Education - Lincolnshire Wolds Countryside Service


Education in the Lincolnshire Wolds
Tree Measuring

Educational Links and Resources can be found at the bottom of this page.

The Lincolnshire Wolds is a great place to visit, not only for the natural beauty and landscape but for all the many different aspects that makes the Wolds so unique. The archaeology and history, the geology and glaciated deposits, the cultural connections, different habitats and visiting a scenic working landscape.

The Lincolnshire Wolds Countryside Service lead several informative walks and are present at a number of local shows and events throughout the year, there are also many other organisations and groups who are very knowledgeable and experienced in leading groups and who have great information on all kinds of activities, for both inside and outside the classroom.

Farming and Countryside Education (FACE)

The aim of FACE is to educate children and young people about food and farming in a sustainable countryside. We hope schools will continue to take part in growing and cooking activities and visits to farms for the opportunity to:

  • Find out how food is grown and produced 
  • Explore why food, and how we produce it, matters
  • Make informed choices about food and healthy nutrition
  • Discover what happens on a real-life farm
  • Experience what the countryside can offer
  • Learn more about environmental issues linked to food and the countryside

For more information visit Farming & Countryside Education (FACE) - Farming & Countryside Education

Red Tractor ensures you can trust the food we all eat.  We are the largest food standards scheme in the UK, covering all the areas you care about; animal welfare, food safety, traceability and environmental protection.
Our food and drink has been responsibly produced to some of the most comprehensive and respected standards in the world. All stages are regularly checked by independent experts.
All the major UK supermarkets use our standards as the basis for their UK sourced food.

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Educational Links & Resources

Lincolnshire Wolds Countryside Service has been working with Rhubarb Theatre to produce an activity pack for Lincolnshire schools. This pack has been produced to help inspire and inform KS2 children about the environment in a fun and active way, supporting and reinforcing important messages.

It includes: 40 inspiring activities using drama, movement, craft and music that can be run in the classroom or adapted for home. Facts about how every child can make a difference. Advice about recycling in your districts. Information about Rhubarb Theatre's new touring show ‘Dustbin Doris' – see our exciting new trailer: Dustbin Doris

Over the last year we've all focused on COVID-19, however environmental issues have not gone away. The lockdown has resulted in more people needing to get out into open spaces for their physical and mental health. Unfortunately, this has led to an increase of tipping and littering. Pollution and the negative impact humans have on our natural world are all too noticeable. Challenges such as these are addressed in this pack, enforcing a message to not only protect our wildlife, but also to make the Lincolnshire countryside a more beautiful place to explore, walk, cycle and ride in.

The pack is easy to access, follow this link: Dustbin Doris

The activities are written for teachers, however can easily be adapted for home-learning, so we encourage you to pass on this information to parents and carers, so they can use the pack too.

We hope you find this online resource useful and fun to use. We'd welcome your feedback to help inform us of what you liked about the pack and what worked well or how it could be improved, please send to or

Rhubarb Theatre Logo



Rights of Way
Explore your local rights of way and discover the countryside around your school. The Countryside Access Team of Lincolnshire County Council can provide your school with information and maps showing all your local rights of way.

Department for Education
This section of a larger site contains a range of information and resources for the schools and workforce.

Countryside Classroom

Teaching Resources for the Outdoor Classroom. Lesson ideas, outdoor activities and subject related materials. Where ever your outdoor classroom is, find resources to help bring the lesson to life.

Environmental schools educational resource about soil, for Key Stages 1 to 4 (age 5-16).

Food - a Fact of Life
Food - a fact of life provides a wealth of free resources about healthy eating, cooking, food and farming for children and young people aged 3 to 16 years.
The resources are progressive, stimulate learning and support the curriculum throughout the UK. All resources are designed to ensure that consistent and up-to-date messages are delivered.

Grain Chain is a curriculum linked education resource for teachers and parents to inform school-aged children about the story of grain-based food - from the farm to mill to plate. Find tailored teaching materials, worksheets, videos, quizzes, recipes and activities about farming, milling and baking.

Agriculture and Horticulture Development Board (AHDB)
AHDB Cereals & Oilseeds invests in a variety of campaigns that aim to educate consumers about the health and lifestyle benefits of incorporating a range of cereals and oilseeds products into their diets as well as the importance of sustainable farming and food production.

Wheat Genomics
Loads of information about wheat.

Grow your own potatoes
A project that teaches primary school children about potatoes. With almost 1 million primary school children benefiting from this classroom experience linked to the UK curricula, children learn how potatoes grow and how they fit in to a healthy balanced diet.

Meat and Education
Games, resources and recipes to support how animals fit into the food chain.

Egg Info
Welcome to the world of British eggs, where you will find everything from nutrition and health news to the story of the British Lion scheme and much, much more!

The Soil Association
Promotes the UK's leading environmental charity promoting sustainable, organic farming from soil to plate.

Mayfly in the Classroom: bringing healthy rivers to life in schools (.pdf download)