Tiger Woods' Net Worth and Businesses—PGA, Nike, Gatorade, and a Mini Golf Chain

Tiger Woods' Net Worth and Businesses—PGA, Nike, Gatorade, and a Mini Golf Chain

Woods has made millions over the years from brand deals and savvy business ventures

Tiger Woods playing golf in the PNC Championship in Orlando, Florida, Dec. 17, 2023

David Cannon / Getty Images

Key Takeaways

  • Professional golfer Tiger Woods has a net worth of $1.1 billion as of January 2024, according to Forbes.
  • Woods has also earned a record-setting $121 million in prize money from PGA tours.
  • A large portion of Woods' fortune has come from endorsement deals with major brands such as Nike and Monster Energy.
  • In January 2024, Woods ended his partnership with Nike after 27 years—the contract was valued at an estimated $500 million.
  • Woods is involved in a series of savvy business ventures that range from a mini-golf chain to luxury real estate, and even a restaurant.

Golf legend Tiger Woods may have parted ways with Nike after 27 years, but he has made millions from his career as a pro golfer and lucrative endorsement deals with other major brands including Gatorade, Rolex, and Monster Energy.

Considered one of the best golfers of all time, Woods is one of the few billionaire athletes in the world—and is only the second active athlete who is a billionaire, behind NBA star LeBron James. Woods has a net worth of $1.1 billion as of January 2024, according to Forbes. Here's how Tiger Woods built his fortune.

Golf Earnings

In his 27-year career as a professional golfer, Woods accumulated 106 worldwide wins and 15 majors. He has 82 PGA Tour wins, tied with golfer Sam Snead for the most PGA Tour wins in history.

Throughout his career as a pro golfer, Woods has earned about $1.8 billion, according to an estimate by Forbes. Woods has also earned a record-setting $121 million in prize money from PGA tours.

However, Woods' impressive earnings from golf are not the only way he amassed his wealth—in fact, they account for less than 10% of his net worth, according to Forbes. The rest of his fortune comes from major endorsement deals and a series of business ventures.

Endorsement Deals

Woods' 27-year partnership with Nike certainly contributed to his massive fortune as the sporting company was his biggest backer. Woods' deal with Nike was said to be worth about $500 million throughout the life of the contract.

That's not the only major partnership Woods had, though. The golfer had a lucrative tie-up with sports drink company, Gatorade, which paid him an estimated $100 million over several years. However, the company ended its partnership with Woods in 2010 after news of several extramarital affairs surfaced. AT&T and technology consulting company Accenture were also among the brands that ended their partnerships with Woods at the time.

Woods partnered with energy drink company, Monster Energy, in 2016 and has continued his endorsement deal with them. The pro golfer has been seen playing out of a Monster-branded golf bag and has also represented the brand's other drink, Monster Hydro Super Sport since 2022.

Businesses and Investments

Woods has entered into a series of savvy business ventures that range from mini-golf establishments to luxury real estate, and even a restaurant.

Woods has a restaurant called The Woods on Jupiter Island in Florida, one of the wealthiest neighborhoods in the nation.

Several of Woods' businesses have to do with golf—he owns a golf course design firm, TGR Design, golf simulator tool Full Swing, as well as an indoor mini golf chain, Popstroke. Popstroke has nine locations across Florida, Arizona, and Texas and anticipates opening an additional 15 sites in 2024 and 2025.

In 2022, Woods and fellow pro golfer Rory McIlroy launched TMRW Sports, a tech company focused on sports, media, and entertainment. The company has a host of celebrity investors backing the venture, including Justin Bieber, DJ Khaled, and Macklemore.

Through TMRW Sports, Woods and McIlroy also started an indoor golf league, TGL, in partnership with the PGA Tour. The league's first season was recently postponed to 2025 after the roof of its arena in Palm Beach Gardens, Florida, collapsed.

Woods is also a shareholder in global real estate development company Nexus Luxury Collection, along with singer Justin Timberlake. In October 2023, the company announced that Woods and Timberlake will be opening a sports and entertainment gastropub in St. Andrews, Scotland, through Nexus. The premium venue includes dining and lounge areas, and Woods' own Full Swing golf simulators.

Woods is no stranger to real estate and has bought and sold multiple million-dollar properties. His home on Jupiter Island costs an estimated $54 million.

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  1. Forbes. "Tiger Woods."

  2. Tiger Woods. "Biography."

  3. PGA Tour. "Career Earnings."

  4. Forbes. "Tiger Woods Officially a Billionaire, No Thanks to the Saudis."

  5. The Guardian. "Tiger Woods and Nike Bring $500m 27-Year Partnership to an End."

  6. Reuters. "Gatorade Sinks Tiger Woods Sponsorship."

  7. PR Newswire. "Monster Hydro Super Sport Supports Tiger Woods Return to The Masters."

  8. Tiger Woods. "The Woods."

  9. Popstroke. "Locations."

  10. TMRW Sports. "TMRW Sports Founders."

  11. CBS Sports. "Justin Bieber, DJ Khaled Among Group of Star Investors Joining TMRW Sports Led by Tiger Woods, Rory McIlroy."

  12. TGL Golf. "TGL Explained."

  13. CNBC. "Tiger Woods' New Golf League Delays Start of Season by a Year After Venue Collapse."

  14. Business Insider. "Inside Tiger Woods' Multi-Million Dollar Real Estate Portfolio."

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