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New York – What exactly is Israel’s strategy in Gaza? Behind all the clamor about antisemitism, films about the 1940’s Jewish Holocaust and western politicians chanting about Israel’s ‘right to defend itself’ lie some ugly facts that are not spoken of in polite society.

I know antisemitism when I see it. While still a boy, I was sent to a rustic summer camp in New Hampshire. At dinner, many of the campers would chant ‘all you guys with long, long noses, come and join the fight for Moses!’

A close Jewish friend of my fathers bought a resort hotel on New Hampshire’s Rangeley – only to be informed that it refused to rent to Jews. That was the virulent antisemitism of the 1950’s.

At the same time my mother, a renowned journalist writing about the Mideast, and I were repeatedly threatened by pro-Israel thugs who threatened to throw acid in our faces if my mother kept writing about the nearly one million Palestinian refugees driven from the Galilee region in the 1940’s who – according to the US media – did not actually exist. They did. Many are now refugees in Gaza. My mother was forced to stop writing for US newspapers due to the cascade of threats.
As pro-Palestinian students demonstrate across the US and the rest of the world demanding the massacre in Gaza end, we see growing efforts by pro-Israel groups to silence the students, curb the internet, and unseat politicians who dared criticize Israel.

The massive pro-Palestinian demos we are seeing are in part a reaction by right wing pro-Israel groups to impose Israel’s party line on independent universities and gag all non-conforming professors. Such heavy-handed attempts at censorship have enraged students.

So too the endless barrage of disinformation about Palestine we see on America’s Israel-dominated TV. Britain and Canada also suffer from similar media censorship. Big financial donors to academia are using their tax-deductible donations to stifle criticism of Israeli tactics and strategy in Gaza. The US Congress is worse. The Israel lobby seats and unseats senators and congressmen depending on their Mideast votes. It’s no wonder Israel is the world’s largest recipient of US aid. The Israel lobby is feared and obeyed.

Many members of Congress receive money from Israel and its American lobby, plus media support and freebie trips. Last week the New York Times was caught issuing orders to its staff not to use any terms or phrases that put Israel in a bad light. In Britain, the Labour Party’s left-wing leadership was purged of critics of Israel, and a bland leader installed in place of its former fiery left wing leader, Jeremy Corbyn.

Israel’s supporters must be careful not to twist too many arms. Doing so will surely engender real antisemitism and raise the famous question posed by Voltaire about who really rules us.

Right wing Israelis must lower their demands for an ever-larger Israel. They want Galilee, and chunks of southern Lebanon, including the Litani River. Plus driving most or even all Arabs out of the West Bank – designated a Palestinian state by the UN agreement that created the first Jewish state.

I was with Israel’s army when it invaded Lebanon in 1982 and, inadvertently helped create the Hezbollah movement. The notion of a second Jewish state in Ukraine is illusory. Israelis must begin figuring out how to live in the Arab World if they ever want to find peace. Getting out of Gaza would be a good beginning.


Brown University’s cost of the Afghan war project just concluded that America’s longest war cost an estimated $US 2.2 trillion dollars – that’s ‘trillion dollars.”

If we add in George W. Bush’s fake `war on terror,’ Brown’s scholars estimate that the cost rises to US $8 trillion!

Most of this huge amount was financed by loans, not through taxes. Meaning that every dollar spent must be paid for by borrowing. That means paying interest (raised by taxes) on the borrowed money – $95 billion dollars of taxpayer money that Biden just gave to Israel, Taiwan and Ukraine in a desperate attempt to buy the November election.

Interestingly, the much-ballyhooed war in Afghanistan has all but vanished from the media. All the CNN generals who postured on TV about the Afghan War have fallen into silence. They were dead wrong about the war. The minute Donald Trump ended the Afghan War by cutting off the billions in US money that kept the corrupt US-backed Kabul regime alive, the war ended and the blizzard of propaganda against Taliban abated. The $2.2 trillion war abruptly became unimportant.

I was blacklisted by top newspapers and TV stations in the US, Mideast and Europe for having predicted that the Taliban resistance movement would win the conflict. I wrote that Taliban was the only legitimate mass political movement in Afghanistan. America co-opted other groups, like the heroin-dealing Tajik Northern Alliance and some anti-Taliban factions backed by Russia or Iran. The US ended up backing the Afghan heroin trade – which Taliban has completely shut down since it returned to power in Kabul.

