Shades of Blue

There are a huge number of shades of blue, unsurprising since blue is the most popular color in much of the world. These include lighter varieties such as turquoise, powder blue, sky blue and periwinkle, and darker shades like ultramarine, navy blue, sapphire, midnight blue, and teal.

List of Blue Shades

Color Name Hex Code RGB Code
Aqua #00FFFF rgb(0, 255, 255)
Azure #F0FFFF rgb(240, 255, 255)
Baby Blue #89CFF0 rgb(137, 207, 240)
Blue #0000FF rgb(0, 0, 255)
Blue Gray #7393B3 rgb(115, 147, 179)
Blue Green #088F8F rgb(8, 143, 143)
Bright Blue #0096FF rgb(0, 150, 255)
Cadet Blue #5F9EA0 rgb(95, 158, 160)
Cobalt Blue #0047AB rgb(0, 71, 171)
Cornflower Blue #6495ED rgb(100, 149, 237)
Cyan #00FFFF rgb(0, 255, 255)
Dark Blue #00008B rgb(0, 0, 139)
Denim #6F8FAF rgb(111, 143, 175)
Egyptian Blue #1434A4 rgb(20, 52, 164)
Electric Blue #7DF9FF rgb(125, 249, 255)
Glaucous #6082B6 rgb(96, 130, 182)
Jade #00A36C rgb(0, 163, 108)
Indigo #3F00FF rgb(63, 0, 255)
Iris #5D3FD3 rgb(93, 63, 211)
Light Blue #ADD8E6 rgb(173, 216, 230)
Midnight Blue #191970 rgb(25, 25, 112)
Navy Blue #000080 rgb(0, 0, 128)
Neon Blue #1F51FF rgb(31, 81, 255)
Pastel Blue #A7C7E7 rgb(167, 199, 231)
Periwinkle #CCCCFF rgb(204, 204, 255)
Powder Blue #B6D0E2 rgb(182, 208, 226)
Robin Egg Blue #96DED1 rgb(150, 222, 209)
Royal Blue #4169E1 rgb(65, 105, 225)
Sapphire Blue #0F52BA rgb(15, 82, 186)
Seafoam Green #9FE2BF rgb(159, 226, 191)
Sky Blue #87CEEB rgb(135, 206, 235)
Steel Blue #4682B4 rgb(70, 130, 180)
Teal #008080 rgb(0, 128, 128)
Turquoise #40E0D0 rgb(64, 224, 208)
Ultramarine #0437F2 rgb(4, 55, 242)
Verdigris #40B5AD rgb(64, 181, 173)
Zaffre #0818A8 rgb(8, 24, 168)