Carolyn Long

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Carolyn Long
Image of Carolyn Long
Elections and appointments
Last election

November 3, 2020


Carolyn Long (Democratic Party) ran for election to the U.S. House to represent Washington's 3rd Congressional District. She lost in the general election on November 3, 2020.

Long completed Ballotpedia's Candidate Connection survey in 2020. Click here to read the survey answers.



See also: Washington's 3rd Congressional District election, 2020

General election

General election for U.S. House Washington District 3

Incumbent Jaime Herrera Beutler defeated Carolyn Long in the general election for U.S. House Washington District 3 on November 3, 2020.

Image of
Jaime Herrera Beutler (R)
Image of
Carolyn Long (D) Candidate Connection
 Other/Write-in votes

Total votes: 417,903
Candidate Connection = candidate completed the Ballotpedia Candidate Connection survey.
If you are a candidate and would like to tell readers and voters more about why they should vote for you, complete the Ballotpedia Candidate Connection Survey.

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Nonpartisan primary election

Nonpartisan primary for U.S. House Washington District 3

Incumbent Jaime Herrera Beutler and Carolyn Long defeated Martin Hash, Davy Ray, and Devin Gray in the primary for U.S. House Washington District 3 on August 4, 2020.

Image of
Jaime Herrera Beutler (R)
Image of
Carolyn Long (D) Candidate Connection
Image of
Martin Hash (Unaffiliated)
Image of
Davy Ray (D)
Silhouette Placeholder Image.png
Devin Gray (D)
 Other/Write-in votes

Total votes: 241,339
Candidate Connection = candidate completed the Ballotpedia Candidate Connection survey.
If you are a candidate and would like to tell readers and voters more about why they should vote for you, complete the Ballotpedia Candidate Connection Survey.

Do you want a spreadsheet of this type of data? Contact our sales team.

Withdrawn or disqualified candidates


See also: Washington's 3rd Congressional District election, 2018
See also: Washington's 3rd Congressional District election (August 7, 2018 top-two primary)

General election

General election for U.S. House Washington District 3

Incumbent Jaime Herrera Beutler defeated Carolyn Long in the general election for U.S. House Washington District 3 on November 6, 2018.

Image of
Jaime Herrera Beutler (R)
Image of
Carolyn Long (D)

Total votes: 307,226
Candidate Connection = candidate completed the Ballotpedia Candidate Connection survey.
If you are a candidate and would like to tell readers and voters more about why they should vote for you, complete the Ballotpedia Candidate Connection Survey.

Do you want a spreadsheet of this type of data? Contact our sales team.

Nonpartisan primary election

Nonpartisan primary for U.S. House Washington District 3

The following candidates ran in the primary for U.S. House Washington District 3 on August 7, 2018.

Image of
Jaime Herrera Beutler (R)
Image of
Carolyn Long (D)
Image of
David McDevitt (D)
Image of
Earl Bowerman (R)
Image of
Dorothy Gasque (D)
Image of
Michael Cortney (R) Candidate Connection
Image of
Martin Hash (D)

Total votes: 163,910
Candidate Connection = candidate completed the Ballotpedia Candidate Connection survey.
If you are a candidate and would like to tell readers and voters more about why they should vote for you, complete the Ballotpedia Candidate Connection Survey.

Do you want a spreadsheet of this type of data? Contact our sales team.

Withdrawn or disqualified candidates

Campaign themes


Ballotpedia survey responses

See also: Ballotpedia's Candidate Connection

Candidate Connection

Carolyn Long completed Ballotpedia's Candidate Connection survey in 2020. The survey questions appear in bold and are followed by Long's responses. Candidates are asked three required questions for this survey, but they may answer additional optional questions as well.

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I am running for Congress to be a strong voice for the people of Southwest Washington. Throughout my life - from dropping out of school in seventh grade to help my mother open our family produce stand when my father was injured, to working a union job at Safeway to pay for college, to spending the last 25 years at WSU Vancouver teaching and helping generations of Southwest Washingtonians get the opportunities and skills they need to succeed - I've seen the value of hard work and putting community first.

I believe in a government of, by, and for the people - not one beholden to large corporations and special interests - and today, the stakes could not be higher. Southwest Washingtonians deserve an independent, hard working leader in Congress who will be accountable and fight for them every single day.

