Signs He Loves You Through Text - PairedLife Skip to main content

Signs He Loves You Through Text

Deciphering your boyfriend's texts can be tough—especially if neither of you has dropped the L-word yet—but don't lose hope. This guide has you covered!

Deciphering your boyfriend's texts can be tough—especially if neither of you has dropped the L-word yet—but don't lose hope. This guide has you covered!

How to Tell if He Loves You Over Text

So you've been dating for a pretty minute, but neither of you have said those three magic words. You've probably been wondering which of you will say them first.

In the age of instant messaging, you can tell a significant amount about a relationship by how you two text. You can find little clues about whether someone likes you (or loves you!) right there in your phone, though when someone loves you, it'll come out one way or another.

In this article, you will find the following sections:

  • How to Interpret His Texts and Emojis
  • The Art of Navigating Your Relationship's First "I Love You"
  • Frequently asked questions about love, texting, and relationships (e.g. what to do if your boyfriend says he loves you for the first time in a text)

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16 Ways to Tell He Is in Love With You Through Text Messages

While texts aren't exactly the window to the soul, they can say a lot about what's going on in your significant other's head (or heart). Here are 16 ways to tell if your boyfriend is falling in love with you ... or already has.

1. You find yourself talking to them constantly about anything and everything.

It doesn't matter the topic. They check in with you like it's a commitment. You get a mixture of long texts, short texts, sweet texts, random texts, haphazard texts, and romantic texts. You should be getting a lot of communication frequently and consistently. They'll want to keep talking to you because they like—I mean love—you.

2. He sends good morning and goodnight texts.

He wants to be your first thought when you wake up in the morning and the last thought you have when you go to bed. You're on his mind all day long, and he wants to be on your mind too.

3. When you're sad, sick, or a mess, he tries to cheer you up.

Even if they don't know how to make you feel better, they'll go the extra mile to try to comfort you. I'm not talking about a blank or apathetic response to your "I'm sick." They care about you, and they'll try to show it through their actions. He'll ask if there's anything he can do for you, or he'll find a way to let you know that he is empathetic toward your situation.


4. He texts you about your favorite things.

These could be things that have come up during dates, things he knows you like (such as ice cream or your favorite movies), inside jokes, etc. Bringing these things up is his way of showing that he really listens to and cares about you.

5. He'll confide in you and tell you secrets that he doesn't share with anyone else.

Sharing secrets is a big part of relationships. This could be how you feel about them romantically, what makes you sad, or the little bit of gossip you only spare for their ears. Essentially, this person is the one you deem as your confidante—a role that is hard to come by!

6. You don't have to question who will initiate conversations.

Sometimes, early on in a relationship, one person may feel like the dominant communicator. This could still continue with someone who is more reserved, but usually, it should get to a point where both of you communicate without much nudging from the other person.

7. You text a lot when you're apart for a while.

When you two can't see each other for a week, the texts make it clear (without question) that you miss each other. When you finally get to see one another, it's noticeable that some amount of emotion has developed.

If he does not miss you when you're apart, this could be suspicious. Perhaps you guys are at a point where you're used to having long breaks, so it doesn't bother you as much as it did in the beginning. But if he doesn't ever seem to miss you, that could be cause for concern.


8. He lets you be as weird as you want to be.

You could make up rhymes or communicate solely in emojis for an entire conversation, and it wouldn't matter. He likes your weirdness and probably sees it as part of your charm. You know you've found someone who's right for you when they enjoy your absurd narratives that others probably couldn't care less about hearing.

You're also comfortable annoying each other and getting under one another's skin—in a good way, of course. Reaching this point shows growth in your relationship and is a good indicator that he likes you (a lot).

9. He respects the hours you are sleeping.

Sometimes guys will text you at odd hours of the night, and it may seem cute or even harmless. But a guy who knows when you're sleeping and that you can't communicate to him at that time—that guy is smart. Someone who just texts you and wakes you up because he is up is being a little immature. Facebook messages don't count.

10. He doesn't leave you hanging or confused.

He is straight with you in his texts. Being able to communicate honestly and clearly—whether via text or face-to-face conversation—is an essential component for a healthy relationship. There will be a mutual understanding that just because you don't hear back from each other right away doesn't mean anything out of the norm is going on. This will result in a natural, comfortable flow to your text conversations.