The United States is the most over-propagandized nation on earth. Americans are barraged around the clock by government propaganda, commercial messages, internet agitprop and pro-war movies. Even the old Soviet Union was not so flooded by non-stop propaganda.

Today, we get 24/7 advertising for Ukraine, Taiwan and, of course, Israel. Women have been a particular target for the anti-Taliban propaganda – the same Taliban that were US allies in the 1980’s, as I saw. Taliban’s mountaineers are a wild and crazy bunch of warriors. Everything they believe in runs counter to the overly feminized United States.

The zeitgeist of the Afghan warriors Taliban’s credo is ‘tobacco, guns, and war.’

My columns about why war in Afghanistan was a huge mistake made me an object of hate. A former born-again evangelical prime minister of Canada actually sent his flunkies to get my 40-year old column dropped from the nation’s largest newspaper. He detested what I had to say but apparently lost no sleep over the scores of Canadian soldiers he sent to their death in Afghanistan or the millions wasted on the foolish Afghan War.

Politicians and generals who lose wars and trillions of dollars should admit their folly and resign. The media that promoted the colonial Afghan war should be rid of the propagandists infesting its ranks. Today, we see CNN, the New York Times, and Fox, the twin voices of America’s neocons, cheer-leading for the massacres in Gaza.

Instead, those newscasters who shilled for the Afghan War are now busily promoted President Biden’s wars. They and TV commentators seem to have no shame when it comes to their hugely bloody, expensive errors in Afghanistan. Nor do we find many commentators or critics who share the least guilt over carpet bombing Afghan villages by B-52 and B-1 heavy bombers.

How many Afghan civilians did we kill? The Pentagon refuses to release estimates. The Soviets are estimated to have killed two million Afghans. I believe the US has killed at least one million.

A trillion dollars here, a trillion dollars there, suddenly we are taking about real money. Part of the dangerous inflation that today bedevils America was caused by reckless government spending on Afghanistan – as well as Ukraine, Israel and Taiwan.


New York – I was kicked out of New York’s prestigious Collegiate private school many moons ago for ‘revolutionary and disruptive activities.’

Thank goodness my wise parents sent me to the International School of Geneva, Switzerland where I thrived.

The underground French fascist group, ‘la Main Rouge’ repeatedly threatened to kill me for organizing student demonstrations against France’s colonial war in Algeria. But I survived.

Being a life-long rebel and hell-raiser, I am naturally sympathetic to today’s pro-Palestinian student protests that are now sweeping American and European campuses.

Students may be poor and too emotional, but they are often filled with repulsions at the sight of mass killing, political brutality, and murderous hatred such as we see today in the prison camp of Gaza. They have yet to learn the sordid truth about how money can buy indulgences from killing civilians and other war crimes.

Just ask Joe Biden, and British PM Rishi Sunak. They are continuing to arm and finance Israel’s mass killing and starvation in Gaza for the sake of huge cash donations as elections loom, and the support of ardently pro-Israel voters who are marching to the drum of Israel’s far right-wing government. The US and British media have been whitewashing the genocide in Gaza and twisting their reporting to justify mass killing of civilians. The New York Times has earned opprobrium by ordering its staff to slant the news it misreports. This once great newspaper has ruined its reputation. It reminds of the great Mark Twain’s famous bon mot, ‘If you don’t read the news you are uninformed. If you do, you are misinformed.’

Let’s be frank. President Joe Biden, Israel’s Benjamin Netanyahu and their pal Egypt’s despot Abdel el-Sisi are directly responsible for the deaths of 14,000 Palestinian children, almost 35,000 Palestinian civilians seriously wounded, some 2 million Palestinians now homeless, growing starvation and disease across Gaza used by Israel as a refuse dump for unwanted Arabs. The Biden administration is providing over $14.1 billion in arms to Israel, including the deadly 2,000lb bombs used to crush entire civilian apartment buildings and hospitals, plus tank shells fired at residential targets. All in clear violation of US arms export laws written by Congress.

Why is Biden the key player in such mass destruction? Why is his UN delegation vetoing resolutions to stop Israeli laying waste to Gaza? It’s election time coming up. And because the Democrats get the lion’s share of their finances from pro-Israel sources.

Big money talks. Human rights walk. The US Congress, a sorry collection of used car salesmen, has been bought and sold. What a disgrace for the USA. The oil Arabs could also have bought Congress but they were too busy squabbling with one another.

