Counter-Strike: Global Offensive is getting official Chinese servers next month
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Counter-Strike: Global Offensive is getting official Chinese servers next month


China is finally getting official Counter-Strike: Global Offensive servers. According to an article on the game’s official Chinese site, the servers will arrive in a beta starting on September 15.

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A lot of the article, which has been somewhat imperfectly translated, spends a lot of time waxing lyrical about CS:GO as a whole, rather than focusing on the new servers. It touches on esports, skins, mods, and how the tactical shooter is very much not a pay-to-win service.

One thing that is new to the game, however, is the introduction of nationally-themed stickers. This is apparently the first time Valve have ever introduced custom content for the citizens of a specific country, and may be a significant reason for their ability to secure official servers.

There are 24 Chinese stickers, covering topics from food to folklore to pop culture. The article seems to suggest that these will be available for free when the servers open, and is part of an attempt by Valve to show their commitment to the Chinese market. You can see all of those stickers in the tweet above.