Veteran, Technology, Family Man: Reflecting on the Life of Donald C. MacLeod | Don MacLeod

Veteran, Technology, Family Man: Reflecting on the Life of Donald C. MacLeod

My father, Donald C. MacLeod, passed away on March 25, 2024, at 83, led a life marked by dedication—to his country, career, and family. Born on April 23, 1940, in Detroit, Michigan, to Donald and Dolina MacLeod, Donald’s early life set the stage for a man who would embrace change, technology, and, most importantly, relationships.

His childhood in Detroit was brightened by the birth of his sister Diane in 1947, marking the beginning of Donald’s lifelong appreciation for family ties. Excelling at Cooley High School, Donald graduated in 1958, remembered by peers for his love of baseball and music, passions that hinted at his diverse interests and talents.

As Donald enlisted in the United States Air Force, post-high school life took a significant turn. His four years of service were a testament to his patriotism and a period of profound personal and professional growth. Stationed in San Antonio, Germany, and Florida, Donald worked on early computer programs, an experience that shaped his future and foreshadowed a distinguished technological career.

Returning to Detroit after his military service, Donald initially joined the National Bank of Detroit. His personal life also blossomed during this period; in 1963, he married Carol Ann Satterley. The couple welcomed three children: Donald, Heather, and Douglas. Eventually, moving to Farmington, Michigan, this period of Donald’s life was filled with both personal joy and professional achievements.

This author being held by his father Donald C. MacLeod (circa 1965)


Doug MacLeod with dad Donald C. MacLeod

Perhaps the most defining professional leap for Donald was his 30-year tenure at Ford Motor Company. Here, he played a role in creating a global computer system that interconnected the company’s extensive network of dealerships, vendors, and offices worldwide. His contributions not only boosted Ford’s operational efficiency but also left a lasting impact on the automotive industry’s use of technology.

During these bustling years, Donald also completed his degree in computer science from Wayne State University in 1972, an accomplishment that spoke volumes about his dedication to education and his field.

A new chapter began in Donald’s life after his divorce when he met his soulmate, Patricia Borg. They married in February 1983 and settled in Livonia, Michigan, with two children from Patricia’s previous marriage, Matt and Michelle. Don and Pat created a loving partnership that lasted over 41 years, a union that was enriched by their family, which included five children, seven grandchildren, and four great-grandchildren, weaving a tapestry of connected lives and shared experiences. This chapter of MacLeod’s life underscored his capacity for love, adaptability, and the importance he placed on family unity.

Donald C. MacLeod and his wife Patricia of 41 years caught off-guard at photo shoot. This just shows how much fun the two of them had together.

In 1997, Donald and Pat retired to Venice, Florida, embracing a well-earned leisurely life marked by travel and hospitality. Their adventures took them across Europe, the Caribbean, Canada, and the United States. At home, they were known for their delightful poolside parties, a testament to their joy in sharing their space and company.

A proud veteran, Donald’s service to his country was honored even in his passing, with a burial accompanied by full military honors at Sarasota Memorial Cemetery. This tribute was a fitting end to the life of a man who served his country, transformed an industry, and devoted himself to the well-being of his family.

Donald C. MacLeod’s life story is not just one of personal achievements and professional success; it is a profound narrative of a man who seamlessly wove his passions and principles into the fabric of his life. It serves as an inspiring reminder of the impact one individual can have, bridging the spheres of military service, technological advancement, and family devotion.

His life reminds us of the profound impact that dedication and love can have on a multitude of lives. As we remember my Dad, Donald C. MacLeod, his story offers a compelling blueprint for living a life that balances personal passions with deep commitments to loved ones and country.