So, while the high and mighty averted their gaze to massacres and famine in Gaza, it was left up to students around the globe to raise their voice in anger over the crimes there. My alma mater, Georgetown Foreign Service, raised a chorus of protests. So too Columbia University and UCLA, Sciences Po in Paris, in fact just about everywhere except Germany, whose people are still paying Israel for World War II.

Big money donors, who made billions off our rigged financial system, are trying to silence protests over Israel’s wanton cruelty. Israelis are right to be furious over the killing of an estimated 1,139 Israeli civilians and soldiers. But killing tens of thousands of innocent Arabs was wildly out of proportion and clearly criminal.

America, Britain and Canada have disgraced themselves – all for the sake of money. The Gaza massacre has revealed the US to be a deeply corrupt society. University students at least helped save America’s honor. They are doing the right thing. Alas, they do not yet have a Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young band to turn their protests into electrifying music. Meanwhile, Palestinian children continue to starve or die of disease while Israel ruins its name and paid-for politicians spout lies.

• Category: Foreign Policy • Tags: Academia, Gaza, Genocide, Israel/Palestine 

Israel and Iran are staging a Japanese kabuki-style confrontation that borders on the absurd. So far, it’s been mostly harmless (not counting Gaza of course) but behind the posturing by both sides lies the deadly threat of a possibly nuclear confrontation.

Iran has shown itself to be a military paper tiger. Tehran launched 300 odd missiles and drones against Israel in retaliation for Israel’s assassination of two senior Iranian Revolutionary Guard generals in Damascus – a clear act of war.

The missile/drone barrage was useless and ineffective. It must have cost Iran $1 billion. Most of the Iranian missiles were shot down by US and British warplanes positioned in Cyprus and offshore. Whatever the cost to Israel will be covered by the US Congress which feels full election fever. Israel knows it can get away with just about anything before US elections.

Iran developed an extensive missile and drone arsenal because it has been under a crushing US arms and technology embargo since its 1979 Revolution ousted the US-run puppet ruler, Reza Pahlevi. Washington has been waging full scale economic warfare against Iran since the revolution in a, so far, vain effort to reinstate the Pahlavi exiles back into power in Tehran.

The US/European economic war against Iran made it impossible to obtain modern aircraft or technology, notably spare parts. As a result, Tehran’s remaining aircraft are flying coffins. The US even refused to let Tehran buy safety equipment that would have saved many lives. So, Iran focused on building missiles and obtaining drones, probably from North Korea. Drones have proved near useless against Israel and in Ukraine. They are overrated by military experts and not cost effective. Little better, in fact, than throwing stones.

The massive retaliatory Iranian strike against Israel did amazingly little damage. Israel was ready with its advanced anti-missile systems, backed by US and British warplanes, the support of Jordan, a state totally under US influence, and American satrap Egypt, which collaborates with Israel in keeping Palestinians locked up. Their sin was holding a fair democratic election in Gaza which put the Hamas government in power. Hamas was and is primarily a social welfare organization originally encouraged and financed by Israel to split Yasser Arafat’s PLO. Israel also helped create Hezbollah and financed the murderous right-wing Lebanese Forces who massacred Palestinians at Shatila and Sabra refugee camps.

We are now waiting for further Israeli strikes against targets in Iran. Israel has long been provoking Iran and is clearly targeting Iran’s nuclear program. Iran might be able to hit Israel’s top secret nuclear center at Dimona. So far, both sides have avoided any strikes on nuclear plants. Striking nuclear plants is extremely dangerous and could cause a Chernobyl-like catastrophe.

Meanwhile, Israel keeps attacking Iran in hopes that the US will come and attack the Islamic state. Meanwhile Trump son-in-law Jared Kushner talks about turning wretched Gaza into a second Ft Lauderdale. He and his far-right real estate buddies must figure out how to get rid of the 2.3 million Palestinian crammed into the Gaza concentration camp. And what about the 5 million Palestinians living on the Israeli-occupied West Bank?

Both sides appear set to avoid a general war. Iran has almost no air or naval power. Its ground forces are ill-equipped and immobile, but determined. I covered the Iran-Iraq War and saw how courageous their troops were. But make no mistake, Iran’s military is only at World War I capability, as Pakistan’s late leader Gen. Zia ul-Haq told me. He had been an advisor to the Jordanian Army.

Iran and Israel may continue to shadow box and exchange volleys of angry fulminations. All this may change if Israel decides to again invade Lebanon or Syria. I’ve been down this road before.


