温州市籀园小学 籀园小学简介








Wenzhou Zhouyuan Elementary School


    Wenzhou Zhouyuan Elementary School was founded in 2007, which is located on the beautiful Jiushan Lake. It is surrounded by lakes on three sides and is known as "the lake in the garden and the school in the lake".

The school adheres to the school philosophy of “creating an education suitable for children's development”, follows the school motto of “concern for the world and care for life”. The school is committed to cultivating students' DNA of “learning to love, learning to learn, learning to play, and learning to create”. Now it has established six “Junior Academies” to respond to the natural development of children and allow them to realize their best self. Respond to current educational reform, the school has effectively integrated developed the “Six ‘L’s” academy curriculum based on the requirement of New Curriculum Standard, and created a set of high-quality special courses such as Organizing Class, Information Direct, Math Games, ISING, and Children's Happiness, etc. The school has established a set of school-based curriculum system based on the national curriculum and higher than the national curriculum, which has continuously led the basic education curriculum reform in Wenzhou, Zhejiang and even the whole country, and has been widely recognized by the community.

    Motto of school: Strive for the best in a harmonious atmosphere

Motto of teachers: Be fully inclusive and equitable, Keep self-innovative

Motto of students: Do solid work with the sky as the limit of our imagination

In recent years, Wenzhou Zhouyuan Elementary School has been awarded as National “Youth Artificial Intelligence Activity Specialized Unit”, the first batch of National “Sports Demonstrative School”, National “Youth  Football Specialized School”, Zhejiang “Most Beautiful School”, Zhejiang “Mental Health Education Demonstrative School”, Zhejiang “Modernized School”, Zhejiang “First Civilized School”, Zhejiang “First Art Special School”, Zhejiang “Sports Special School”, Zhejiang “STEAM Education-Project Cultivation School”(Elementary and Middle school), Zhejiang “Advanced Group of Curriculum Reform Work in Compulsory Education”, Zhejiang “Advanced Teaching Research Group” (English, Art), etc.


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