
  • Amanda Waller reveals she can't sacrifice Dreamer, a valuable asset with precognitive abilities and fighting skills.
  • Waller blackmails Dreamer into helping with her plans against metahumans, as Dreamer's visions provide crucial information.
  • With Absolute Power on the horizon, Waller refuses to let go of Dreamer, who remains one of the squad's most valuable members.

Warning! Spoilers ahead for Suicide Squad: Dream Team #3!The person running the Suicide Squad has finally revealed that there's someone in the DC Universe she just can't sacrifice. In her years running Task Force X, Amanda Waller has burned through a number of metahumans and super-powered criminals. But even she can't bring herself to intentionally destroy one powerful asset.

In Suicide Squad: Dream Team #3 by Nicole Maines, Eddy Barrows and José Luis, Deadeye leads the team on a recovery mission. Their teammate Dreamer has run off to protect the alien community Parthas and Amanda Waller is insistent the Suicide Squad find her by any means necessary.

Amanda Waller Dreamer Not Expendable DC

As the Squad discusses the situation, Amanda chimes from the recently conquered nation Gamorra to clarify a few things about their mission. Waller's nephew Deadeye asks why Waller doesn't simply eliminate Dreamer like any other problematic squad member. Waller plainly states that, unlike the rest of the Suicide Squad, Dreamer isn't expendable.

Amanda Waller Needs Dreamer More Than Any Other Suicide Squad Member

Dreamer Working for Waller DC

Since being given the green light to exterminate metahumans, Amanda Waller has been collecting assets to help her see her plans through. During "Beast World" she sought out Dreamer and blackmailed her into working for Waller, threatening to reveal the existence of Dreamer's home and alien refuge Parthas to the world. Dreamer reluctantly went along with it, using her precognitive abilities and dream powers to aid Waller's new Suicide Squad to conquer Gamorra. While working for Waller, Dreamer began having visions that showed her what Waller's actions would bring: Thousands of people dead and Waller gaining total control over DC's metahumans.

It's clear that Waller doesn't want any harm to come to Dreamer, likely because a precog as powerful as Dreamer is worth her weight in gold. Not to mention, Dreamer has become quite the fighter as a fight scene in this issue shows Dreamer effortlessly taking out dozens of Blue Earth terrorists (not to mention nearly beating the Suicide Squad). In the past, Waller's never had qualms about killing squad members who've caused her grief. But Dreamer has been one of the most useful assets Waller's had in a while, and she'll need her as Absolute Power approaches.

Like it or Not, Dreamer's Not Leaving the Suicide Squad

Waller Asking Dreamer to See into the Future DC

Being in the know and accumulating information has always been Waller's game and there's no better resource of information than what Dreamer's visions can provide. With Waller about to launch a concentrated effort against DC's metahumans in the summer event Absolute Power, she needs every asset that can give her an advantage, and unfortunately for Dreamer, that means Waller just isn't going to let her go. As long as the vision-having hero continues to be one of the most valuable people in Waller's employ, the Suicide Squad leader is going to hold onto Dreamer for dear life.

Suicide Squad: Dream Team #3 is available now from DC Comics.

Suicide Squad: Dream Team #3 (2024)

Suicide Squad Dream Team 10 Cover Bizarro with Dreamer and Harley DC
  • Writer: Nicole Maines
  • Artist: Eddy Barrows and José Luís
  • Colorist: Adriano Lucas
  • Letterer: Becca Carey
  • Cover Artist: Eddy Barrows