Kardashian Konfidential by Kim Kardashian | Goodreads
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Kardashian Konfidential

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New! Exclusive!Inside Kim's wedding with never-seen pixPlus!An amazing new chapter on the secrets of our success!You know a lot about us from watching our TV shows, but you don€™t know everything... yet! Come on in to our very first book and find out the real scoop about what it€™s like to be the Kardashian sisters.  We love the red carpet, clothes, clubs and big events€”and of course, glamming it up! But what we love most is being sisters:  We€™re Kardashians first and forever, and we couldn€™t wait to write everything down and show you lots of cool stuff in this big scrapbook just for you.  We€™re going to let you in on lots of secrets, like:  --What it€™s really like to have a Momager--The beauty tip that we think is an absolute MUST! --The Peaks and Pits of our lives...so far--What we think about men, and the absolute most important man in ou

272 pages, Hardcover

First published November 22, 2011

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Kim Kardashian

11 books1 follower

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Profile Image for KM Cunanan.
19 reviews
June 10, 2012

This book is for the true Kardashian fan. Best parts for me were those that described their lives before the fame they are experiencing right now. It shows where they came from which attributes to how they are today.
Profile Image for Emily.
351 reviews12 followers
January 30, 2012
Interesting but this is really for the true fan of the Kardashians. Some of the early chapters were more interesting than the later ones, but a fun read nonetheless.
Profile Image for Fran.
Author 47 books132 followers
January 20, 2012

Kardashian Konfidential

Reviewed by Fran Lewis

Sisters: never were there such devoted sisters as the song says. Well: The three Kardashian sistahs as they would say are not any different than you and your sisters except maybe their fairytale life, their amazing childhoods filled with parties, animals, great parents, glitz and glam. But, one thing that rings true throughout this entire book is their loyalty and love for each other and family bond. Intertwined in each chapter, which the reader will really love is the tattletale dialogue that reminds each sister of the pranks, fun and wild times they had growing up. Poor Kim what Khole used to do to her. Well you have to read it to appreciate it and you are definitely going to laugh and identify with some of things they did to each other and the fun they had at each other’s expense. Wait: We did not get to Rob yet. I have only touched the tip of the iceberg.

The book was written by all three sisters who seem to be speaking directly to the reader making you feel as if they are talking directly to you and getting you to feel a part of their story from the start. Fairytale beginning, becoming involved in reality T.V., clothing, jewelry and much more you really get to know them up close and personal including parents and Bruce Jenner. So, let’s see how smart you are and what you think you already know about these three women. From makeup tips, to fashion sense, fashion faux pas you will definitely get it all here and much more.

Question: Which sister’s horoscope sign is Aries? She is unpredictable, confident, never leaves home without her Blackberry, wallet and little bit of fashion? Well: if you don’t know I guess I can tell you its Kourtney. But, there is much more to learn about her but you will have to read that for yourself. Next, which sister is a Libra? She is tactful, a princess, sweet, hardworking, dramatic and never leaves home without her Blackberry, American Express Black Card and big sunglasses. Yes: it is Kim!

Finally, which sister’s sign is Cancer? Known for her wicked wit, colorful language, street-smart attitude, and never leaves home without her wedding ring, Blackberry, credit card and face powder? Well: by process of elimination you guessed it has to be Khloe. Now, if you want to understand the language of Kardashian you need to read and memorize their own special glossary and definitions on page 11.

Flashing back to the beginning and where they grew up fills the colorful pages of chapter one titled Tower Lane. From family parties, to zoos, animals, and the fun times they had growing up you can smile, laugh and cry along with them as they lived a life every child would love to have been given and from the way they tell it appreciated it in every way. I especially love that their Dad, Robert played such an integral part in their lives; made sure he knew everything they did in school and insisted that they talk about the best and worst part of their day at dinner. I also love that no phones were to be at the dinner table or answered during family time.

