250 Bucket List Ideas To Accomplish in Your Lifetime - Parade Skip to main content

No matter your age, most of us have ideas of things we would love to do in our lifetime. Some of those things could be basic goals and others might be a little more adventuresome or challenging. Instead of letting those thoughts or goals just ramble around in our brains, it's a good idea to formalize the ideas into a bucket list. That way, whether you want to learn a different language or hope to witness a blood moon, writing those bucket list ideas down will help you to get them accomplished.

It's first important to understand what a bucket list really is and what types of things you put on it. You may have some preconceived ideas about this, however, you'll be happy to find out a bucket list can consist of much more than just heart-stopping thrills that stare death in the face. Something as simple as reading a classic could be a challenging and rewarding experience for you.

If you find yourself staring at a blank piece of paper with no idea what to even consider as a goal, no worries! We have put together a whopping list of 250 bucket list ideas that you may want to consider for yourself.

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What Is a Bucket List?

A bucket list is a list that is made up of a number of experiences or achievements that a person hopes to have or accomplish during their lifetime. These will usually consist of things that someone has never done before but hopes to do before they die. It's a way of keeping track of what is most important to you and identifying the milestones and experiences you hope to have.

What a bucket list is not, is a list of tasks. A chore or to-do list is a totally separate list.

How Do You Make a Bucket List?

There is no hard and set rule for what goes on a bucket list. In fact, each person's bucket list will probably be totally different than another person's. Some people are way over the top with adventure-seeking. They may include "scary" things like tightrope walking, which might make another person nauseous just thinking about it.

Many people think that a bucket list needs to contain only very remarkable accomplishments. However, any new experience that is important to you should be included on your bucket list. If it is a goal that you have before you die, then it is absolutely a bucket list item.

What Is Number One On Most People's Bucket Lists?

According to a survey done by YouGov, the number one item on most people's bucket lists is "getting healthier." In fact, 41% of adults surveyed came up with that response. Here is the list of the three most common responses within all age groups.

  • Get healthier/lose weight - 41%
  • Travel to an exotic location - 35%
  • Achieve a wealth goal - 29%

There were some slight variations in the top three between Gen Z'ers and Baby Boomers. Gen Z'ers had achieving wealth as number one, followed by getting healthier and then a tie with owning a home and getting married. Baby Boomers, on the other hand, responded with getting healthier as number one, followed by traveling and then changing someone's life for the better. 

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Challenging Bucket List Ideas

Everyone likes a challenge. Once the challenge is accomplished, it feels so worthwhile and rewarding. Think of anything that interests you, even if it feels intimidating, and write those things down. 

  1. Run a marathon
  2. Drive a race car
  3. Hike the Appalachian Trail
  4. Write a book
  5. Learn to cook
  6. Learn to bake
  7. Try a DIY home project
  8. Make your own wine
  9. Brew your own beer
  10. Learn kickboxing
  11. Learn yoga
  12. Get physically fit
  13. Go ziplining
  14. Create a video that goes viral
  15. Try axe throwing
  16. Learn archery
  17. Learn to paddle board
  18. Climb a mountain
  19. Try ice climbing
  20. Visit all 50 states
  21. Get on a live tv show
  22. Scuba diving
  23. Ride a mechanical bull
  24. Go kite surfing
  25. Learn to rollerblade

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Thrilling Bucket List Ideas

If you love thrill and adventure, this section is full of ideas that will get your heart pumping. 

  1. Ride a rollercoaster
  2. Go sky diving
  3. Go parasailing
  4. Go bungee jumping
  5. Go water skiing
  6. Go snow skiing
  7. White water rafting
  8. Take a hot air balloon ride
  9. Ride in a helicopter
  10. Go surfing
  11. Ride a motorcycle
  12. Drive a side by side
  13. Ride a dirt bike
  14. Go snowmobiling
  15. Ride a horse
  16. Explore a cave
  17. Bike down a volcano
  18. Visit the Grand Canyon
  19. Rent a dune buggy
  20. Swim in a hot spring
  21. Attend the Olympics
  22. Attend the Super Bowl
  23. Travel on a train
  24. Fly in a plane
  25. See a waterfall

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Sporting Bucket List Ideas

Some of you may be hunting or sports enthusiasts. In that case, you may have specific goals for each category. Each specific goal can be its own bucket list item.

  1. Moose hunting
  2. Deep sea fishing
  3. Deer hunting
  4. Bear hunting
  5. Duck hunting
  6. Turkey hunting
  7. Learn fly fishing
  8. Fish the Great Lakes
  9. Predator hunting
  10. Learn to golf
  11. Play a team sport
  12. Go rock climbing
  13. Take a float plane to a remote area
  14. Play a game of paintball
  15. Hunt for elk
  16. Hunt an animal from another country
  17. Play tennis
  18. Play racquetball
  19. Play pickleball
  20. Play padel
  21. Play volleyball
  22. Play softball
  23. Play baseball
  24. Play soccer
  25. Play football

Travel Bucket List Ideas

Most of us have some type of travel interest. There is no end to the travel goals that you might have. This section highlights some popular ideas that can lead to many more specifics or further destinations.