The renowned writer Arthur Koestler warned many years ago that Israel risked becoming `a nasty little Sparta.’ Half a century later Israel, grown rich on US military and financial aid, has become a very nasty big Sparta.

Pat Buchanan, President Richard Nixon’s close aide, wrote ‘Capitol Hill (i.e. Congress) has become Israeli-occupied territory.’ He has been exiled to the political wilderness for this heresy.

The current Gaza Conflict tells us just how much Israel now dominates Congress and the Democratic Party which gets a likely 50% of its funding from pro-Israel donors. Moderate pro-Israel groups have been marginalized. Those in the media have been sidelined or fired. It’s the McCarthyism of the 21st century. As the great Mark Twain said, if you don’t read the US media you are uninformed. If you do follow America’s media, you are misinformed.

Britain, Canada and Australia fall into the same media prison. The old Soviet media, as I remember, was freer in its opinions and more robust in its criticism.

None of this is new; just worse. Over 20 years ago the Palestinian refugee prison of Gaza tried to build a small seaport and airport. Both were denied by Israel. As a result, even modest food aid for starving Palestinians has been blocked. The US, which has been supplying Israel with 2,000 lb bombs and targeting info has resorted to the PR stunt of air-dropping stale sandwiches to the famine-stricken Palestinian refugees.

No one in the tightly controlled US media or the Rothschild-dominated British Conservatives party would dare bring up the fact that the Warsaw Ghetto ravaged by the Nazis had 50,000 people as compared to Gaza’s 2.1 million trapped people. Egypt, almost as guilty as Israel and the US, keeps Palestinians locked in the open-air prison. The Mideast’s biggest police states are Egypt, Jordan, Tunisia and Morocco. Add Algeria, Oman and Saudi Arabia and the Gulf States (see my book ‘American Raj.’

We still know next to nothing about the 7 October attack on Israelis that trigged this conflict. I won’t call it a war since it pits only lightly armed civilians against the mighty, US supplied and directed Israeli armed forces. The lines of burned-out cars around where the initial Hamas attacks occurred look very much like the result of air attacks. We need to know more.

The infamous arms dealer Basil Zaharoff retorted to criticism in the British parliament, ‘who cares about that little jabber house.’ The same applies today to the US Congress. Even President Joe Biden dares not confront Israel’s Netanyahu. Biden and State Secretary Anthony Blinken tell can’t even tell Netanyahu to end his massacre. Israel always knows it can get away literally with murder before US elections. Israel’s far right coalition, whom the illustrious journalist Uri Avnery calls ‘Jewish Nazis,’ appears firmly in power. Netanyahu has so far avoided criminal proceedings by stoking the war in Gaza. Killing Arabs is still popular in Israel. Polls show almost 80% of Israelis support the savaging of Gaza. Most honorable Israelis and their foreign supporters are silent in the face of a massive propaganda campaign that runs on lurid reports about raped women and burned babies worthy on World War I British propaganda over Belgium.

While Palestinians are being slaughtered or starved, Israel is busy trying to goad Iran into a major war. This past week alone, Israel destroyed the Iranian consulate in Damascus, killing two Iranian generals who were advising resistance forces. The US has been waging a medium-intensity war against Iran, which threatened America’s Mideast empire and which I call ‘the American Raj.’

Netanyahu is provoking war with Iran to divert attention from the Gaza massacre and his legal problems. Israel has long coveted southern Lebanon up to the Litani River and more Syrian land next to the Israeli-occupied Golan Heights. I was with the invading Israeli Army in 1982 when it attacked Lebanon and I have walked the strategic Golan Heights.

Israel is also hungry for large offshore oil deposits near the Gaza prison. It wants the Palestinians out and access to the oil and gas. America has become the champion of Israeli expansionism. The Israeli tail continues to wag the bumbling American dog. Instead of engineering a cease-fire, Washington has blocked all efforts at the UN to stop the mass murder in Gaza. The rest of the world will remember this.


Miami – Haiti, today the poorest nation in the western hemisphere, was once the richest back in 1800. How did this happen?

In those long distant days, the West indies was the equivalent of today’s Mideast – a vast treasure trove of resources. The western powers – Britain, France, Spain, Portugal, and Holland – battled to control the islands that produced tobacco, sugar, peppers, potatoes, slaves, rum, cloves, nutmeg, and bananas.

