JFK Magazine: Confessed Assassin of President Kennedy—James E. Files

Wednesday, August 30, 2023

Confessed Assassin of President Kennedy—James E. Files

Confessed Assassin of President Kennedy
James E. Files

One could argue President Kennedy's assassination is the ultimate unsolved mystery, as it was The Crime of the 20th Century

It's not everyday we witness a man confess to murdering President Kennedy, but that is exactly what James E. Files does in the video interview seen below who was interviewed by renowned JFK assassination expert, Jim Marrs in 2003. I would go so far as to say it sounds too good or bad to be true—depending on how you look at it. This is a really interesting video interview with an interesting backstory. I first saw this video interview years ago, and I thought it was totally legit when James Files admitted to having shot President Kennedy. 

Years later, I became aware of people who have a lot of knowledge of the Kennedy assassination dismiss James E. Files confession for having shot President Kennedy, saying Files is a conman who wanted to write a book and make money about the JFK assassination. They apparently suggest he made his confession all up.

When I originally watched Files interview years ago, I could barely keep up or understand the significance of many of the people Files talked about, like gangsters, Sam Giancana, Charles 'Chuck' Nicoletti, and Johnny Roselli. A fellow JFK assassination researcher recently shared this video interview with me as he thought is was very compelling in many ways, and I said: "Oh yeah!?!! I watched that years ago..." 

And then I decided to watch it again. I will say now that I have a much better understanding of the the Kennedy assassination history, what James E. Files says, really ads up. In particular, James Files claims that CIA Special Operations Officer, David Atlee Phillips was his controller/handler in Dallas Texas, and that he worked with Lee Harvey Oswald for the 5 days prior to the Kennedy Assassination.

James Files claims he was born James Sutton, on January 24, 1942 in Alabama. James E. Files said he was highly accomplished marksman in the Army 82nd Airborne in 1959, where he served in an operation in Laos doing counterintelligence. He mentioned he knew and worked with Fletcher Prouty.

CIA Officer David Atlee Phillips with CIA Director, Allen Dulles

He also claimed David Atlee Phillips was Lee Harvey Oswald's CIA controller/handler and had introduced him to Lee Harvey Oswald long before the Kennedy Assassination when they worked for the CIA on a different gun running project in Louisiana. He went on to say that David Atlee Phillips worked with him because he was a highly trained marksman.

He further claims that Johnny Roselli (AKA Colonel Ralston) was the liaison between the CIA and Organized Crime, and that he was also close with CIA agent, Frank Sturgis. Files mentioned he drove Johnny Roselli to Forth Worth to meet Jack Ruby, and that Jack Ruby gave Roselli a folder with the updated Kennedy parade route, along with some fake id cards.

He goes on to say that Sam Giancana was the boss in charge of the Kennedy assassination on behalf of the mob. He says Giancana was the number two man from the Chicago outfit, who reported to Tony Accardo. 

James Files claims he shot President Kennedy from behind the Grassy Knoll fence at a range of 30-35 yards (100 feet) with a prototype 222 short rifle named the Fireball made by Remington with a 3 power scope on it, which was given to him by David Atlee Phillips 8 months to a year prior to the Kennedy assassination, and it was used for prior assassinations. He also said Charles 'Chuck' Nicoletti shot President Kennedy from behind from the Dal-Tex building.

He claimed it used special ammunition with bullet tips dipped in mercury. He said he believes he saw Jack Ruby, Frank Sturgis and Cuban Revolutionary, Orlando Bosh  was in Dealy Plaza during the Kennedy Assassination. He also mentioned that shots were fired from the Dal-Tex building.

Files also wrote a book about the subject titled "Interview with History: The JFK Assassination", which I have not had a chance to read yet, but look forward to. I highly recommend watching James' fascinating interview as seen above. James is still alive and is currently age 81, and despite the fact he has confessed to murdering President Kennedy has never been formally charged or brought to trial, which I find to be VERY peculiar!?!! You can learn more here about James Files from JFK Murder Solved.