The Meaning Behind The Song: Keeping Up With The Joneses by Corey Smith - Old Time Music
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The Meaning Behind The Song: Keeping Up With The Joneses by Corey Smith


The Meaning Behind The Song: Keeping Up With The Joneses by Corey Smith

Title Artist Writer/Composer Album Release Date Genre Producer
Keeping Up With The Joneses Corey Smith Corey Smith Keeping Up With the Joneses (2009) 2009 Country N/A

The Story Behind the Song

“Keeping Up With The Joneses” by Corey Smith is a powerful country song that delves into the struggle of overcoming poverty and the pressure to conform to societal expectations. The lyrics provide a glimpse into the artist’s own experiences growing up in a disadvantaged household and facing judgment from others.

In the first verse, Smith recalls the hardship his family faced, living in the hills and depending on government assistance. The absence of alimony payments and the struggles of his mother to hold onto a job added to their financial difficulties. Smith conveys his frustration and embarrassment as a result. He vividly remembers being ashamed of his free lunch card and reliance on food stamps at the grocery store.

The second verse portrays Smith’s experience as a school-going child wearing hand-me-downs from his cousin. He describes his baggy britches, which seemed to fit him well, but highlights his thin and loose middle. Smith conveys a sense of invisibility, feeling like an outcast growing up with the understanding that his future would involve relying on charity for a livelihood.

The Meaning and Message

“Keeping Up With The Joneses” is a powerful anthem that challenges the societal pressure to conform to materialistic standards. The chorus emphasizes the futility of attempting to compete with others who are more financially privileged. When you are stuck at the bottom, you learn to appreciate and make the most of what you have. Smith’s repeated phrase, “No keeping up with the Joneses,” serves as a reminder to focus on personal contentment rather than comparing oneself to others.

The song also confronts the tendency to judge others based on superficial aspects such as appearance and possessions. Smith urges listeners not to look down on their neighbors or make assumptions based on external factors. He urges empathy and understanding, calling attention to the fact that appearances can be deceiving.

Personally, this song resonates with me as someone who also came from a modest background. I can relate to the pressures of trying to keep up with societal expectations and feeling inadequate due to financial constraints. However, like Smith, I have learned the importance of finding happiness in the little things and valuing what truly matters – family, hard work, and personal growth.

In conclusion, “Keeping Up With The Joneses” by Corey Smith is a poignant reminder of the struggles faced by those in poverty and the pressure to conform to societal standards. Smith’s personal experiences drive home the importance of appreciating what we have and not succumbing to the futile pursuit of materialism. This song serves as a source of inspiration and empowerment for those who have faced similar challenges, reminding us to prioritize our own happiness and personal growth.

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