You shouldn't feel left in the dark unless he is not really a phone person in general. Some people just don't like texting that much. Consider other ways they are communicating with you before writing the guy off. He may really like you, but just not like his phone buzzing every 10 minutes.

11. He brings up the future and asks the big questions.

If your guy is really into you, he'll be trying to piece together how the two of you will fit in the long term. Naturally, this involves thinking over his own career goals, ambitions, and so on in order to see how they mesh with your relationship. But if he's trying to figure out how to make both of your lives align harmoniously, he'll also be very curious about your goals and dreams.

The difference between asking about your future and your favorite flavor of ice cream is pretty clear—so if your man starts asking about your five-year plan, it's an indicator that he's seriously into you. He's in it for the long haul.

12. He mentions his family and friends and invites you to meet them.

He wants to show you off as more than a casual friend. It's no secret that meeting the parents is a pretty big step, as it indicates a huge trust in you. If he invites you to meet his family, you obviously mean a lot to him, and he wants both you and his loved ones to know that. The same thing goes for when a guy invites you to hang out with his best friends. He wouldn't bother introducing you if he didn't care.

Similarly, a guy who is super into you will take an interest in your family and friends. He will express interest in meeting them or, if they've already met, tell you how much he enjoys spending time with them. BUT your man will also encourage you to spend time with them when he's not around. He doesn't want you to lose your friends or the people that matter to you.


13. He'll tell you he enjoys your company, thank you for spending time with him, and invite you into his world.

Just got home from a date and already have a text from your guy saying how much he enjoyed the night? This is his way of letting you know you’re truly special to him. It’s also a way of making sure you feel comfortable with him because he wants to do things right.

14. He may mention in texts that he thinks you guys can work through things, you make a great team, and he enjoys the relationship.

This guy has a good attitude, and he is showing that he’s willing to put in the effort to make the relationship work. While the idea of a relationship that’s all fun all the time is nice, the reality is that they take work.

15. He'll continue to compliment you, but more meaningfully than before.

He'll compliment you whenever he can to let you know he likes you and more. You'll also notice that as his feelings deepen, his compliments will become more personal and meaningful. Whereas before, he might have focused on superficial compliments, he'll start complimenting you on things that no one else even notices about you, on things that really mean a lot to you.

16. He sends you pictures.

He will send you pictures to cheer you up because it is his goal to please you and make you happy. He will send pictures of his pets because he wants you to love them as he does. He will send you pictures of himself because he wants you to think of him.

Note: Don't be discouraged if your guy doesn't send you pictures. Love happens regardless of pictures, and in the end, it doesn't matter whether they send you pictures of their day and its adventures or if they send no pictures at all.

What do his emojis really mean? Interpreting the emojis your guy sends can be tricky, but this guide should help!

What do his emojis really mean? Interpreting the emojis your guy sends can be tricky, but this guide should help!

Is Texting a Healthy Way to Communicate?

While texting is a convenient way to communicate, it's no replacement for face-to-face communication with your partner, and real-life clues about whether or not your S.O. is in love with you will likely be more accurate than those you might get via text.

A Venngage study about whether you can fall in love with someone via text indicated that while intimate conversations felt easier over text, they were also far less rewarding. So what's the takeaway? Discussing personal topics can feel less scary when you know you can phrase your responses carefully and avoid seeing the other person's reaction (as well as showing your own)—BUT, if you only have intimate conversations with your partner via text, it could be a red flag for your overall relationship.

TL;DR While texts can convey signs that your guy loves you, they shouldn't be the only ones, and those three little words should really be said face-to-face.

Saying "I Love You" Can Be Complicated

When a man is in love with you, he will do the best that he can to make it clear. It may be difficult to get the words out, but if you are helping him to feel comfortable, saying "I love you" will come out eventually. A lot of times, people's actions will say how they really feel before they actually speak it.

Now when someone actually says they are in love with you, that is a big milestone. Sometimes that changes the pacing and color of the relationship. Sometimes when it is said it can bring sudden momentum to the relationship. Hopefully, you've already been communicating about your goals and your perception of the relationship. That way it won't come as a surprise and you won't be ill-prepared for it.