Community - HMV Mania

HMV Mania has a few places where users can interact with each other. Or if you just want to lurk and be around a chill community for HMV creators, that’s totally fine as well!


We are glad to say that there are forums available on the site! The forums are public for viewing for anyone, but posting is limited to registered users.

If you want to apply for an account for the site, please head on over to the thread that contains the HMV Mania User Registration Application.


HMV Mania also has a discord server. It has some protections put in place that makes it different from other HMV-related discord servers.

Head on over to the HMV Mania Discord Server blog post for more information.


HMV Mania does have a subreddit although the tools on that site do not work well for communication amongst users. The subreddit is more focused on automatic posts about the site.


Similar to Reddit, HMV Mania has a Twitter account that is focused on automatic posts about the site.