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    "We had some pre-existing problems with our roof - The contractor found on WhichSolar worked hard to come up with solutions to enable the installation to go ahead."

Panel £/Watt Install £
Sunpower 0.210 COMPARE
Sunpower 0.210 COMPARE
JA Solar 0.192 COMPARE
JA Solar 0.192 COMPARE

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What Our Customers Say

Solar Panel Installation

The savings from a solar PV system in the UK depend on factors like system size, local sunlight, and household electricity use. Many homeowners can cut their bills significantly and even sell excess power to the grid through the UK's Smart Export Guarantee (SEG).

The Smart Export Guarantee (SEG) is a program in the UK where energy companies pay people for the extra renewable electricity they produce with things like solar panels and sell back to the power grid. The amount you get paid can vary between different energy companies, so it's a good idea to check around to get the best deal.

Usually, you can add solar panels to your UK home without needing special permission. But if your property is listed or in a conservation area, there might be rules. It's smart to ask your local planning authority before putting up solar panels.

Solar panels typically work well for 25 to 30 years or even longer, but they might become a bit less effective as they get older. Many companies promise that their panels will still make at least 80% of their original power after 25 years.

If you have a battery along with your solar panels, you can still use electricity at home when the sun is not out. The battery saves up extra electricity made during the day so you can use it at night or when there's not much sunlight.