From their Armenian heritage to the individual stories about growing up, family feuds, their parent’s divorce and their reaction to it, they allow the reader an inside look at their lives, their true feelings about their parent’s breakup and how it affected each one of them individually. When Bruce came into their lives Khloe loved him right away, Kourtney had some trouble adjusting and Kim seemed to be okay with him too as he had four kids their ages and he turned out to be the best thing in their lives after losing their Dad. Added into the story is their parent’s friendship with OJ Simpson and his wife Nicole. Things changed drastically for them as a family and for how they were accepted in public as their father sided with OJ and their mother strongly believed he killed Nicole. That is not one topic that is neither up for discussion any time soon nor will they comment on it.

Next, they continue with many reasons you might think they were spoiled brats: Spoiled by admit brats no. Earning everything they had, having to adhere to the contract or rules set out by both parents when presented with their own cars after graduating high school you learn a lot about their family values, the understanding that school and grades mattered and what would happen as a result of any infractions. Believe it or not they did not get credit cards to charge up anything they wanted and if they wanted to do serious shopping they needed the cash. But, the best picture reminding me of my sister and myself is the one of Kim and Kourtney dressed alike. My mom bought my sister and I the same dresses in different colors growing up. I really did not like that because she was thin and I was not.

As you read the story you hear the voices of each one of the girls, listen to their words, read between the lines and laugh at some of the same things everyone does. We continue with Khloe’s bad girl attitude, poor choices in friends and rebellious stages including lessons she learned from her mistakes. We also learn more and Kourtney and their relationship with each other including their mom and Bruce Jenner. Khloe’s admissions about feeling different, her battle with her weight and how she dealt with many other problems are the most compelling. One major car crash would give her a reality check. Wrong choices often bring about the wrong results teaching not only Khloe the true meaning of taking ownership of your life, your mistakes and how they to correct them. OCD seems to run in the family. Kim is a neat freak, Kourtney just the opposite in certain respects but not all, Kim quite organized in others. However, I could use Kourtney’s skills in how to organize closets and drawers and maximizing the space you have which in my case is quite limited. Each one of the SISTAHS has her own form of OCD- from cataloging pictures and scrapbooks, to draws and closets and finally the ability to create a perfect bed and room, these sisters are quite unique but not so different from the rest of us if you really think about it.
Independence comes from learning to care for your own car, what happens when you lose it and feeling isolated and alone at school. Added into each chapter is a chat room session or gossip or tell all sidebar of conversations between the sisters recounting pranks, fights and other funny things that happened.

Written in a conversational tone from the viewpoint of each sister this books is straightforward, no holds barred and quite revealing. If you are waiting for a murder, mystery, intrigue or strong character development to draw the story to a close you won’t find all of those novel elements here. What will get are strong sisters, conversational tones, honest accounts filled with humor, sarcasm, sadness told in their special unique way giving the reader an inside scoop on their lives, their mishaps, successes and much more.

From great tips on how to sell on EBay to throwing a sick party to owning her a clothing store these sisters have managed to do it all. Opening one store without Kim and then finally including her and creating Dash and many other enterprises.

The next chapter is very dear to them it focuses on their father Robert. While reading this chapter you will learn more about their father, how they bonded with him and the things they learned from him as each girl lists her feelings and thoughts. Next, we teach more about Kris their momanger and how each one bonded with her in a different way. Kim being the most like their mom and Khloe and Kourtney quite different. Yet, one thing does come through loud and clear is that they are family, sisters first and foremost and proud of whom they are and all they have accomplished. Added to that all three tell how they deal with fans, the press, photo ops, the many mistakes they have made and how each one moves ahead and does not dwell on the past.

Moving ahead the rules for being a Celeb, which are found really great because they do not just, apply to being a Celeb but anything in life. Whether you are a doctor, lawyer, and educator like me, book reviewer, actress or the star of a reality show there are certain rules of protocol to follow and their set rules listed I found quite valuable. They are 6 common sense rules that most people if not all should follow. Just read them on pages 132-135.