  1. Go on an African safari
  2. Go on an Alaskan cruise
  3. Visit another country
  4. Visit a tropical island
  5. Visit all seven continents
  6. Visit a rainforest
  7. Go to an aquarium
  8. Visit a science museum
  9. Go to Hawaii
  10. Stay on a yacht
  11. Stay in a luxury hotel
  12. Stay in a cabin
  13. Sleep in a tent
  14. Stay at a bed and breakfast
  15. Visit a castle
  16. Travel through the mountains
  17. Visit the East Coast
  18. Visit the West Coast
  19. Visit Yellowstone National Park
  20. Visit New York City
  21. Visit Los Angelas
  22. Travel in a riverboat
  23. Take a taxi
  24. Ride the Subway
  25. Take a friendcation

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We tend to all start with some common goals in life such as going to college or getting married. This is a good place to start when coming up with your own list.

  1. Have fulfilling friendships
  2. Go to college
  3. Get married
  4. Buy a house
  5. Fall in love
  6. Have a fulfilling career
  7. Have kids
  8. Retire early
  9. Be your own boss
  10. Start a garden
  11. Find a church
  12. Build a dream home
  13. Buy a vacation home
  14. Send kids to college
  15. Volunteer somewhere
  16. Accomplish a goal
  17. Travel somewhere new
  18. Learn photography
  19. Attend a formal event
  20. Ride bike trails
  21. Meet a celebrity
  22. Master a video game
  23. Get paid to travel
  24. Order room service
  25. Play the stock market

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Fun Bucket List Ideas

Do you like to have fun? Here are some things that you might enjoy trying.

  1. Go sailing
  2. Go snorkeling
  3. Pan for gold
  4. Go beachcombing
  5. Go camping
  6. Go canoeing
  7. Go kayaking
  8. Go wine tasting
  9. Go boating
  10. Swim with sea turtles
  11. Swim with dolphins
  12. Learn to ice skate
  13. See the Northern Lights
  14. View a rocket take off
  15. Take an airboat to see alligators
  16. Go to a concert
  17. Go to symphony
  18. Go to a play
  19. Ride a skateboard
  20. Ride an electric scooter
  21. Ride in a limo
  22. Do a flip on a trampoline
  23. Bike down a volcano
  24. Attend a rodeo
  25. Ride in a horse and carriage

Bucket List Ideas For the Mind

Stay young with bucket list ideas that challenge your brain. Here is some food for thought to get you started.

  1. Read a classic
  2. Learn another language
  3. Take a class
  4. Learn an art
  5. Learn to play an instrument
  6. Play chess
  7. Learn a new card game
  8. Read the Bible in a year
  9. Learn how to code
  10. Learn how to drive a stick shift
  11. Take up a new hobby
  12. Learn to dance
  13. Play sudoku
  14. Put together a 1,000-piece puzzle
  15. Memorize scripture
  16. Learn to line dance
  17. Learn calligraphy
  18. Take singing lessons
  19. Go to an art gallery
  20. Read a biography
  21. Learn history
  22. Learn a new skill
  23. Put together your family tree
  24. See a ballet
  25. See an opera

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Bucket List Ideas for Health

Some of these ideas for health-related goals may seem like New Year's resolutions. However, they are great to add to a bucket list as they will enrich your life.

  1. Become physically fit
  2. Eat healthy
  3. Try intermittent fasting
  4. Meditate
  5. Reach your goal weight
  6. Conquer a fear
  7. Eat a new food
  8. Go oyster hunting
  9. Start an herb garden
  10. Chop firewood
  11. Join a book club
  12. Be a mentor
  13. Own a pet
  14. Do a charity walk
  15. Learn CPR
  16. Make a positive change in someone's life
  17. Start a charity
  18. Visit a beach
  19. Unplug for a week
  20. Teach a class
  21. Sponsor a child
  22. Vote in an election
  23. Write a poem
  24. Write a song
  25. Start a journal

Unique Bucket List Ideas

Have you ever thought of chasing a storm or sending a message in a bottle? Think outside the box a little as you are putting together your list.

  1. Chase a storm
  2. Own a piece of Tiffany's jewelry
  3. Own investment real estate
  4. Stay at an all-inclusive resort
  5. Partake in a progressive dinner
  6. Do the polar bear plunge
  7. Own an original piece of artwork
  8. Rope swing into the water
  9. Send a message in a bottle
  10. Start a blog
  11. Whistle with two fingers
  12. Bowl a strike
  13. Dive off a high diving board
  14. Fly a kite
  15. Go ice fishing
  16. Play badminton
  17. Dye hair
  18. Get a pedicure
  19. Get a manicure
  20. Take a mud bath
  21. Have a house cleaner
  22. Flip a house
  23. Attend a pig roast
  24. Drink expensive wine
  25. Participate in a parade

Creative Bucket List Ideas

Creating something can be a rewarding challenge for most people. If you have any interest at all, you can easily take a class to learn just about anything.

  1. Make a career out of a hobby
  2. Build a sand castle
  3. Learn pottery
  4. Paint something
  5. Make jewelry
  6. Learn to sew
  7. Learn to knit
  8. Learn to crochet
  9. Make stained glass
  10. Learn woodworking
  11. Start a collection
  12. Invent something
  13. Make a balloon animal
  14. Make a model car
  15. Act in a play
  16. Learn glass blowing
  17. Decoupage something
  18. Design a website
  19. Complete a cross-stitch piece
  20. Tie-dye a T-shirt
  21. Make a scrapbook
  22. Make a candle
  23. Learn origami
  24. Make soap
  25. Refinish a piece of furniture

Next Up: Four Bucket List Trips Will Make Your Dreams Come True