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The House of Hanover was a British royal dynasty with German origins. All the Hanoverian monarchs were descended from George Louis, the elector of Hanover (a region of Germany). The six Hanoverian monarchs ruled Great Britain between 1714 and 1901.

In 1701 the British Parliament passed a law called the Act of Settlement. The law said that only a Protestant could be king or queen of Britain. Roman Catholics were removed from the line of succession. Because of that, the House of Stuart came to an end. The Stuarts had ruled England since 1603. However, after Queen Anne died in 1714, all the Stuarts in line to succeed her were Catholic. The next Protestant in line for the throne was George of Hanover. George’s mother, Sophia, was the granddaughter of King James I of England.

George of Hanover became George I of Great Britain and Ireland. He spoke little English and did not like his new country. He returned to Hanover whenever he could. He ruled until his death in 1727.

His son became King George II and ruled until 1760. Both George I and George II were considered foreigners by many British people, particularly the Scots, and at first neither king was much liked.

Gaining Popularity

Britain grew more powerful during the reign of George II. Much of India came under British control. The British also won important victories against the French in what is now Canada. George II was also the last ruling monarch to fight alongside his men in battle. He fought the French in Germany in 1743. By the end of his reign George II had become a popular monarch.

Old and Young Pretenders

The reigns of both these kings saw attempts to put the Catholic Stuarts back on the throne. Supporters of the Stuart line were known as Jacobites. There were two main leaders of the Jacobites: James Edward Stuart, known as “The Old Pretender,” and his son Charles Edward Stuart, known as “The Young Pretender” or “Bonnie Prince Charlie.”

The Old Pretender was the son of James II, who had been overthrown in 1688. With the help of the French, the Old Pretender tried to seize the throne from George I in 1715. This Jacobite Rebellion failed.

The Stuarts tried again in 1745. The Young Pretender landed on the west coast of Scotland with just nine men to support him in his fight for the throne. He quickly gained a lot more support in Scotland, though. At first the Jacobites were successful, but on April 16, 1746, the Jacobites lost a battle fought at Culloden. The Young Pretender fled. He stayed in Scotland for several months but finally left for France. He died in Rome, Italy, in 1788.

George II’s son, Frederick, died in 1751—nine years before his father. This meant that the next in line to the throne was George II’s grandson, who became George III.


George III was the first of the Hanoverians to have been born in England and to speak English as his first language. As a result he was much more popular than his grandfather or great-grandfather had been. However, he lost some of this popularity after 1782, when Britain lost its colonies in America as a result of the American Revolution.


As his reign progressed, George III began to suffer from an illness that caused periods of insanity. He became known as “Mad King George.” By 1811 he was very ill and almost deaf and blind. The government decided that he could not rule the country any more and that his son, Prince George, should rule as regent. George ruled for his father until the old king died in January 1820.

Just a year after George IV became king, his wife, Caroline, died. He had already lost his only daughter, Charlotte, when she had died in childbirth in 1817. George IV never remarried. Since he had no surviving children, the Crown passed to his brother William in 1830.

William IV was 64 when he became king of Britain. He had been a sailor and had fought in the wars against Napoleon Bonaparte.

William felt that the system of government in Britain was becoming corrupt and was being controlled by a few powerful men. During his reign the Reform Act of 1832 was passed by Parliament. This greatly improved the system of government.

William IV was a good king, but he did not have any children. When he died in 1837 his niece, Victoria, became queen.

Victoria was the daughter of Edward, duke of Kent, a younger brother of George IV and William IV. Edward had died in 1820. Victoria’s mother was a German princess, Victoria of Saxe-Coburg.

Early Rule

Victoria, whose real first name was Alexandrina, was crowned in Westminster Abbey in June 1838. Victoria, who was just 18, took the advice of her ministers at the beginning of her reign. But as she grew older her influence became stronger.


Victoria fell in love with her first cousin, Prince Albert of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha. They married in 1840. Albert did not become king but instead was known as prince consort.

Victoria and Albert had nine children. Through their marriages the children became members of most of the royal families of Europe.

Later Rule

Albert died in 1861. For a time Victoria was so upset that she refused to continue her public duties, but she was later convinced to return to public life. During her reign Britain gained control of many other countries and won many wars.

The British people and Victoria celebrated her golden jubilee in 1887 and her diamond jubilee in 1897. She reigned for 64 years—longer than any other British monarch except for Queen Elizabeth II.

Victoria died in 1901, bringing an end to the House of Hanover. She was succeeded by her son, Edward VII. He was the only monarch of the House of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha.

The Hanoverians ruled for nearly 200 years. During that time Britain built a large empire throughout the world. At home there were many changes in the political life of the country. More people were allowed to vote, and the office of prime minister became a regular part of the government.

A number of great buildings and royal parks were constructed during the Hanoverian period. Windsor Great Park in Berkshire was created for the Hanoverian monarchs. George III spent much of his time at Kew Palace. A house in Kew Gardens is known as Queen Charlotte’s Cottage, after his wife. George IV organized the building of the Royal Pavilion in Brighton.

Prince Albert was involved in building the Natural History Museum, the Victoria and Albert Museum, and the Royal Albert Hall in London. He also helped design Balmoral Castle, the royal residence in Scotland.

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