Customers in Europe’s coffee houses got high and talkative over cups of the new wonder liquid, coffee, and nicotine. Alkaloids from coffee and sugar became the oil of the 19th century and the fuel of revolution. Entire cities and regions grew up catering the slave trade which the lovely French city of Bordeaux became rich from serving.

Haiti, half the island of Hispaniola, was colonized by the French in the 1700’s. They set up plantations to produce export crops. Spain held the other part of the island which became today’s Dominican Republic.

Haiti’s slaves revolted around 1794 led by remarkable figures, ex-slaves Toussaint L’Ouverture and Jean-Jacques Dessalines. They defeated Napoleon’s troops and massacred white planters. An ex-slave, Henri Christophe, built a huge fortress atop a mountain at Cap-Haitien and killed himself there with a silver bullet. Climbing up to their vertiginous aerie almost killed me too.

Haiti’s former slaves became the first free blacks in North America. But it quickly fell into ruin and poverty. The freed slaves relentlessly cut down Haiti’s trees to make charcoal for cooking. Heavy rains came and washed away the lush topsoil that once produced crops. Warlords and bandits terrorized the local population.

Wretched Haiti became the poorest nation in the western hemisphere. As I saw, the countryside looked like darkest Africa. A mild-spoken country doctor, François Duvalier, seized power and began a long era of terror and extortion. I had to deal with Papa Doc’s goons, the fearsome Tonton Macoutes (bogeyman in Creole). I went through two attempted coups in Haiti and, crazy as it sounds, my Haitian friend Joe Noustas crashed a dinner party for Papa Doc at the National Palace where I had a long chat with Duvalier. After Papa Doc’s death. His roly-poly son, known as ‘Baby Doc’ took over with the help of the monied mulatto class. Baby Doc’s beautiful wife, Michèle, spent all his money, then ditched him. Haiti fell into the chaos we see today.

All semblance of civilized society in Haiti has vanished. Today, gangs of drug-crazed savages rule the streets. The former president, Jovenel Moise, was murdered. His wife is accused of complicity.

What to do. I’ve visited Haiti since the early 1960’s. Haitians are a lovely, talented people. But they can’t manage themselves or their once beautiful nation. The only solution to rescuing Haiti from anarchy that will launch more waves of immigrants to the US and Canada is to deploy the US Marine Corps there. I am an ardent anti-imperialist and hate colonialism but see no other solution to sending in the Marines.

The US Marine Corps ruled then chaotic Haiti from 1915 to 1934. That was considered Haiti’s golden age. The Marines brought law, order, and food. They did a better job of running Haiti than any Haitian government. When the Marines left in 1934, they installed a regime of mulattos who held power until Papa Doc and his voodoo regime. I vividly recall listening each night to the sound of drums and chanting by the believers in the ‘Oungan’ voodoo cult. I was twice threatened with death by the Tonton Macoutes. My friend Tijo (little Joe) was later murdered.

Someone has to go in and rescue Haiti from itself. Sending ill-trained, AIDS-ridden soldiers from Kenya is not the answer.

• Category: Foreign Policy • Tags: American Military, Haiti 

Good work, Mr. President Biden. You have managed to do what America’s enemies have not – creating widespread hatred for the United States around the globe. Your destruction of the Gaza refugee camps has inflamed antisemitism everywhere.

There is widespread disgust and anger at the US government over your decision to give Israel’s new far right government carte blanche to massacre rebellious Palestinians in the open prison of the Gaza Strip. The death toll is now over 31,000 killed and at least 70,000 seriously injured, not counting the long-term effects of malnutrition and even starvation. Most victims are women and children.

All of Gaza’s hospitals have been wrecked by Israeli bombs and tank fire. The Biden administration has thoughtfully rushed tank shells to Israel’s armored forces. Large stores of arms and supplies, supposedly provided by the US to Israel for an emergency situation, have been offered up to Israel to continue its massacre of Gaza. Such action violates US law – which bars the use of US-supplied arms against civilians. Dropping 2,000 lbs bombs on residential buildings is, according to Israeli spin doctors, ‘counterterrorism.’ The rest of the world does not think so.

Except of course the US, Canada and Britain, where the media is totally dominated by supporters of Israel’s now governing far right. And Washington, which is paralyzed by pre-election fever. Palestinian ‘terrorists’ are purposely running into Israeli tanks, shells and bombs just to discredit Israel. Big money financial donors are terrorizing major US and British educational institutions. Writers who dare challenge Israel’s party line on Gaza are blacklisted. Those honorable Jews who denounce Israel’s brutal policies in Gaza are denounced as ‘self-hating Jews.’

