The Best Movies With Moon in the Title

Ranker Film
Updated May 15, 2024 78.5K views 33 items
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1.1K votes
479 voters
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Vote up your favorite movie with moon in the name.

Have you ever noticed how many movies there are with moon in the name? This list ranks the best movies with moon in the title, regardless of genre or rating. What is your favorite movie with moon in the name? Jim Carey gave a fantastic performance as the late Andy Kaufman in Man on the Moon. This is a weird way to categorize movies, but that's also why it's interesting. There are probably one or two movies with moon in the title that you instantly think of, but you might be surprised how many others there are too as you scroll through this list.

This ranked poll of films with moon in the title includes movies like Transformers: Dark of the Moon, The Twilight Saga: New Moon, and Paper Moon. Don't forget that this list is interactive, meaning you can vote the film names up or down depending on much you liked each movie that has the word moon in it.
Most divisive: Shoot the Moon
Over 400 Ranker voters have come together to rank this list of The Best Movies With Moon in the Title
  • Moon
    Sam Rockwell, Dominique McElligott, Kaya Scodelario
    66 votes

    Sam Rockwell delivers an incredible performance in this character-driven psychological solo piece, playing a lonely astronaut stationed on the far side of the moon. The gripping storyline combines with stunning cinematography to create an utterly engrossing experience that keeps viewers on the edge of their seats.

  • Under the Cherry Moon
    Prince, Jerome Benton, Kristin Scott Thomas
    16 votes

    Prince's highly-stylized directorial debut dazzles viewers with its striking black-and-white visuals and memorable soundtrack spearheaded by hit "Kiss." Dripping with Prince's unique blend of glamor, wit, and sensuality, this unconventional love story set on France's opulent Côte d'Azur becomes an instant cult classic celebratory of his eccentric vision.

  • Paper Moon
    Ryan O'Neal, Tatum O'Neal, Madeline Kahn
    50 votes

    Expertly crafted as both comedy and drama, this classic road movie features unforgettable chemistry between Ryan O'Neal and his real-life daughter Tatum, who won her age-best Supporting Oscar for her portrayal as Addie. Set during the Great Depression, this heartwarming film showcases various cons and scams while presenting a touching father-daughter relationship.

  • A Trip to the Moon
    Georges Méliès, Jehanne d'Alcy, Bleuette Bernon
    31 votes

    One could argue that Georges Méliès' groundbreaking 1902 silent film laid essential groundwork for modern cinema's enduring fascination with tales of space exploration. A whimsical, visually captivating adventure encapsulates an enduring sense of wonder that continues to captivate audiences over a century later.

  • Moon Over Miami
    Don Ameche, Betty Grable, Bob Cummings
    16 votes

    This delightfully funny romantic comedy showcases Alice Faye as a cafeteria worker who inherits a fortune to redefine herself as irresistible Miami high society material. Terrific musical numbers and well-written dialogue make for an enjoyable frolic as you watch Betty Grable, Jack Haley, and Robert Cummings navigating the tangled web of mistaken identity.

  • The Man in the Moon
    Sam Waterston, Tess Harper, Gail Strickland
    45 votes

    Reese Witherspoon made her impressive debut in this tender coming-of-age story about first love and family loyalty. Rich with emotion, beautifully shot landscapes represent an authentic rural Louisiana atmosphere where two sisters navigate life's challenges only to be further tested when tragedy strikes.

  • Moonlight
    Mahershala Ali, Alex R. Hibbert, Ashton Sanders
    8 votes

    Barry Jenkins' incredible direction lends powerful sensory depth to each scene in this poignant triptych following the life of Chiron as he grapples with his identity, sexuality, and personal growth. Thoroughly deserving of its Best Picture win at the Academy Awards, Moonlight delivers a profound cinematic experience steeped in beauty and raw emotion.

  • Man on the Moon
    Jim Carrey, Bob Zmuda, Max Alexander
    27 votes

    Jim Carrey embodies Andy Kaufman so fully in this engaging biopic that it feels like witnessing Kaufman himself brought back to life. An engrossing blend of drama and comedy explores Kaufman's unique genius while providing insight into the enigmatic performer's drive and motivations.

  • A Walk on the Moon
    Diane Lane, Viggo Mortensen, Liev Schreiber
    36 votes

    Set against turbulent 1969 America backdrop marked by civil rights protests, Woodstock, and the moon landing, this period drama is brought to life by emotional performances from Diane Lane and Viggo Mortensen. The film masterfully explores an intimate story of self-discovery within the framework of changing times and relationships that tug at your heartstrings.

