
The Maine Coon cat is steeped in mythology and folklore, with various spiritual meanings attributed to this breed. Believed to have descended from the cats of Vikings, who considered cats sacred to the goddess Freya, Maine Coons are associated with loyalty and good luck. Sailors in the 1800s prized Maine Coons as pets, further reinforcing their connection to superstition and fortune. While not as ancient as other breeds, Maine Coons still hold cultural significance. If you’ve been encountering Maine Coon cats in your dreams or daily life, you may be curious about their spiritual significance. As a breed originating from the wild state of Maine, Maine Coons were renowned for their hunting skills and devotion to their owners. Primarily kept by farmers and sailors, who relied on them for pest control, these cats were considered symbols of good luck by superstitious sailors. Today, the Maine Coon’s mysterious origins have given rise to various myths and folklore. While most believe they arrived in America by boat and interbred with feral cats in Maine, theories such as descending from Marie Antoinette’s cats or Viking cats exist without historical or DNA evidence. However, if Maine Coons are indeed descended from Viking cats, they would likely be associated with prosperity and good luck, as cats were considered sacred to the goddess Freya in Viking mythology. Additionally, as the official state cat of Maine, Maine Coons can symbolize endurance and overcoming challenges.

What Do Cats Symbolize?

Cats have been associated with various spiritual meanings throughout different cultures and time periods.


In Ancient Egypt, cats were highly regarded and seen as sacred animals. They were even mummified by their owners to ensure they could be reunited in the afterlife. Similarly, in Islamic culture, cats have also been held in high esteem and considered sacred. It is considered a grave offense to harm a cat, while caring for and showing kindness to them is seen as a pious act.


Modern domestic cats are descendants of wildcats that lived in deserts. Due to their aversion to water, they are often linked to weather symbolism. In Thailand, cats are connected to the dry season, and there are cultural practices involving pouring water on cats to bring rain.


Historically, cats were not always seen in a positive light. During the Middle Ages, Christians associated cats with witches and would harm them. They also believed that those who took care of cats were dealing with demons. Fortunately, cats are now regarded more positively and are seen as loyal and loving companions rather than symbols of luck. (source 1).

Dreaming About Maine Coon Cats

Dreams can provide insight into our subconscious thoughts and emotions. They often contain symbolic meaning, including dreams about cats. While the interpretation of dreams is subjective and dependent on personal context, there are some general associations that can be made. If you have recently been dreaming about cats, here are a few possible spiritual meanings to consider.

1. Maine Coon Dream

Dreaming of a Maine Coon cat may symbolize a connection with one’s wild nature and signify the pursuit of a significant goal.

2. Dreaming Of A Sick Cat

Stressful dreams about sick cats could indicate feelings of neglect or concern about not adequately taking care of those around you.

3. Dream About Stray Cats In A House

Dreaming about stray cats coming into your home can suggest feelings of anxiety or being taken advantage of by others. On the other hand, it may also reflect a sense of loneliness or a desire to be more helpful towards others.

4. Dreaming About My Dead Cat

If you dream about your deceased cat, it is often a sign that you are longing for your beloved pet. Some individuals also interpret these dreams as a form of communication from their departed pets. It’s impossible to say for certain. Perhaps your cat is also missing you and wishes to convey its love for you through these dreams.

5. Dreaming About Your Pet Cat

If you dream about your Maine Coon cat, it may indicate that you have been preoccupied and worried about not giving enough attention to your furry companion.

6. Random Cat Dreams

If you frequently dream about cats and are unsure of their significance, you may be curious about the meaning behind these dreams. Cats often symbolize intuition and the feminine aspect in dreams, suggesting the importance of trusting your instincts and embracing the enigmatic aspects of life.

Are Maine Coons Good Luck?

If you have recently encountered a Maine Coon, there is no need to worry! Despite the superstition that a cat crossing your path brings bad luck, the sailors of the 1800s actually believed that Maine Coons brought good luck. This belief was so strong that even black Maine Coons were considered lucky. Sailors relied on Maine Coons to keep their ships free of pests, and they saw the cat’s hunting skills and extra toes as symbols of good fortune. As a result, they would keep as many Maine Coons on board as possible (source 1).

Cats As Divine Messengers


If you find yourself being followed by a stray cat, you may wonder if cats can act as guardian angels. There have been instances where people have lost a beloved pet, only for a cat to mysteriously appear in their home a few days later. Some believe that these cats are the reincarnation of their lost pets, seeking to spend more time with their owners. In Christianity, it is also believed that angels can take the form of animals to deliver messages. If you suspect that these cats may be angelic beings, take a moment to consider their presence and how it relates to your personal circumstances. Pay attention to any signs or messages they may be trying to convey.

What Does It Mean When You Keep Seeing Cats?

If cats continue to appear in your dreams, conversations, and even in real life, it may be a sign to pay closer attention to your surroundings. Cats have long been seen as messengers of both positive and negative omens, symbolizing mystery, intuition, and the hidden aspects of life. So if you find yourself encountering cats frequently, it is a reminder to stay alert, as things may not be as they appear.

Cats And Mirrors Spiritual Meaning

Cats and mirrors have long been linked to superstitions and symbolism. They are believed to represent more than just bad luck, but also power, divinity, and even glimpses into the future. When a cat and a mirror are seen together, it can carry spiritual significance, as cats have traditionally been seen as messengers and mirrors as gateways to another realm (source 1).

Why Is A Maine Coon Called A Maine Coon?

The Maine Coon cat gets its name from its place of origin, Maine, in the 1800s. It was a popular cat among farmers and sailors in the state, prized for its excellent hunting skills. The second part of the breed’s name, « Coon, » is thought to be derived from the word raccoon, as many Maine Coons have tails resembling those of raccoons.


If you’re interested in understanding the spiritual significance of Maine Coon cats, you’ll find a wealth of mythology and folklore associated with them. These magnificent felines have long been considered symbols of good fortune and unwavering loyalty. If you frequently dream about Maine Coon cats, it might suggest that a profound message is being conveyed to you or that you’re delving into your untamed nature.

Related Questions

Do Maine Coon Cats Come From Maine?

Maine Coon cats are originally from Maine, USA, but they are now a popular breed worldwide.

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