Hitchcock Chronology: Whitfield Cook - The Alfred Hitchcock Wiki
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Hitchcock Chronology: Whitfield Cook

Entries in the Hitchcock Chronology relating to Whitfield Cook...




  • 6th - To celebrate the imminent start of filming on the first Transatlantic Pictures production, Rope, Hitchcock hosts a party at his Bellagio Road home. Among the guests are Sidney Bernstein and his wife, Arthur Laurents, Whitfield Cook, John Hodiak, Ingrid Bergman and Cary Grant.[2]



  • 21st - The Hitchcocks spend the weekend at their Scotts Valley, celebrating the end of filming on Rope. Among their guests are Hume Cronyn and Whitfield Cook.[3]


  • 20th - With no Academy Award nominations, the Hitchcocks instead spend the evening dining at Romanoff's with Whitfield Cook, Joan Harrison and Sidney Bernstein.[4]


  • 2nd - The Hitchcocks host a dinner at their Bellagio Road home for Whitfield Cook and Hume Cronyn, whilst listening to the results of the election — Harry Truman is reelected.[5]
  • 27th - The Hitchcocks spend the Thanksgiving weekend at their Scotts Valley ranch, accompanied by Whitfield Cook.[6]


  • 31st - Whitfield Cook hosts a lavish New Year's Eve party in Hollywood. Among the many guests are the Hitchcocks, Sally Benson, Farley Granger, Arthur Laurents, Charlie Chaplin, Shelley Winters and director Joseph Losey.[7]
  • The Hitchcocks spend Christmas at their Scotts Valley ranch. Their daughter Patricia has flown back to join them for the holiday season. Among their guests on Christmas Day are Whitfield Cook, Arthur Laurents and Joan Harrison.[8]



  • The Hitchcocks and Whitfield Cook begin regular script conferences for Stage Fright.[9]


  • 28th - The Hitchcocks and Whitfield Cook depart from New York City to London aboard the RMS Queen Elizabeth. During the voyage, Hitchcock comes down with a dose of flu and takes to bed. Cook completes a new draft of Stage Fright before they arrive at Southampton.[10]


  • 25th - With work on the Stage Fright completed, Whitfield Cook flies back to America.[11]



  • 12th - Writer Whitfield Cook, who worked on the films Stage Fright and Strangers on a Train, dies aged 94.


  1. Alfred Hitchcock: A Life in Darkness and Light (2003) by Patrick McGilligan, page 405
  2. Alfred Hitchcock: A Life in Darkness and Light (2003) by Patrick McGilligan, page 411
  3. Alfred Hitchcock: A Life in Darkness and Light (2003) by Patrick McGilligan, page 415
  4. Alfred Hitchcock: A Life in Darkness and Light (2003) by Patrick McGilligan, page 415
  5. Alfred Hitchcock: A Life in Darkness and Light (2003) by Patrick McGilligan, page 428
  6. Alfred Hitchcock: A Life in Darkness and Light (2003) by Patrick McGilligan, pages 428-29
  7. Alfred Hitchcock: A Life in Darkness and Light (2003) by Patrick McGilligan, page 429
  8. Alfred Hitchcock: A Life in Darkness and Light (2003) by Patrick McGilligan, page 429
  9. Alfred Hitchcock: A Life in Darkness and Light (2003) by Patrick McGilligan, page 430
  10. Alfred Hitchcock: A Life in Darkness and Light (2003) by Patrick McGilligan, page 432
  11. Alfred Hitchcock: A Life in Darkness and Light (2003) by Patrick McGilligan, page 437