Online Courses | Harvard Business Publishing Education
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Online Courses

Bring students up to speed on core business concepts with comprehensive, self-paced courses delivered online.

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Save class time for advanced discussion

Set as a pre-matriculation requirement or assign as coursework to ensure students are on the same page.

Keep students actively engaged

Each topic is presented using interactive elements including narrated animations, videos, and self-correcting exercises.

Help students build their resumes

Students who pass the final exam receive a personalized certificate of completion.

Assess students' comprehension

Every course includes a pre-assessment and final exam to determine a student's mastery of the subject.


Introduce the core concepts of finance ranging from ratio analysis to valuation and have students apply these concepts in several different approaches to valuing a business.

Financial Accounting

Understand the fundamental concepts of financial accounting in a management context including how to read, create, and assess financial statements.

David F. Hawkins, Paul M. Healy, Michael Sartor

20 hours

David F. Hawkins, Paul M. Healy

8 hours

Management Communication

Develop the skills to create carefully planned and confidently delivered emails, presentations, action plans, and other key business communications.

Math for Management

Review the key mathematics concepts students should be familiar with in order to solve quantitative business problems.

Wayne Winston, Sarah Fairchild Sherry

14 hours

Wayne Winston, Sarah Fairchild Sherry

3 hours, 30 minutes

Wayne Winston, Sarah Fairchild Sherry

2 hours

Sarah Fairchild Sherry, Wayne Winston

2 hours, 30 minutes

Wayne Winston, Sarah Fairchild Sherry

2 hours, 30 minutes

Quantitative Methods

Introduce statistics from the management perspective with emphasis on developing the skills needed to make good decisions and become a more effective manager.

Spreadsheet Modeling: Excel 2013

Learn and apply shortcuts and tips for mastering the functions in Excel.