  • Bitter Moon
    Peter Coyote, Emmanuelle Seigner, Hugh Grant
    15 votes

    Roman Polanski adeptly manipulates audience perceptions throughout erotic thriller oscillating between amusement, fascination, and repulsion during an indulgent exploration of dark desire consequences affecting Hugh Grant’s Nigel character deeply entrenched within startling revelations consigned amongst powerful performances. A gripping psychological narrative emerges from seedy underbellies shrouded beneath love’s initial surreptitiously seductive exterior.

  • Shoot the Moon
    Albert Finney, Diane Keaton, Dana Hill
    23 votes

    Diane Keaton and Albert Finney unflinchingly portray the raw pain and vulnerability emanating from a disintegrating marriage in Alan Parker's heartbreaking yet cathartic drama. Brutally honest storytelling unfolds keenly where jagged emotions entangle family members seeking paths forward given turbulent circumstances threatening conventional notions of their individual progressions.

  • In the Shadow of the Moon
    Boyd Holbrook, Gabrielle Graham, Billy Otis
    8 votes

    Boasting mind-bending science fiction elements merged expertly with intense detective thriller aspects, In The Shadow Of The Moon keeps audiences guessing every step of the way. A deeply immersive performance from Boyd Holbrook threads an intricate narrative while never allowing viewers' attention to falter.

  • Brother Sun, Sister Moon
    Alec Guinness, Judi Bowker, Peter Firth
    9 votes

    Franco Zeffirelli captures Saint Francis of Assisi's spiritual awakening through compelling storytelling alongside breathtaking Italian cinematography. A gentler companion piece to Zeffirelli’s religious epic The Agony And The Ecstasy beautifully scores faith transformation underscored by heavy medieval superstition within aesthetically inspiring visuals invoking deep contemplation regarding commitment amid varying societal expectations.

  • Full Moon in Blue Water
    Gene Hackman, Teri Garr, Burgess Meredith
    9 votes

    Gene Hackman delivers an unforgettable portrayal of a grieving widower attempting to maintain his business amid personal turmoil while shadowed by Fred Ward’s enigmatic Newberry character. Intimate humor and authentic drama collide within finely textured character relationships wrought with tenderness proving why Full Moon In Blue Water remains revered as a low-key classic.

  • Amazon Women on the Moon
    Rosanna Arquette, Sybil Danning, Steve Guttenberg
    10 votes

    A laugh-out-loud hilarious anthology comedy featuring skits presented as short TV programming snippets is brought alive by a terrific ensemble cast, including Rosanna Arquette and Michelle Pfeiffer. Directed by multiple comedy veterans (John Landis, Joe Dante), the film offers viewers side-splitting entertainment throughout its wild ride.

  • The Twilight Saga: New Moon
    Kristen Stewart, Robert Pattinson, Taylor Lautner
    23 votes

    Heartthrob werewolves crescendo through ever-deepening romance immersing Bella (Kristen Stewart) deeper within supernatural beings residing among unaware populace via unexpected twists recalibrating audience expectations throughout Bella’s journey. Intense action sequences mix with smoldering on-screen chemistry rendering emotional turmoil palpable as audiences hold their breath till resolution delivers satisfying thrills until next installment.

  • Woman in the Moon
    Tilla Durieux, Gustav von Wangenheim, Fritz Rasp
    9 votes

    Fritz Lang's visionary 1929 silent sci-fi film blends scientific innovation with melodrama as it predicts the invention of space travel. Propelling epic stories to unexplored territory with impressive special effects for its time, Woman in the Moon built a foundation for future generations of groundbreaking filmmakers.

  • First Men in the Moon
    Edward Judd, Martha Hyer, Lionel Jeffries
    6 votes

    A wonderfully realized adaptation of H.G. Wells' novel thrives on groundbreaking special effects by brilliant Ray Harryhausen and an exceptional ensemble cast skillfully bringing to life the fantastical creatures inhabiting a far-off lunar civilization. Literary science fiction adventure translated masterfully to the big screen.

  • Castaway on the Moon
    Jung Ryeo-won, Jung Jae-young, Mi-kyeong Yang
    5 votes

    An eccentric mix of multiple genres grants this South Korean gem its distinctive charm which skillfully blends romance, humor, pathos, and social commentary. Two misfit characters form an unlikely connection in their isolation on a small island under a city bridge, offering unexpected insight into human strength amid adversity.