  • I'm running for Congress because Southwest Washington needs a Representative who is present, accountable and committed to working hard for the people in the district every single day. In Congress, I will always be accessible to everyone in our district. No matter one's community or political background, I will represent everyone in the 3rd district and always be available to answer their questions and explain my actions. Since the pandemic started, I held policy roundtables, coffees with Carolyn, over a dozen live virtual town halls, and now, drive-in town halls -all so I can hear from you. That will continue if you elect me. You will never have to stand in line behind a corporate lobbyist to see me in D.C.
  • Southwest Washington needs a leader. From the early days of the pandemic when I released a comprehensive resource guide, to my latest Pandemic Recovery Plan and Anti-Corruption Plan, have shown people that I am someone who can get Southwest Washington back on track and through this pandemic; and accomplish real solutions for our working families, small businesses, and those who has been without a seat at the table for so long. My policy background and understanding of politics will allow me to hit the ground running and work for you.
  • Southwest Washington needs a Representative who puts our communities first - not corporate donors or Party leadership. Unlike my opponent, I'm not taking a dime of Corporate PAC money because I believe that we need a leader in Congress who represents us and only us - not someone beholden to special interests and DC insiders. My opponent has taken $1.85 million in corporate PAC donations, and voted to give them a massive tax break. She is bought off by corporate special interests, she bought into Donald Trump, and she sold out Southwest Washington. I am supported by and will work for the people of Southwest Washington.

We need access to affordable health care, support for working families and small businesses, and investment in our community to jumpstart our economy. Congress has failed to pass additional relief. We need a road to recovery. That's why I made my Pandemic Recovery Plan.

We must preserve the ACA that protects tens of millions with preexisting conditions. I'll then fight to increase quality, affordable care by supporting a public option that increases competition and lowers costs. No one should be forced to choose between buying their medication and paying their bills, we must lower prescription drug costs.

I will work to build a fairer economy that prioritizes working families and small businesses. We must lower the barriers that keep you from getting back to work- by increasing the federal minimum wage, paid family sick leave, and affordable child care. Main Street is the backbone of our economy, not Wall Street and I will stand up to the huge corporations lobbying for corporate tax breaks.

We must also invest in our infrastructure to create family-wage jobs that help our economy, and improve our roads and bridges. Investment in broadband infrastructure will ensure that telehealth, digital learning, and eCommerce can take place in all corners of Washington.

I don't take a dime of Corporate PAC money, and will be accountable only to you. The moment we're in now has shown us that business as usual just won't cut it. I am ready to fight for Southwest Washington.

I believe that there are three key principles that an elected official must follow. The first is accountability and honesty; elected officials must be present in their communities in order to answer their constituents' questions and explain their actions in office - especially controversial or difficult policy decisions. The second is hard work; if one holds elected office, they should be working as hard for their constituents as their constituents do for themselves and their families 100% of the time. The third is putting people first. No one who holds office should put politics or special interests ahead of their constituents; if they do, well, that's what elections are for.

Not only have I studied the constitution for years, and taught generations of Southwest Washingtonians about the constitution and the political system, but throughout my life and my career, I have always focused on listening to people and finding ways to bring people together around difficult or contentious issues. I believe this is an essential quality for a Member of Congress. In these times of extreme political division and gridlock, we need more leaders in Washington, D.C, who will prioritize real solutions over partisan politics.

First and foremost is someone who is present in the community listening and learning from all the people in the district. They should listen to their constituents and make sure they are doing everything in their power to meet their needs, and they should place themselves in front of their constituents to explain what they have been doing in the other Washington. Finally, an effective representative should be able to work to create policies and solutions in a bipartisan way to get the best, most effective policy.

Growing up, my family owned a small business - John's Fresh Produce. When I was in 7th grade and my father was injured and hospitalized, I dropped out of school to help my mom open the store. When he got better, I returned to school but kept helping my family keep the store running. That produce stand was our livelihood, our connection to the community, and it's where I learned the value of hard work, the importance of community, and the joys and difficulties of operating a small business in America. It's what led me to a good paying union job with UFCW 555 at a grocery store and helped me pay my way through college.