We are not told that Gaza’s terrified civilians originally came from areas around Gaza and Galilee from whence they were driven into the prison camp of Gaza from their historic homes by ethnic cleansing and massacres after 1948. Their lands were seized by the Israeli government or far-right settlers, many from the US.

As yet, we know little about the alleged massacre of some 1,000 Israelis attending a music festival on former Arab lands. I know this region fairly well after visiting the kibbutz of Nahal Oz in the 1950’s to meet relatives and see how Israel was allegedly making once supposedly barren lands flower and blossom. There were no such people as Palestinians, according to Israel’s then prime minister, who herself hailed from Ukraine.

Israel’s governing far right – was described by the late, great Israeli writer Uri Avnery as ‘Jewish fascists.’ They clearly intend to grind Gaza and its people into dust. There are large numbers of Palestinians in the occupied West Bank, some of whom were gunned down this week. The objective of Israel’s far right is to expel these Arabs from the entire West Bank that Israel seized in the 1967 War and shove them into the arid Jordanian desert. Israel has long had its eye on southern Lebanon and its Litani River waters.

‘Don’t worry what Washington will say,’ said the architect of this mess, the late General Ariel Sharon. ‘I control Washington.’ True enough, as Biden and his party are showing. Wall Street donors have become more important than America’s geopolitical interests.

Interestingly, the likely winner of the upcoming US presidential election, Donald Trump, is an even stauncher supporter of Israel. But even many Democrats don’t trust his fidelity to Israel even though he openly dislikes Arabs and Muslims. Trump appears to have a clearer idea of where America’s interests lie – he may not allow Israel to lead America around by the nose.

Israel’s North American partisans keep running old films about the Holocaust to help justify their laying waste to Gaza. We ought to remember there were less than half the numbers of Jews in the besieged Warsaw Ghetto than there are today Palestinians in Gaza.

Americans should be ashamed of Biden. His administration, infiltrated and directed by far-right neocons, does not represent America’s values or traditions. Gaza will remain a major crime as well as a dark stain in America’s honor.


When I was a boy growing up in New York City I was taught – and re-taught – to always save half of my weekly allowance and never spend more than I had in savings.

Too bad Joe Biden was not taught this useful Presbyterian virtue. Recently, Biden’s government has sought $106 billion in the latest aid for arms for Israel and Ukraine, the biggest expenditure since the Vietnam War. This while the bills for the incredibly foolish war in Afghanistan keep coming in, to date $2 trillion.

Now, the US in high-fever pre-election time, is lavishing billions upon Israel. Most of the world is trying to get Israel out of its lethal rampage in Gaza, but the US and its failing colonial partner, Great Britain, continue to wave the banner of empire. Britain, as hardly anyone has noticed, has been bombing Yemen for the past 14 years, supplying warplanes, bombs and mercenary pilots and technicians.

President Biden is growing desperate as the election draws closer. Polls show him way behind Donald Trump. Both Trump and Biden are too old for the job of president. In my old-fashioned view, only military veterans should be allowed to run for high office.

Meanwhile, Biden is splashing around tens of millions on schemes for blacks, who have become his electoral mainstay. Jewish voters who ardently back Israel are said to provide a large proportion of the Democratic party’s finances. They are advocating deeper US involvement in the Gaza Conflict and even more money for Israel, already the largest recipient of US cash.

Pandering to Israel is standard pre-election behavior. In the old days elections were always marked by huge cash grants and the latest US weapons lavished on Israel. And money on the ‘three I’s,’ Israel, Italy and Ireland.

Biden and his aides seem to have lost all concept of money. What’s being dished out to Ukraine and Israel is green paper. This huge amount was not raised in true democratic style but by slapping these mammoth charges on the national credit card – better known as the national debt.

The newly proposed $106 billion for Israel and Ukraine will delight partisans of the two beleaguered nations. But what people forget is that these little green pieces of printed paper are IOUs for the nation’s debt. Much of the war costs we have incurred were for Iraq, Afghanistan and now Ukraine and Israel which, in Washington’s eyes, have become almost one united nation. Talk that Ukraine is fast becoming `new Israel’ appeals to many Israeli voters whose ancestors came from Ukraine or western Russia.

