'Sex and the City' actor Chris Noth accused of sexually assaulting two women
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'Sex and the City' actor Chris Noth accused of sexually assaulting two women

The actor denied allegations by two women in an explosive story published Thursday by The Hollywood Reporter.
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"Sex and the City" actor Chris Noth is denying sexual assault allegations by two women who came forward to The Hollywood Reporter.

Both women accused Noth, who plays Mr. Big in the franchise and its spin-off, “And Just Like That... ,” of rape, The Hollywood Reporter said in a report published Thursday.

Zoe, 40, and Lily, 31 — pseudonyms that The Hollywood Reporter used to protect their identities — alleged that the incidents occurred more than a decade apart in Los Angeles in 2004 and New York in 2015, according to the report. The two women approached the publication "separately, months apart," and do not know each other, the magazine said.

The Hollywood Reporter said it corroborated Zoe's claims that she told people about the incident and went to a crisis center. It said it corroborated that Lily shared the incident with her friend, and it said it reviewed text messages between the woman and Noth.

NBC News has not corroborated the women's accounts.

Noth denied the allegations in a statement Thursday.

“The accusations against me made by individuals I met years, even decades, ago are categorically false. These stories could’ve been from 30 years ago or 30 days ago — no always means no — that is a line I did not cross," he said.

He continued: "The encounters were consensual. It’s difficult not to question the timing of these stories coming out. I don’t know for certain why they are surfacing now, but I do know this: I did not assault these women.”

A spokesperson for the Los Angeles Police Department said “the department is still looking into the nature of the report and trying to narrow down when, where if it was filed.”

Andrew Brettler, an attorney for Noth, said “no one from any law enforcement agency has contacted Chris or any of his representatives,” adding, “Obviously if anyone does reach out, we will cooperate fully.”

After she graduated from college in 2004, Zoe worked an entry-level job for a high-profile firm where Noth and other celebrities did business, according to The Hollywood Reporter. Zoe said Noth got her number from the directory and started leaving messages on her work phone — a claim her former boss confirmed, it said.

At some point, Noth invited Zoe to a pool at a building in West Hollywood, where he had an apartment, according to the report. In August, she and a friend visited the building with a "best friend from college," who The Hollywood Reporter said confirmed having gone to the pool and having sat with Zoe and Noth in the whirlpool spa.

There, Noth asked several questions about her studies in college and left a book before he took a call in his apartment, it said. Zoe said that later, at some point, she went to his apartment to return the book, and she alleged that Noth "kissed her as she stepped through the door," according to the report.

She said that the kiss wasn't alarming but that "he then pulled her toward him, moved her toward the bed, pulled off her shorts and bikini bottom, and began to rape her from behind," according to The Hollywood Reporter.

“It was very painful and I yelled out, ‘Stop!’ And he didn’t. I said, ‘Can you at least get a condom?’ and he laughed at me," Zoe told the publication.

Zoe's friend took her to Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, where, Zoe said, she was treated for an assault and two police officers stopped by, according to the report. Zoe told the publication that she didn’t publicly name Noth because she feared that they wouldn't believe her and because her job was in jeopardy. The hospital told The Hollywood Reporter that it doesn't keep records dating to 2004.

Zoe said she "started having nightmares and flashbacks" and found it "hard to concentrate at work," The Hollywood Reporter said. In January 2006, she eventually sought counseling at the UCLA Rape Crisis Center, which Julie Banks, the center's director, confirmed to the magazine, adding that "it is not uncommon for survivors of sexual assault to put off seeking treatment."

Lily told the publication that she met Noth in 2015, while she was a server at the now-shuttered New York nightclub No. 8. There, she claimed, Noth flirted with her, got her number and asked her out to dinner.

The Hollywood Reporter said Alex, Lily's friend, told the magazine that she advised her not to go. But at some point, Lily did meet Noth for dinner at the restaurant, where, she said, they talked about her job and career trajectory over drinks, accroding to the report. As the restaurant was closing up, Zoe claimed, "Noth invited her to his apartment around the corner" to sample his collection of whiskeys, according to the report.

Lily said that when they were at the apartment, "we were listening to music, and he has all these books about art and fashion," the magazine reported.

"He tried to make out with me," it quoted her as saying. "I cautiously entertained it. He’s older and looked older. He kept trying and trying and trying, and I should have said no more firmly and left.

"And then the next thing I knew, he pulled down his pants and he was standing in front of me,” she told The Hollywood Reporter, adding that he thrust his penis into her mouth.

After it was noted that he was married with children, Lily said, Noth said that marriage was a "sham" and that monogamy was "not real," the publication reported. Shortly afterward, Lily told it, he started "having sex with me from the back in a chair," adding, "We were in front of a mirror. I was kind of crying as it happened.”

Lily told The Hollywood Reporter that once it was over, she put on her skirt in the bathroom, where, she said, she was "feeling awful" and "totally violated."

She said she later called for an Uber ride and phoned her friend Alex, who told The Hollywood Reporter that she was “pretty hysterical" and that Lily told her that Noth had "pretty forcibly" had sex with her. Lily said she didn't remember making the call with Alex, the magazine reported.

Alex told The Hollywood Reporter that the next day, she listened to a voicemail on Lily's phone, in which she alleged that Noth said: "‘Hey, hope you didn’t take anything wrong last night. We had fun. Just want to make sure you didn’t take it the wrong way.’” Lily's account differed slightly from that of Alex, who told the magazine that Noth left a voicemail that said: "‘I had a nice time and would really appreciate it if you wouldn’t talk to your girlfriends. If we could keep this between you and me, that would be great.’”

In March and April, Noth and Lily exchanged text messages, which The Hollywood Reporter said it reviewed. In one message, Noth wrote: “By the way I have to ask did you enjoy our night last week. I thought it was a lot of fun but I wasn’t quite sure how you felt.”

In response, it said, Lily wrote: “Hmm...I certainly enjoyed your company. Great conversation. Not to go into specifics over text message, but I did feel slightly used… Perhaps this is better as a phone conversation but I can’t talk at the moment.”

Noth said he hoped to meet again for dinner or drinks, according to Lily, who responded in a "friendly but noncommittal way," The Hollywood Reporter said. The two never met again.

Following THR’s story, director and actor Zoe Lister-Jones recounted her own experience working with Noth while an extra on an episode of “Law and Order,” where she alleged he drank on set.

"During my interrogation scene he had a 22 oz. of beer under the table that he would drink in between takes," she wrote in the Instagram post. "In one take he got close to me, sniffed my neck, and whispered, "You smell good." I didn't say anything."

"My experiences are small in comparison to the accounts of assault that have so bravely been shared today but navigating predation at any level is a burden all women have to bear," she wrote.

A spokesperson for Noth did not immediately respond to request for comment regarding Lister-Jones' post.

Noth is best known for his role as John James Preston, the husband of Carrie Bradshaw in "Sex and the City." He reprised the role in the highly anticipated HBO Max revival, "And Just like That... ."

The series premiere outraged fans for killing off Noth's character when he suffered a heart attack after a Peloton ride.