The U.S. House of Representatives is a unique institution for many reasons - but I believe that a key one is the potential for bipartisanship. While this answer may not reflect what we have become accustomed to, I know that with the right leaders and a clear focus on getting things done for our constituents, the House can once again be a place of bipartisan action and real solutions on the big issues our country faces. We will not agree on everything, but I look forward to finding common ground with my colleagues across the aisle.

We're already in the midst of a great challenge. The main focus will be managing the public health crisis and getting folks back on the road to recovery from this economic crisis. It's why I put together my own Pandemic Recovery Plan that will strengthen and expand affordable access to health care, lift up Southwest Washington families and prioritize small businesses and make transformational investments in our infrastructure.

From this crisis, to the looming threats posed by climate change and the rising cost of healthcare and prescription drugs, to the need to revamp our nation's infrastructure and education systems to bring us into the 21st Century and create millions of jobs along the way, to the ever-shifting geopolitical landscape, we will face many other challenges.

It is why we need a strong voice in Congress. A leader who will work with others to step up and find innovative solutions to tackle these challenges head on. I believe that with the right vision and leadership, we can accomplish anything in America.

1. Transportation and Infrastructure
2. Education and Labor
3. Agriculture

Note: Ballotpedia reserves the right to edit Candidate Connection survey responses. Any edits made by Ballotpedia will be clearly marked with [brackets] for the public. If the candidate disagrees with an edit, he or she may request the full removal of the survey response from Ballotpedia does not edit or correct typographical errors unless the candidate's campaign requests it.


Campaign website

Long's campaign website stated the following:


It is time for Congress to stop playing politics with people’s healthcare. All Americans deserve affordable healthcare to ensure quality of life and to make sure small problems don’t become big problems. We need to focus on preventative health and not punish people for preexisting conditions. Republicans in Congress have decided to stop trying to repeal the ACA, and, instead, they use their administrative power to undermine its effectiveness. We need to immediately repair the Affordable Care Act, stabilize the marketplace and provide a Public Option to expand coverage while we work towards health care for all.

We must address the outrageous price of prescription drugs, and work with providers to make them affordable for everyone. No one should have to decide between paying for their medications or their heating bill. We already spend more per person as a percentage of GDP than any other advanced nation in the world. Solving these problems isn’t just the compassionate thing to do, it's the fiscally responsible thing to do.

Congress must take concrete steps to ensure mental health parity. We need to eliminate the stigma associated with mental health by providing accessible coverage and affordable care by treating mental health issues alongside physical issues. Substance abuse takes lives, destroys families, devastates the community, and damages the economy. Addiction is a disease, and if we want to combat it, we must treat it as such.

Earned Benefits - Medicare & Social Security

Make no mistake, when Republicans passed their $1.5 trillion tax give-away for the rich, they knew what they wanted to do next: make deep cuts to earned benefits like Social Security and Medicare. That was always their plan, and I will fight against any attempt to take the money you paid into the system your entire working life. Earned benefits are a promise to the American people that when you’ve reached old age and are unable to work any more, we’re going to look out for you. We cannot break that promise.

Roughly ten thousand more Baby Boomers retire every day and that will continue for the next decade. For far too long, Congress has raided the earned benefit trusts, and as America ages we need to take action to restore the long-term vitality of Social Security and Medicare.

Campaign Finance Reform

The Supreme Court’s decision to favor the role of corporations in politics was expected, but regrettable. Let’s lead the effort to pass a constitutional amendment to overturn Citizens United. When corporations have the same rights as people, big money drowns out the voices of the everyday American. We need campaign finance reform to diminish the role of special interest groups and big money donors. The influx of corporate and private-interest money in our elections is destroying our democracy. All Americans, regardless of their income, should be able to meaningfully participate in the political process. It’s time to say enough is enough and instead amplify the voices of the American people!

We must require significantly more disclosure and transparency in order to remove the influence of secret, unaccountable dark money. We need to eliminate super PACS and outside spending abuse, while strengthening the Federal Election Commission to enforce and reinforce campaign finance law.

Job Creation, Better Wages, and The Economy

We need good jobs that pay enough to support a family and provide a fair return on our work. Families all across Southwest Washington continue to struggle every day while the super-rich reap the benefits of a rigged economy. That’s wrong. Instead of hoping something will trickle down, we need to build an economy that works for everyone. Our tax code must be reformed to benefit the real job creators: middle class families with money in their pocket.