  • Mona Lisa and the Blood Moon
    Kate Hudson, Jeon Jong-seo, Ed Skrein
    5 votes

    Creole folklore serves as backdrop for Ana Lily Amirpour's darkly imaginative dystopian thriller set in New Orleans' post-Katrina underworld. Kate Hudson's performance elevates the engaging ensemble cast with their various colorful characters contributing to this fantastically thought-provoking journey through a seedy cityscape.

  • Over the Moon
    John Cho, Ken Jeong, Sandra Oh
    5 votes

    This enchanting animated film takes viewers on a magical voyage filled with jaw-dropping animation design and heartwarming storytelling inspired by Chinese culture. With captivating music providing rousing entertainment throughout, this heartfelt tale is sure to leave audiences with smiles on their faces.

  • Shine on Harvest Moon
    Ann Sheridan, Dennis Morgan
    6 votes

    Featuring dazzling performances from Ann Sheridan and Dennis Morgan, this lively musical biopic brings to life '20s vaudeville stars Nora Bayes and Jack Norworth with catchy songs that leave audiences tapping their feet. With strong performances and heartfelt storytelling, Shine On Harvest Moon offers unmissable entertainment.

  • The Stalking Moon
    Gregory Peck, Eva Marie Saint, Robert Forster
    9 votes

    Tense atmosphere envelops The Stalking Moon with Gregory Peck playing a retiring scout assisting Eva Marie Saint's widow character in escaping her ruthless kidnapper; slow-burning suspense coupled with stunning cinematography creates an immersive viewing experience like no other. Celebrated for elevating Western-thriller blends to new heights, The Stalking Moon is not one to miss.

  • The Moon Is Blue
    William Holden, David Niven, Maggie McNamara
    7 votes

    Otto Preminger's controversial romantic comedy, initially criticized in the '50s for pushing boundaries of polite subject matter, remains delightfully fresh and formidable today. A stellar cast featuring William Holden and Maggie McNamara confidently navigate love and morality atop a Manhattan skyscraper with witty dialogue that entertains audiences throughout.

  • Racing with the Moon
    Sean Penn, Elizabeth McGovern, Nicolas Cage
    6 votes

    Elizabeth McGovern, Sean Penn, and Nicolas Cage shine in this poignant coming-of-age tale set against small-town America during WWII as two friends enlist to become Marines. Evocative period details combined with nuanced performances connect viewers to universal topics of youthful adventure, blossoming love, and lingering uncertainty about young men facing war.

  • The Teahouse of the August Moon
    Marlon Brando, Glenn Ford, Machiko Kyō
    8 votes

    Character-driven humor translates wartime tensions into a light-hearted satire filled with hearty laughter while following Marlon Brando’s American army captain attempting to "Americanize" Okinawans led by Machiko Kyō. Splendid performances and timeless themes create entertainment that carries an important message about embracing differences in cultures.

  • The Mouse on the Moon
    Margaret Rutherford, Bernard Cribbins, Ron Moody
    8 votes

    This whimsical sequel to The Mouse That Roared follows a broke European duchy’s unlikely venture into space, fueled by an ambitious leader and an ingeniously nutty scientist. With engaging performances from Margaret Rutherford and Ron Moody, The Mouse on the Moon delivers delightful satire that leaves audiences both entertained and enthralled.

  • Tell Me That You Love Me, Junie Moon
    Liza Minnelli, Ken Howard, Robert Moore
    6 votes

    Uplifting spirit emerges throughout adversity where Liza Minnelli showcases her vivid range as Junie Moon, who forms deep bonds with equally struggling residents in a nearby boarding house. Heartbreaking and heartwarming destinies intertwine with grace alongside Wesley Addy’s guidance culminating this underappreciated classic American cinema.

  • Blood on the Moon
    Robert Mitchum, Barbara Bel Geddes, Robert Preston
    5 votes

    Engrossing Western-noir hybrid brilliantly positions Robert Mitchum as a wandering cowboy who becomes entangled in sinister range wars escalating tensions to dire stakes. Atmospheric cinematography, taut storytelling, and compelling performances give viewers an unforgettable ride through moral dilemmas expertly intertwined with dark psychological undertones.

  • By the Light of the Silvery Moon
    Doris Day, Mary Wickes, Leon Ames
    4 votes

    Doris Day's captivating performance transports audiences into a joyous world where wholesome family values manifest across interconnected storylines portrayed by luminous Leon Ames and Rosemary DeCamp as parents steadying their children amidst prevailing societal collusions threatening lifestyles which they fervently attempt preserving by any means necessary given ‘Silvery Moon’ light guiding them home.