Now for my favorite parts of the book the ones I can truly relate to. Rules for handling the press, how to handle fans, hair, makeup, clothes and fashion tips that are totally fantastic and vital to any girl’s wardrobe. The basic list of what you need to have in your closet, how to organize it and the importance of taking care of yourself, good grooming, caring for your clothes and much more will help you become your own fashionista. From how to eat and stay healthy, to the I never weigh myself ever, this book includes their take on school, clothes, hair, makeup, men, boys, kids, romance, success in business, family values and so much more. Last but not least let’s not forget Rob and what he had to endure being their brother. From start to finish you get the full scoop on these girls including fabulous photos, gossip tips, cards for all occasions and so much more. This is truly a fun book to read and will definitely give up a positive perspective about these amazing women, their mom, father, their younger sisters, Rob and of course Bruce. My favorite store is Bebe: Have to check out the fashions they created for them. Finally, we get a inside peek at Kim’s wedding. Final closing remarks are their Faves. My closing remarks:

This is one book that will let you get to know these women in a more personal light. It is funny, written in a conversational tone and includes their very own thoughts, feelings and advice. My advice to you: Read the book: You will not be disappointed.

Fran Lewis: Reviewer: This book gets: FIVE GOLD SEALED KARDASIAN KONFIDENTIAL ENVELOPES: The information is sealed and the only way you will learn what is in each one is if you read the book: This review is dedicated to Robert George Kardashian for all that you gave your daughters and if all they have told and remembered about you. You would be proud!

Profile Image for Natalie.
9 reviews
November 29, 2015
Terrible in Kindle format.

I bought this because I love the Kardashians and was hoping for some style tips and inside information on one of my favorite television families. I bought the Kindle edition. Don't do it! The format for the Kindle edition of this book is almost impossible to read and I have never seen a book in such an awful format! It's so tiny you literally have to maximize every paragraph with a magnifier. And even then it was way too small to read or even see the pictures well. I wish I could get a refund. I may have damaged my eyes.
Profile Image for Virginia.
3 reviews
August 10, 2016
The Kardashians attempted to expand their ever-successful empire by releasing "Kardashian Konfidential." This book (if you can call it that) is full of fluff, vein musings and boring ramblings by the three sisters. If you are a true Kardashian fan, spend your time reading Kris Jenner's memoir and skip this waste of time, doll.
Profile Image for M.M. Strawberry Library & Reviews.
4,278 reviews355 followers
November 8, 2017
Wait. Don't these ladies already have several books about themselves? Granted, this book has been out for a while now. It's embarrassing now, what with the state of Kim's marriage. This book serves as a warning for those who want to write their own glamorous autobiographies. I have better things to fill my house with than this 'book'.
Profile Image for Vanessa.
2 reviews
September 23, 2014
I felt this was another addition to things available for their fan base and that it's definitely for their true fans. If you're not that interested don't bother with this book. I loved how it gave insight to things about their lives before fame and really made me appreciate the love they have for each other.
19 reviews
October 11, 2014
Was a little different from what I expected. Not a bad read, but not a page-turner for me either.
Profile Image for Kelsie.
9 reviews1 follower
March 10, 2015
I found this book more entertaining than anything else. I loved getting to know the Kardashians from their own point of view. :)
Profile Image for Amber.
22 reviews1 follower
June 21, 2015
A must read if you are a fan of the Kardashians
Profile Image for Lauren P.
24 reviews
January 22, 2024
Read winter 2024. Fun book about their life and behind the scenes. Funny stories. Kris even got in touch with her old pastor and opened up a church with him after having a dream. They talk about their work secrets, fashion love family, etc. Fun and easy book to read!
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
777 reviews2 followers
April 29, 2024
A former coworker gave me this book & I couldn't figure out for what purpose because I AM NOT NOR HAVE I EVER BEEN A FAN OF THESE BLACK D--K LOVIN',BIRD BRAIN CHICKS!
Profile Image for Juliette.
72 reviews1 follower
July 17, 2023
I re-read this as I was getting rid of it and wanted to re-rate & re-read it before I did. When I first read this I really enjoyed it as I was a huge fan of the Kardashians, it was full of all new information and I was the target audience. Visually it's a good book and is nicely laid out but I definitely felt 'too old' too be reading this now. It gave me MLM boss babe 'if you work hard you can do anything' energy. The writing style was also aimed at teenagers so it was a bit cringe to read.

19-May-15: 6/10
31-Dec-22: 2/10
Hardback, owned.
Profile Image for Melissa.
317 reviews8 followers
December 1, 2021
Interesting book and good book for the fans. The chapters about their lives were really good.
Displaying 1 - 16 of 16 reviews

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