Joe Biden has created a tsunami of inflation with his giveaways to black voters, his open-ended support of Israel’s far right government and now billions more spending. It’s been a financial disaster. Donald Trump understands. After all, it was he who ended the stupid, pointless war in Afghanistan.

Now Biden and his free spenders are inflicting even more runaway debt on the government. The latest, in January 2024, is $34 trillion of debt! We are in hock up to our heads, yet we still keep dishing out the little green paper. This is the behavior of very drunken sailors.


As we rightly remember the Auschwitz death camp and the rest of the Jewish Holocaust, let’s take a moment to recall the greatest mass killer of prisoners during World War II, the by now forgotten Soviet Major General Vasily Blokhin.

Blokhin claimed to have personally executed tens of thousands of prisoners in the Soviet Gulag. He was the chief executioner for NKVD (Soviet secret police).

Commissar Blokhin used his personal Walther PPK pistol to kill thousands of his victims by a shot to the back of the head. He wore a butcher’s apron, long gloves, a leather hat and goggles.

His primary target was Polish prisoners. Blokhin and his murderous assistants killed over 7,000 Polish officers captured when the Soviet Union joined Germany in crushing Polish independence to restore the pre–World War I status quo. This was also Hitler’s goal. Not world conquest, as the Allies falsely claimed. Russia’s strategic goals were similar.

Stalin ordered the sinister-looking Blokhin to wipe out the flower of Polish aristocracy and erase that nation’s national identity. Blokhin also executed numerous Ukrainian nationalists as did Stalin’s secret police who, earlier, had executed or starved over 6 million Ukrainian farmers, a crime at least equal in magnitude to the Holocaust of Jews, the mentally unfit, and gypsies.

Why do we hear endless repetition of the Holocaust and next to nothing about the even more murderous Soviet crimes of mass murder? The artful British were the war’s premier propagandists. They not only helped draw the US into WWII, but they also largely masked the alliance between the US and Britain with the murderous Soviet regime.

In fact, the strategic goal of the British was to divert attention away from Soviet crimes by emphasizing Nazi crimes. This process continues today. The Jewish holocaust has almost become a state religion while the larger, earlier Ukrainian holocaust (or Holodomor) is slipping away down the memory hole.

We all know of the German-run Auschwitz, Treblinka, Bergen-Belsen, and Buchenwald, but what of the Soviet gulag death camps like Solovetski, Kolyma, Magadan, Vorkuta, the Baltic-Volga Canal and the deportation centers in Central Asia. Without the splendid works of Alexander Solzhenitsyn, the memory of the Gulag – which stayed operational into the 1970’s – would be gone.

No one had a monopoly on suffering. We must not forget that our ally in WWII, the Soviet Union, caused 75% of all German casualties. British-American propaganda likes to make us believe that it was the western allies – Britain, the US and Canada – that defeated Germany. Not true. It was the Soviet Union that suffered losses of 8.7 million military and 19 million civilians. 80% of the Luftwaffe was destroyed on the Eastern Front.

Without Soviet participation the Allies would not likely have won the war or defeated Germany and Japan. London and Washington were determined to downplay the key Soviet role in World War II. Accordingly, British and American propaganda were ordered to focus on the evils of Hitler while ignoring the even more murderous Soviet system. The bloody destruction of entire peoples like the Chechen or Baltics and millions of others by Stalin was never mentioned by the democratic allies. Interestingly, films of Hitler playing with animals and his promulgation of laws to protect animals from human cruelty were censored.

Russia has gone far to erase the memory of the Gulag. The Russian organization ‘Memorial’ that revealed the crimes of the Gulag was shut down by the Kremlin. The organizer of the murder by starvation or shooting of 6 million Ukrainian farmers, the Jewish commissar Lazar Kaganovich, was never even charged with major crimes. He died peacefully at 91 on a sunlit park bench in Moscow in 1997. Stalin even called Kaganovich ‘my Himmler’ while talking to British warlord Winston Churchill.

Stalin was a worse tyrant and mass murderer than Adolf Hitler, but he was our tyrant and essential ally, and we chose to ignore the facts.


The first time I went to remote Yemen, this wild, mountainous nation was just creeping into the 7th Century AD. That was 45 years ago.

There was only one hotel in the capital, Sanaa, and it was booked up with European businessmen trying to sell junk to the Yemenis. I had to sleep on a cot in the dining room and be up before breakfast. The ruler back in the day was a despot known to his less than loving subjects as ‘Ahmed the Devil.’ He liked to nail subjects who displeased him to the palace door.

