Cheap Flights, Airline Tickets & Airfares to Everywhere | Skyscanner

Compare and book cheap flights from anywhere, to everywhere

Millions of cheap flights. One simple search.


      Booking flights with Skyscanner

      We’re a flight, car rental and hotel search engine. We scan all the top airlines and travel providers across the net, so you can compare flight fares and other travel costs in one place. Once you’ve found the best flight, car rental or hotel, you book directly with the provider.
      Finding flights is easy here – over 100 million savvy travelers come to us each month to find cheap flight tickets, hotels and car rentals. Here are a few simple tips on how to get the most out of your flight search.

      Save money and timeWhether it’s the fastest flight or the smartest stay, you can pick your preferred flight provider or hotel based on real traveler ratings, and book instantly.

      Search Everywhere. Go anywhere.Want to go on a trip but don’t mind where? Or perhaps you want to discover somewhere new. Search “Everywhere” for the best cheap flights anywhere on any given day.

      Find the cheapest time to flyIf you have a destination in mind and want to find the cheapest flight, choose “Cheapest month” when you search. Then find flights on the cheapest day.

      If you’re looking for inspiration for your next trip, search Everywhere to find a cheap flight ticket anywhere.
      We’re a search engine, so after you’ve found the best flight ticket you’ll book directly with the airline or travel provider on their site. This will give you the opportunity to add any loyalty information you would like and to select your preferred flight options, such as seating.
      Your flight booking confirmation email and all the other info you’ll need will come from the airline or provider you booked with. If you have any follow-up questions about your booking, or want to change or cancel your flight, you’ll need to get in touch with them.
      Yes! You can use the same magic that powers our flight search to find your perfect stay anywhere.
      You can also use Skyscanner to search for and compare cheap car rentals in seconds, then pick up your wheels from the airport as soon as you touch down.
      If you set up a Price Alert, we’ll watch the price of plane tickets for you, and let you know via email or push notification via the app if they go up or down.
      We understand how important it is to have flexible vacation plans. Sometimes, you can pay an extra fee for an amendable airline ticket, so look out for this option as you book. You can also look for hotels and car rental options with free cancellation, so you can book now and amend or even cancel later if you need to.
      Yes – since we began showing carbon emission info on flights where it’s available, over 100 million travelers have found a plane ticket with lower emissions for their route.