Small businesses need our support to continue creating family-wage jobs that help us all thrive. We need business and industry to relocate to our region and expansion and growth for businesses that are already here. We must support policies that encourage growth and innovation, and advocate for living wages for our diverse and skilled workforce. And we must be smarter about regulations so that small businesses have an easier path to entry and success.

Veterans Affairs

As a country, we have a moral responsibility to take care of those who have risked their lives to defend us. We must work to establish a seamless transition from military service to civilian life by matching skills learned during active duty to available jobs in the area. More than just thanking our Veterans for their service, we need to provide educational opportunities and job training, and take action to end chronic homelessness and suicide. We owe it to those who serve and have served this country to support them all along the way.

We must preserve the Post 9/11 GI Bill and the Vocational Rehabilitation and Employment program. Providing education and job training is the least we can do for the small percentage of those who answered the call.

We must address the problems that plague the Department of Veterans Affairs to ensure that every Veteran has timely access to high-quality health care and that all Veterans receive the Veteran-centric care they need.The Choice Program fills a need, and should be continued, but we also need to protect the VA from privatization, and attempts to defund and undermine the VA’s capacity.

Many returning Veterans are unaware of the services and benefits available to them when they come home. Far too often those that would benefit the most from VA services are the least likely to seek them. We must embrace our returning troops, do away with the stigma of receiving or asking for assistance, and do our best to inform and encourage them to leverage what they have earned and deserve.


As an educator of over 22 years, I know first-hand the importance and value of a high-quality public education. We all know that strong communities depend on a well-educated workforce, and our representatives have a duty to work together for our children’s future. Teachers shouldn’t have to choose between spending massive amounts of their own money and leaving students without the resources they need. We have to do better to close the achievement gap and support underserved communities so that every child has the same opportunity to achieve their dreams.

The cost of higher-education has spiraled out of control and we must find immediate solutions to make it more affordable. Every year I watch my students graduate and instead of building a family, buying a house, or starting a business, they are left with immense monthly student loan payments. Every dollar that goes to paying off excessive student loans is a dollar that isn’t being spent right here in our community. In fact, after 22 years, I’m still paying off my student loans. Things have to change.

But college isn’t for everyone,so we must invest in and support the expansion of apprenticeships and internships for students. Programs like those offered at Cascadia Tech Academy in Vancouver provide new graduates with a foot in the door and help businesses find the quality employees they need for success.


Women have come too far to take a single step backwards. The Trump administration has shown us that we can’t take anything for granted. We must be vigilant and work every day to guarantee women not only have the right to decide what happens to their bodies, but that they are guaranteed fair and equal pay, adequate reproductive health care, justice for survivors of sexual assault and domestic abuse, and work environments safe from harassment. This is non-negotiable.

If, how and when to start a family is a deeply personal and complicated decision, and the government has no business dictating those parts of peoples’ private lives. The decision to bring a baby into this world or end a pregnancy is a personal decision and one that should be made by women and their doctors without government interference. I will fight against any attempt by the Trump administration to invade a woman’s right to make her own health care decisions.

We have made a lot of progress over the last century, but we still have a lot of work to do to provide economic security and equity for women. I will be a strong advocate for issues of economic justice like paid sick leave, equal pay for equal work and raising the minimum wage.


Improving our infrastructure will create jobs and give our community members real opportunities to succeed here at home.

An investment in fixing our crumbling infrastructure is an investment in our people, our communities, and our local businesses. Years of neglect have led to greater wear and tear on vehicles and increased travel times to and from work -- which hinders productivity, hurts small businesses, and robs people of precious time with their families. We need to put the needs of our community first. Investments in our infrastructure now will pay dividends for years to come. Billions of dollars in goods move up and down the I-5 corridor, and we can’t sit around waiting for aging bridges to fail. Congress needs to be proactive and work together to fund critical infrastructure projects like an I-5 Bridge replacement.

Infrastructure development isn’t just about roads and bridges. Southwest Washington will only thrive in today’s economy with robust and wide reaching access to high speed internet. We also need to invest in improving and modernising our utility grid to provide diverse clean renewable energy including wind, solar, and hydroelectric power.

