No doubt, many are thrilled to get the chance to study in France. The country is known not just for tourist spots or artistic culture but also as an academic center. Some of the world’s best-known intellectuals and artists were molded in this place. Many scholars have traveled to France to be educated within the walls of its many educational institutions.

However, one of the challenges of studying in France is the language barrier. As romantic as their language may be, some may find it difficult to learn right away. But there are French academies that offer English-taught programs, allowing you to earn your degree while immersing in the culture and corners of France.

In this article, we talk about some of France’s best English-taught universities.

Top Universities for English-taught Programs in France

1. Paris Sciences et Lettres University

One of France’s best English-taught universities, Paris Sciences et Lettres University, is a public institution established in 2010. However, it was only in 2019 that it became a formal university. Eleven schools compose the university, which are the Collège de France, Conservatoire National Supérieur d’Art Dramatique – PSL, Dauphine – PSL, National School of Charters – PSL, National School of Chemistry of Paris – PSL, National School of Mines of Paris – PSL, Ecole Normale Supérieure – PSL, Practical School of Advanced Studies – PSL, ESPCI Paris – PSL, Institut Curie, and the Paris Observatory – PSL. Besides these schools, the university also has other academic partners.

Despite being relatively young, the university is regarded as among the best in the country. Annually, it welcomes thousands of students and researchers into its walls and facilities, which include around 140 laboratories. Most of their students are graduate students pursuing master’s or Ph.D. level programs, but they also offer undergraduate students.

The university’s language of instruction is French and English, and most programs have courses that teach in one or the other. Hence, you may have to learn some French to pursue most programs. However, there are programs like the Master’s Degree in Energy and the Master’s Degree in Analysis and Policy in Economics programs whose teaching language is solely English.

2. Institut Polytechnique de Paris

The Polytechnic Institute of Paris or Institut Polytechnique de Paris is a public institution encompassing five of France’s top engineering schools: École Polytechnique, ENSTA Paris, ENSAE Paris, Télécom Paris, and Télécom SudParis. These schools come together to achieve the common goal of developing training programs and research. Individually, these institutions have contributed much to science and technology for the past centuries, producing Nobel laureates and prominent alumni.

Suppose you decide to pursue a program at the Institut Polytechnique de Paris. In that case, you will benefit from a high-caliber engineering education, an environment of research and culture, get to explore Paris, and at the end of it, earn a degree that will be recognized anywhere in the world. Courses in the institute may be taught either in French English or even both.

The École Polytechnique, through the institute, offers three undergraduate or Bachelor of Science programs, all of which are taught in English and can be accomplished within three years. Besides the undergraduate programs, the institute also offers various Ph.D. tracks, master’s programs, doctoral studies, engineering programs, lifelong learning programs, and summer schools.

3. Paris Institute of Political Sciences (Sciences Po)

More known as Sciences Po, the Paris Institute of Political Sciences is another top English-taught university in France. A private institution founded in 1872, it is quite known for accepting many international students through exchange programs, which allow them to study in the institute for a semester or more. But besides the exchange programs, international students make up around half of Sciences Po’s population, making it a very welcoming institution for students from around the globe.

Many international students choose Sciences Po not just because it is one of France’s top educational institutions but also because it offers many English-taught programs. Thus, even non-French speakers can study at the institute and learn the French language and culture while earning their degree.

Sciences Po offers three-year bachelor’s degree programs and dual bachelor’s degree programs for the undergraduate level. The dual degree programs allow students to graduate from two institutions – Sciences Po and their respective partner universities for the program, which may be Columbia University, Keio University, National University of Singapore, and more. Meanwhile, graduate students may also pursue a master’s program or a dual master’s degree program, similar to the dual bachelor’s degree program. The institute also offers an English-taught Ph.D. degree in Economics program.

4. Université de Paris

The University of Paris or Université de Paris is a public institution that was created in 2019 through the merging of Paris Descartes, Paris Diderot (VII), and Institut de Physique du globe de Paris. Despite being established later than others, this university has been recognized internationally as one of France’s best.

The university is a member of the Circle U. European University Alliance – a congregation of universities across the continent that is internationally oriented, multidisciplinary, and dedicated to research and teaching. The said formation is supported by the European Commission and Investment for the Future Programme.

The University of Paris offers various English-taught degree programs. However, some of them may also be taught in combination with French, such as the Bachelor in Frontiers of Life Sciences. However, there are programs offered solely in English, such as the Master in Biomedical Engineering – Bioengineering and Innovation in Neuroscience program.

5. American University of Paris

The American University of Paris is one of the best English-taught institutions in France and also among the oldest American universities in the continent, being established in 1962. It is a private institution and is relatively small, welcoming a little over a thousand students every year. The school’s students and faculty came from diverse backgrounds and nationalities.

Although the American University of Paris may not be as high-ranked as the other universities, it does have accreditation in the United States through the Middle States Commission on Higher Education. It was also accredited by the Delaware Department of Education. Besides these, the university was also recognized by the Rectorat de Paris as an établissement privé d’enseignement supérieur libre with the right to ouverture.

The university’s primary language of instruction is English. However, students must still demonstrate some French proficiency before graduation. There are various undergraduate and master’s degree programs students may choose from. These may include courses in history, computer science, mathematics, psychology, international management, global communications, diplomacy, and international law.


We hope that you found this article on the best English-taught schools in France informative and helpful. Make sure to also check out the Available Programs in Europe!

About the Author: Hyun Lee

Hi! I am Hyun, and I am the founder at Global Scholarships. I've received a full-tuition scholarship at Birmingham-Southern College and a $1,000 Burger King Scholarship for my undergraduate degree and was offered a fully funded scholarship consisting of tuition, living stipend, and health insurance for computer science Ph.D. program at North Carolina State University. You can read more about my scholarship journey here. If you are interested, you can follow me on Linkedin where I regularly write about scholarship opportunities.

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