一館泳池Villa 10-12人包棟-墾丁民宿.海角42號民宿


一館泳池Villa 10-12人包棟

  •  10人包棟 ( 可加至12人 )

    ★海角42號 / 一館(泳池Villa館10人包棟)每天只接受一組包棟預定 -



    ◗ 十人包棟提供兩間房型
    (▸ 1F: 雙人房一間 (加大床有浴缸)、五人房一間
    (▸ 2F: 三人房一間(可加最多兩人)
    (▸ 此為 10人包棟房價,最多可加至12人,可在「加購頁面」點選數量

    ◗ 一樓客廳有沙發區/KTV設備/麻將/Switch
    ◗ 一樓開放式廚房 (飲水機/ 電磁爐/ 膠曩咖啡機/奶瓶消毒鍋/小電鍋/鍋碗瓢盆/筷子湯匙)
    ◗ 戶外烤肉區,提供烤肉食材代訂服務(可在下一頁加購)
    ◗ 私人專屬戲水泳池(約長2.5米、寬1.6米、深度60cm)
    ◗ 嬰兒床圍和嬰兒澡盆各一組
    ◗ 有提供3台停車位,附近也有免費公共停車場(到時候會引導停車)

    ★一館不是寵物民宿,嚴禁偷帶毛小孩! 如果毛小孩建議住三館 寵物友善喔


    訂房諮詢專線: 0905338832,也可加 Line ID: @42kt 詢問,期待你來入住

  • 訂房須知【Policies】


    【check-in and check-out time】
    Check-in time: 3pm to 6pm
    Check-out time: before 11am 


    【Booking Procedure】
    After making a reservation by phone, please send us your deposit, 50% of the rate, within 3 days. If it is not received, the reservation is automatically cancelled without notice. 
    To confirm, please let us know the date you send the deposit, the amount, and the last 5 numbers of your account.
    We will reserve the room for you after receiving the deposit. The rest is due upon arrival.

    1. Check-in時,須填寫旅客住宿登記表,並請出示您的身份證件,以便辦理登記。(住宿費用也請於Check-in時一併繳付)
    2. 入住當日,若無法於下午6點前抵達,請事先來電確認,以便為您保留。
    3. 退房時間為上午11點以前,如逾時未退,將每小時加收300元。
    4. 如有任何需要和協助,您隨時都可以電話找得到我們,我們盡快為您服務。
    5. 為維護每位房客的住宿品質,本民宿採人數總量管制,請依訂房預約人數前來。
    6. 加人說明:加一人加收500元(含早餐、盥洗用具與寢具等)。
    7. 外出時,請務必將房內燈火及電器用品關閉,並請鎖上房門以策安全。(貴重物品請一定要記得隨身攜帶)
    8. 日清晨08:00前及晚間23:00後,請降低音量。(謝謝您的貼心,當您放鬆休息時也不希望聽到喧鬧聲吧)
    9. 為維持住房品質,入住者喧鬧不止時,若經屢勸無效,就必須請之立即退房了,以上是不退費的唷。
    10. 所屬海角42號民宿之任何物品,請不要擅自攜離。(若您有喜歡的物品,可向我們詢問何處可購買)
    11. 室內全面禁煙、嚼檳榔。(可至陽台或是戶外,陽台皆附有煙灰缸)
    12. 禁止在民宿任何地方放鞭炮或煙火,一起創造最安全的環境。
    13. 請愛護一切用品及設備,如經確認後為人為損壞,請照價賠償。
    14. 請勿攜帶大型寵物入屋內,但可放置在室外空間,若自行攜帶大型寵物入屋者,將拒絕房客入住,恕不退還訂金。(有些住客會對可愛的寵物過敏,這點要請您見諒)
    15. 退房時,請務必清點所有行李,以免遺落了您寶貴的物品。
    16. 若因遇颱風,交通受阻,導致您無法離開,滯留期間,住宿費以5折計算。
    17. 貴重的物品請千萬小心保管,如有遺失,我們將不予理賠。(切記!貴重物品不離身)
    【Accommodation Information】
    1.When you check-in, please complete a guest registration form, show your identification card/passport for registration, and pay the remaining rate.
    2.If you are unable to arrive before 6:00 pm, please let us know by phone in advance, so we can hold the room(s) for you.
    3.Check-out time is 11am or earlier. If there is a delay, we will charge NT 300 per hour.
    4.If you need any help or assistance, please call us at any time, we will serve you as quickly as possible.
    5.In order to maintain the quality of accommodation, we have a limit to the number of guests. Please do not come with additional members.
    6.Additional guest policy: Each additional guest costs NT 500, covering breakfast, bedding, etc.
    7.Please be sure to turn off all lights and electronics before leaving the room. For your safety, please lock the door and carry your valuables with you. 
    8.Quiet hours are from 11:00 PM until 8:00 AM. For the relaxation of all guests, please avoid loud conversations during these hours. 
    9.Guests who repeatedly disturb others will be asked to check out immediately without a refund.
    10.Please do not remove any items belonging to the B&B. (If you like any of the items in our B&B, we are happy to provide you with information on where to buy them.)
    11.It is forbidden to smoke or chew betel nut indoors. (You may do it on the balcony or outdoors. All balconies are equipped with ashtrays.)
    12.It is forbidden to set off firecrackers or other pyrotechnics anywhere in the B&B for safety reasons.
    13.Please take care in handling our supplies and facilities. You may be charged for any items damaged during your stay, according to the market value of the item. 
    14.For the comfort of all guests, large pets must be kept in the designated outdoor area. Large pets indoors will result in immediate dismissal without refund. 
    15.Before checking out, please make sure that you have packed all of your belongings. We are not responsible for any items lost or stolen at our B&B.
    16.If you are stranded here overnight because of the weather or traffic, we will give you a 50% discount.