The Opioid Epidemic

According to the CDC, an average of seven people died from drug overdose every hour in 2016. Twenty thousand people alone died last year from Fentanyl overdose (a powerful synthetic opioid), and the problem is only getting worse. Every one of us likely knows at least one person affected by this epidemic. We need to start treating addiction like the disease it is, and not a moral failing. Favoring treatment and diversion strategies instead of prison for offenders saves taxpayers money and decreases relapse and recidivism. Criminalizing and stigmatizing people’s suffering only further separates them from society and deprives them of a chance to recover and be a contributing member of society.

In particular, opiate and meth abuse are tearing rural communities apart and contributing to the struggle of small town economies everywhere. We must provide adequate resources for these communities to address and treat addiction. And, we need to make sure our first responders receive the training and resources they need to reverse an overdose and save a life.


I stand with the LGBTQ community, and believe that our country must continue to guarantee equality for all. We must work together to pass anti-discrimination legislation like the Equality Act to ensure fair employment practices and access to housing. We must continue to defend marriage equality, and guarantee that all people have the right to be with the ones they love. This includes ensuring the right for LGBTQ families to start and build a family.

The safety of LGBTQ youth is important to me. Bullying and harassment in our schools is so widespread that less than a quarter of LGBTQ students report feeling safe in the classroom. The effect of this is that LGBTQ students are five times more likely than their heterosexual peers to have attempted suicide. We have to do better to safeguard vulnerable students and provide safe environments in our schools. We need to continue to work together to further develop our diverse, inclusive community and further champion human rights and dignity for all Americans.

Gun Violence

I support Americans’ 2nd Amendment right to bear arms; however, we must treat the epidemic of gun violence like the public health crisis that it is. We have a duty to seek bipartisan solutions that will have an effective, lasting impact on gun violence. Policies like expanded background checks, funding CDC research into gun violence, and closing the gun show loophole already have wide bipartisan support and we owe the thousands of victims of gun violence action instead of words.

Our Washington is leading the way with sensible gun laws and the other Washington should follow our lead. We are saving lives with laws that temporarily restrict firearms from domestic abusers and those that have been adjudicated mentally ill. Congress needs to take action and enact these kinds of laws at the Federal level.

All too often, the debate on guns focuses only on homicides when, in fact, over 60% of gun deaths are suicides. The research is clear: guns allow people to kill themselves much more easily than other methods. Families need to have the ability to work with law enforcement and mental health professionals to prevent tragedy and save lives.


The people of Southwest Washington need clean water to drink, clean soil to farm and clean air to breathe. We have been blessed with a pristine corner of this state and we must work hard to be good stewards of it. We must defend common sense regulations that protect our environment and support the restoration of sound policies ended by the current administration.

Climate Change is real and it is a human-caused crisis that requires immediate action. We must work for a just transition to renewable energy sources so future generations will benefit from energy independence and robust clean energy industry. We can protect the natural resources and industries of Southwest Washington by working hard to reduce greenhouse gas emissions across the board.

The EPA and Department of the Interior are responsible for much of this work, yet this administration has been working to transform both of these vital institutions into ineffectual husks, too understaffed to do much of anything except repeal policies that have been protecting our environment for years. We need to fight back. We need to restore the EPA and the Department of the Interior so that future generations may enjoy the beautiful Southwest Washington we know and love.


Our immigration system is broken and all too often draconian and dehumanizing. All immigrants deserve the same respect and dignity that we show to each other. We need an orderly, legal immigration process, not the broken system we have now. People who work hard, pay taxes and contribute to our communities should have a legal path to citizenship.

We need to put an end to the for-profit immigration detention system and put a stop to the militarization of Immigration and Customs Enforcement. We must reform our immigration system to help reunify families, recruit workers to fill critical gaps in our workforce, and provide refuge for those facing persecution and certain death. ‘Dreamers’ that were brought to this country as children often know no other home, and we should expand and pass a clean DREAM Act to provide them a pathway to citizenship.

We must look for modern, cost-effective solutions that secure our borders without wasting precious taxpayer dollars on useless walls.

