's future welfare. But with his passing, a great change came over the stepmother. Lady Tremaine carefully cultivated a patronizing dignity, a thin mask for her innate severity and cruelty.

Her complete selfishness engendered a remarkable talent for deviousness and manipulation. While she realizes that Anatasia and Drizella are clumsy, unattractive, spoiled, and charmless, she nevertheless views her daughters as a means to her own status and wealth.

Lady Tremaine has no magic powers and lacks flamboyance, which oddly makes her one of the most frightening of villains, because she is purely human — and purely evil.


Anastasia, the younger stepsister, is foolish, selfish, and clumsy but with a remarkably high opinion of herself and is easily carried away by jealousy and power. She bickers constantly with her older sister, Drizella, but together they enjoy humiliating Cinderella and making her life horrible. Anastasia plays the flute but not necessarily well, despite her mother's instruction in music. After all of her shortcomings, in the end all Anastasia really wants is to find somebody who will love her for who she is.


Drizella, the older of Cinderella's stepsisters, is spoiled, awkward, ungainly, and greedy — like her mother, Lady Tremaine. She loves to blame everything on poor Cinderella and working her to the bone while she idles her time in bed or fussing over her hair. Though her mother tries to instill a sense of elegance and style with instruction in music and decorum, she can still not sing like a nightingale. Regardless, she still feels she is a bride fit for a prince.


Lucifer is a big, fat, useless cat that takes advantage of every chance to make the whole world accommodate his desires. Lethargic, indolent, and a ruthless bully, he's an extra threat because he is also quick, strong, and clever.

The King

The King is the Father to Prince Charming and ruler of the Kingdom. He is passionate with a bit of a hot temper, but a hopeless romantic. The King is aging and wants his son to be married so that he can see his grandchildren before he is too old.

The Grand Duke

The Grand Duke is the King's right-hand man and is responsible for keeping the peace. The Grand Duke is clumsy and often nervous due to the King's temper, however he is extremely loyal.


Perla helps Cinderella get ready in the mornings and lead the rest of the female mice to make Cinderella's dress. Perla is kind and helpful but has a little sass and can be a bit forceful. Perla dresses in light pink and blue.


Bruno is easy-going to the point of sloth — he has to be forcefully encouraged by the mice to help fight off Lucifer so that the key to Cinderella's tower room can be delivered. However, his heart is in the right place, and when circumstances demand it he is prepared to stand up and be counted. Thanks to the Fairy Godmother's spell, Bruno is transmuted into a slightly officious footman.

Prince Charming
Fairy Godmother
Lady Tremaine
The King
The Grand Duke

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The Movies

The Story

Everyone orders Cinderella around: her cruel stepmother, her awful stepsisters — even the big clock in the church tower tells her when to start another day of drudgery. But they can't stop her from dreaming, and Cinderella has faith that someday her wishes will come true. When an invitation to the royal ball arrives, Cinderella is sure her time has come — until her stepsisters, with the encouragement of Lady Tremaine, tear her gown to shreds. Just when Cinderella believes all is lost, her Fairy Godmother appears, and with a wave of her wand and "Bibbidi-Bobbidi-Boo," transforms an ordinary pumpkin into a magnificent coach and Cinderella's rags into a gorgeous gown, then sends her off to the Royal Ball. But Cinderella's enchanted evening must end when the spell is broken at midnight. It will take the help of her daring animal mice friends and a perfect fit into a glass slipper to create the ultimate fairy tale ending.




The Story

As a newly crowned princess, Cinderella quickly learns that life at the Palace and her royal responsibilities and more challenging then she had imagined. In three heartwarming tales, Cinderella calls on her animal friends and her Fairy Godmother to help as she brings her own grace and charm to her regal role and discovers that being true to yourself is the best way to make your dreams come true.




The Story

Princess Cinderella is living a charmingly perfect life until her stepmother gets her hands on Fairy Godmother's magic wand. With a wicked spell that turns back the clock, she erases the Prince's memories of the girl he met at the ball and shatters Cinderella's happily ever after! Jaq and Gus scurry to save the day before time runs out. But was it all really just a dream in Cinderella's heart, or will true love triumph over all?




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