One of Yemen’s frequent civil wars was raging around the walled, medieval capital between royalists and Shia tribesmen. At dusk a ram’s horn would be blown and the city gates barred.

Adding to the exotic flavor of medieval Yemen, just about everyone was seriously stoned on the local, mildly narcotic shrub qat. All activity would stop at lunch and everyone from Ahmed the Devil to the lowliest tribesman would start chewing qat and getting high. A wild and crazy place.

Hardly anyone in Washington knows anything about Yemen except that it’s the southern tip of the remote Arabian Peninsula at the southern end of the Red Sea that the Prophet Moses is said to have parted with the help of his god.

Central casting in Washington, ever in search for new ‘terrorists,’ hit on a barely known Shia religious movement known as Houthis as our new villain de jour. It seems that the Houthis actually had the chutzpah to fire missiles at Red Sea maritime traffic to protest Israel’s savage attacks on the woebegone Gaza Strip. Hardly any other Arab nations had the guts to retaliate against the Israelis, never mind their American and British imperial mentors.

No ships were sunk. But what happened was that the anti-ship missile attacks caused a major ruckus in shipping circles and caused insurance rates to surge. Almost at once Europe and Asian states began demanding that Israel halt its Biblical destructions of the Gaza open air prison in which 30,000 Palestinians, more than two thirds women and children, have been killed so far by US-supplied weapons.

Israel always knows it can get away with extreme violence before US presidential elections. American mega donors are ensuring that the White House gets the message not to mess with Israel and give it carte blanche.

The result is the pathetic sight of the US secretary of state and then president pleading with Israel, which receives untold billions in US money, diplomatic support and almost unlimited arms supplies, to stop the massacre and confect some sort of face-saving end to the current conflict. Israel’s ultra right-wing cabinet has so far refused to stop the bloodbath.

Now, America’s pro-Israel partisans are demanding more intense military action against the far-off Houthis. Their anger will next focus on South Africa, Mexico and Chile who have had the temerity to accuse Israel of genocide.

Of course it’s genocide. The goal of Israel’s far right settler’s movement and its extreme right wing Zionist allies is to depopulate, or at least thin out, the Palestinian population so that Jews will remain the permanent majority between the Jordan River and the sea. For Israel’s zealots each dead Palestinian means less to deal with in the future.

Ever since the days of former Israeli leader David Ben-Gurion, born David Grun in Poland, expanding the Jewish state has been the religious/political goal of Zionists. There is even talk of expanding Zionism to Ukraine – in case Iran gets nuclear weapons.

Meanwhile, the Houthis are showing more guts than the rest of the Arab world. American ‘experts,’ scoff at the Houthis as mountain primitives. So they were, as I found, being caught in Houthi royalist fighting. The US and Britain have been bombing Houthi tribesmen for seven years. This has only made them angrier . We also dismissed Afghanistan’s ‘backwards’ mountain warrior Pathans (Pashtuns) and look what happened – they whipped us.

President Joe Biden, who never served in the military, should keep this in mind. As Ben Franklin said, ‘no good war, no bad peace.

Eric Margolis
About Eric Margolis

Eric S. Margolis is an award-winning, internationally syndicated columnist. His articles have appeared in the New York Times, the International Herald Tribune the Los Angeles Times, Times of London, the Gulf Times, the Khaleej Times, Nation – Pakistan, Hurriyet, – Turkey, Sun Times Malaysia and other news sites in Asia.

He is a regular contributor to The Huffington Post, Lew Rockwell. He appears as an expert on foreign affairs on CNN, BBC, France 2, France 24, Fox News, CTV and CBC.

His internet column reaches global readers on a daily basis.

As a war correspondent Margolis has covered conflicts in Angola, Namibia, South Africa, Mozambique, Sinai, Afghanistan, Kashmir, India, Pakistan, El Salvador and Nicaragua. He was among the first journalists to ever interview Libya’s Muammar Khadaffi and was among the first to be allowed access to KGB headquarters in Moscow.

A veteran of many conflicts in the Middle East, Margolis recently was featured in a special appearance on Britain’s Sky News TV as “the man who got it right” in his predictions about the dangerous risks and entanglements the US would face in Iraq.

A native New Yorker, he maintains residences in Toronto and New York, with frequent visits to Paris.

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