National Security & Foreign Policy

Ensuring the safety of the American people is our government’s highest duty, but for too long we’ve put our service members in harm’s way without any clear definition of victory. Never ending interventions have ballooned the Department of Defense budget beyond any semblance of fiscal responsibility. Instead, we should be investing in keeping our country safe here at home. Here in Washington, we need to improve security along the Canadian border and better equip local law enforcement, the Coast Guard, and U.S. Customs to secure our international ports. We must hold Russia accountable for meddling in our elections, and it is imperative that we take immediate and decisive steps to defend against future cyber warfare.

Congress must reassert its authority in the arena of foreign affairs and act as a constitutional check on this President. Our Constitution clearly gives Congress the power to declare war, and the American people have a right to a debate and a vote to decide how and when we go to war. We should strive to exhaust all diplomatic solutions and avoid reckless and destabilizing foreign policy. Being tough isn’t enough; we must be smart and restore relationships with our allies to improve our readiness and capabilities.

Criminal Justice Reform

Our first responders risk their lives for our safety, and I have an immense amount of respect for their sacrifice. We have a duty to guarantee our communities are safe, so we must ensure our local police, firefighters, and EMTs are supported with necessary equipment, adequate training and, full funding.

We must work to rebuild the bonds of trust between law enforcement and the communities they serve. Police officers should inspire trust and confidence throughout the community while honorably performing their duty to tackle crime without resorting to unnecessary force. Actions speak louder than words, and we should hold those we entrust to protect and defend our community to appropriate standards.

We should explore restorative justice as a means for offenders to repair the harm caused by their behavior. And after people have served their time and paid their debt to society, we should remove the barriers that prevent them from rejoining society and contributing to their communities. We need to expand reentry programs, and “ban the box,” allowing formerly incarcerated individuals the opportunity to demonstrate their qualifications before being asked about their criminal record by a prospective employer. If we focus on rehabilitation and reintegration, we can create safer communities and reduce recidivism rates.

It should alarm every American that the United States continues to imprison our own people at a rate higher than any other country on Earth. We need to dismantle the “school-to-prison pipeline,” reform our criminal justice system, and end mass incarceration. We need to be better stewards of taxpayers’ money and find ways to rehabilitate and hold accountable nonviolent offenders outside of the already overwhelmed prison system.


The people of Washington have spoken on cannabis and the federal government should respect that decision. Cannabis business owners across Washington are contributing hundreds of millions of dollars in tax revenue every year, and we should protect them from federal interference. It’s time to lift restrictions on cannabis research so that we can better understand the therapeutic benefits and the risks of long term use.

We should consider industrial hemp production as a means to revitalize small farms and agricultural communities struggling to survive. Due to the negligible THC content, the Department of Agriculture rightfully recognizes that hemp is not a drug, and we should treat it as such. It’s time to expand industrial hemp programs beyond exclusive research programs and put America back to work growing a clean, versatile, and profitable crop.

Affordable Housing

Imagine for a moment being a soldier returning home after a deployment, a senior citizen on a fixed income facing a 25% rent increase, a recent graduate struggling on an ‘entry-level’ salary, or a newly single parent standing at a crossroads. These Americans shouldn’t be forced to live in their cars or on the streets while Congress is too gridlocked to fight for them and ensure access to safe and affordable housing. This isn’t a partisan issue; we must work together to solve this problem. We have a tremendous deficit of affordable housing in Washington, and we need innovative and robust policies to increase the supply of housing. We've made a lot of progress recently, but we need to continue to expand the National Affordable Housing Trust Fund that is already providing hundreds of new affordable housing options in Washington. We must also protect and expand the Low Income Housing Tax Credit that incentivizes developers to build affordable housing.

But this also isn’t only an urban issue. While housing generally costs less in our rural communities, higher poverty rates, fewer employment opportunities, poor quality housing and a lack of access to affordable credit means that rural community members face incredible barriers to purchasing a home. We must shore up the USDA Rural Development Agencies so that we can continue to provide affordable financing options, expand modern utilities to rural communities and find ways to rebuild and reinvigorate rural economic opportunity. USDA loans and grants are vital to our rural communities, and are often the only choice available for low- and moderate-income families hoping to buy or build a home.[1]

Campaign advertisements

The following is an example of an ad from Long's 2018 election campaign.

"Working" - Elect Carolyn Long ad, released September 11, 2018

See also

External links


District 1
District 2
District 3
District 4
District 5
District 6
District 7
District 8
District 9
District 10
Democratic Party (10)
Republican Party (2)