32 Girly Cocktail Recipes for Girls' Night In - Best Girly Drinks - Parade Skip to main content

Have the Ultimate Girls' Night In With These 32 Girly Cocktail Recipes


Sometimes we just need a girls' night in. When going out is not in the cards—or you want to save money, or you have kids to watch—staying with with your friends is the best answer. Not only is it cost effective, but you can enjoy cocktails in your sweats and not worry about having to drive anywhere after you've had a few. We literally see nothing wrong with this setup.

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So to help you plan one epic girls' night in, in your very own home, we've rounded up 32 of the best girly cocktail recipes. Of course there are cosmos and margaritas. Plus frozen drinks, fruity drinks, chocolatey drinks and more. There are fun salt and sugar rims and lovely little garnishes, but feel free to take things to the next level with some hilarious GNI cocktail napkins.

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And if you don't live solo? Simply send your significant other out with their friends before you invite all of yours over. Even if we think we're sick of being cooped up at home over the past year, there's really nothing that beats a few cocktails and gossip on your very on couch now is there? Here is a list of easy, girly drinks you can make at home for your own girls' night in party.