澳洲房地產類型大全 – Cheong Mei International Property Investment Ltd

澳洲 布里斯本



Brisbane 15-Brickworks Park Townhomes Main Photo 1
  • 不少人對澳洲物業投資感興趣,但對澳洲房地產毫無概念,無法進行穩健的房地產投資,最終難以實現「財務自由、提早退休」的目標。如果你是買樓新手,不妨參考這篇澳洲物業投資錦囊,介紹有關不同澳洲房地產類型的文章。

    在考慮澳洲房地產自住或進行澳洲物業投資之前,你需要知道當地住宅主要分為三類,分別有分層單位(Apartment)、獨立屋連土地(House & Land)及花園別墅(Townhouse)。以下是對這三類住宅的介紹:

  • 1. 分層單位(Apartment)

    布里斯本 West End 分層物業 Enclave – Davies Residences

    分層單位主要座落於市中心CBD及其周邊的區份,因應項目的規模一般是615層高左右,樓盤本身設有電梯,每個單位的實用面積介乎 6503,000,採用13睡房間隔,另附設多功能房、浴室及車位。大部分單位配備冷氣、焗爐、洗碗機、乾衣機等生活基本家電,至於會所項目需要因應樓盤的規模而定,大部份會所都設有泳池、燒烤休憩場地,甚或設有健身室、影院、商務會議室及私人派對房間等設施。

  • 2. 獨立屋連土地(House & Land)

    布里斯本 Doolandella 獨立屋連土地 Della Top Estate

    這類房地產主要座落於郊區,土地面積超過2,000呎以上,單層或雙層獨立屋的實用面積介乎1,9003,000呎左右,間隔以3-5 間睡房為主,另設浴室、車庫及花園。但需要注意的是,獨立屋不會配備會所設施,一般澳洲律師都只會處理跟進土地轉名的申請過程,至於起樓進度工程有關各個流程的付款手續等則需要由屋主與發展商自行跟進。

  • 3. 花園別墅(Townhouse)

    布里斯本 Richlands 花園別墅 Parque Edition


  • 新手投資澳洲物業需考慮什麼?


    1. 保安方面
    2. 社區配套方面
    3. 保養及維修支出方面
  • 布里斯本非常適合海外人士置業,受惠於當地政府刺激樓市的政策。澳洲三大城市中,相比悉尼及墨爾本,該市印花稅為最低,只是樓價的 7%,如你是澳洲公民或永久居民,印花稅更低至 3.3%。對於居住在社區配套完善的香港人而言,無論是挑選澳洲房地產自住或進行澳洲物業投資,分層單位在治安、社區配套、保養及維修支出方面都優勝於獨立屋及花園別墅。昌美澳洲物業投資有限公司具備豐富澳洲房地產投資經驗,總公司於布里斯本專營各類住宅物業已有22,如果想了解更多有關分層單位、獨立屋及花園別墅的資料,歡迎隨時聯絡我們的物業投資專家。



澳洲物業投資錦囊Before considering buying a property for self-occupation or investment in Australia, it’s important to understand that residential properties in the country are mainly classified into three types: Apartments, House & Land, and Townhouses. Here’s an introduction to these three types of housing:

  1. 澳洲物業投資錦囊Apartments:
    Apartments are primarily located in the central business district (CBD) and its surrounding areas. They are usually 6 to 15 stories high and equipped with elevators. The unit sizes range from 650 to 3,000 square feet, with 1 to 3 bedrooms, along with additional features like multipurpose rooms, bathrooms, and parking spaces.

  2. Most units come with basic household appliances such as air conditioning, ovens, dishwashers, and dryers. The amenities provided in the apartment complexes may vary depending on the scale of the development, but commonly include swimming pools, barbecue areas, and sometimes facilities like gyms, cinemas, business meeting rooms, and private party rooms.

  3. 澳洲物業投資錦囊House & Land:
    House & Land properties are mainly located in suburban areas. These properties consist of detached houses with land sizes exceeding 2,000 square feet. The practical area of single or double-story houses typically ranges from 1,900 to 3,000 square feet, with 3 to 5 bedrooms, along with bathrooms, garages, and gardens.

  4. It’s important to note that House & Land properties do not come with club facilities. Generally, Australian lawyers only handle the land transfer process, while matters related to construction progress and payment procedures are managed by the homeowners and developers themselves.

  5. 澳洲物業投資錦囊Townhouses:
    Townhouses can be found in both suburban areas and the surrounding areas of the CBD. The location of townhouses may vary depending on the price range, and they are typically adjacent to several other townhouses.

  6. These multi-story properties have practical areas ranging from 1,500 to 3,000 square feet, with 3 to 4 bedrooms, along with additional features like multipurpose rooms, bathrooms, and garages. Townhouses also come with gardens, the size of which depends on the design plans. Similar to apartments, townhouses are equipped with basic household appliances such as air conditioning, ovens, and dishwashers.

What should beginners consider when investing in Australian properties?

澳洲物業投資錦囊Before selecting a property in Australia for either self-occupation or investment, it is recommended to consider various factors. Here are some advantages and disadvantages of apartments, house & land, and townhouses:

  1. Security:
    Apartments usually have electronic security systems, requiring residents to use access cards to enter the property, parking areas, and elevators. Each access card is limited to the designated floor, preventing unauthorized access from other floors.

  2. On the other hand, owners of detached houses and townhouses need to install their own security measures such as CCTV cameras and burglar sensors. Many Hong Kong investors who are accustomed to the 24-hour security provided by residential buildings tend to choose apartments for self-occupation or rental investment due to their superior security features.

  3. Community Facilities:
    Most apartments in Australia are located in CBD and its surrounding areas, providing well-established community facilities and public transportation systems. They offer convenience in terms of proximity to supermarkets, shopping centers, banks, and schools, allowing for easy adaptation and interaction with the local community.

  4. In contrast, detached houses and townhouses are mostly situated in suburban areas, requiring residents to drive to access shopping centers, schools, and banks. Therefore, apartments generally offer better community facilities compared to detached houses and townhouses.

  5. Maintenance and Repair Expenses:
    Owners of detached houses and townhouses generally incur higher maintenance and repair costs and spend more time on upkeep compared to apartment owners. For example, owners of detached houses need to regularly mow the lawn.

  6. Besides regular cleaning, homeowners are responsible for various home and structural maintenance projects such as renovating wooden window frames, replacing water heaters, and repairing roofs. In contrast, apartment owners only need to maintain the equipment within their units, resulting in fewer maintenance and repair responsibilities. This can save both expenses and time for Hong Kong residents investing in Australia.

澳洲物業投資錦囊Brisbane is an ideal city for overseas property buyers due to favorable government policies stimulating the real estate market. Compared to Sydney and Melbourne, Brisbane has the lowest stamp duty, which is only 7% of the property price. For Australian citizens or permanent residents, the stamp duty can be as low as 3.3%.

For Hong Kong residents accustomed to well-equipped communities, apartments have advantages in terms of security, community facilities, and maintenance and repair expenses compared to detached houses and townhouses.

澳洲物業投資錦囊If you would like to learn more about apartments, house & land, and townhouses, feel free to contact our property investment experts at Chang Mei Australia Property Investment Ltd. Our parent company has been specializing in various residential properties in Brisbane for 22 years.

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