33 Facts about the movie 1900 - Facts.net
Blinny Macpherson

Written by Blinny Macpherson

Modified & Updated: 02 Jun 2024

Jessica Corbett

Reviewed by Jessica Corbett

Source: Amazon.com

Get ready to travel back in time and dive into the fascinating world of the movie ‘1900.’ This epic historical drama, directed by Italian filmmaker Bernardo Bertolucci, takes us on a captivating journey through the tumultuous years of the 20th century. Released in 1976, ‘1900’ chronicles the lives of two friends, Alfredo and Olmo, who are born on the same day in 1900 but come from vastly different backgrounds. Set against the backdrop of political unrest and social upheaval in Italy, this cinematic masterpiece delves into the themes of class struggle, war, and the complexities of human relationships.

Key Takeaways:

  • “1900” is a 5-hour epic movie set in Italy, exploring friendship, class struggle, and political turmoil. It received mixed reviews but was a box office success, leaving a lasting legacy in Italian cinema.
  • The film features a star-studded cast, stunning cinematography, and a powerful musical score. It’s a must-watch for cinema enthusiasts, offering a captivating experience with thought-provoking themes.
Table of Contents

The movie 1900 was released in 1976.

The film was directed by Italian director Bernardo Bertolucci and is set in Italy during the early 20th century.

The movie 1900 is also known as Novecento.

The film was released under the title “Novecento” in Italy, which is Italian for “1900”.

The movie features an ensemble cast.

Starring Robert De Niro and Gérard Depardieu in the lead roles, the film boasts an impressive ensemble cast including Burt Lancaster, Dominique Sanda, and Donald Sutherland.

The movie 1900 explores themes of class struggle and political turmoil.

Set against the backdrop of Italy’s turbulent social and political climate, the film delves into the lives of two childhood friends from different social classes.

The movie 1900 received mixed reviews upon its release.

Critics were divided on the film’s length and pacing, but praised its performances and cinematography.

The movie 1900 was a box office success.

Despite the mixed reviews, the film was a commercial hit and garnered attention worldwide.

The movie 1900 was nominated for multiple awards.

The film received nominations for prestigious awards such as the Golden Globe and BAFTA Awards.

The movie 1900 has a runtime of over five hours.

At a staggering 317 minutes, the film is an epic portrayal of a significant period in Italian history.

The movie 1900 was filmed in various locations in Italy.

The production took place in different regions of Italy, capturing the scenic beauty and diverse landscapes of the country.

The movie 1900 features a powerful musical score by Ennio Morricone.

The renowned composer’s music adds depth and emotion to the on-screen drama.

The movie 1900 received an NC-17 rating in the United States.

Due to its explicit content and controversial scenes, the film was initially given an NC-17 rating.

The movie 1900 was heavily censored in some countries.

Certain scenes in the film were deemed too explicit and faced censorship in various countries.

The movie 1900 tackles issues of social inequality.

The film portrays the stark contrast between the lives of the wealthy landowners and the struggling peasants.

The movie 1900 showcases the evolution of the characters over several decades.

Spanning a period of 40 years, the film follows the intertwining lives of the two protagonists as they navigate through personal and political challenges.

The movie 1900 features stunning cinematography.

The visually captivating shots capture the beauty of the Italian countryside and the grandeur of the historical settings.

The movie 1900 was nominated for Best Foreign Language Film at the Academy Awards.

The film represented Italy at the 49th Academy Awards and received a nomination in the Best Foreign Language Film category.

The movie 1900 explores the theme of friendship.

At its core, the film is a story about the enduring bond between two individuals from different backgrounds.

The movie 1900 was considered a controversial film.

Its explicit content, political themes, and depictions of violence sparked debate among audiences and critics.

The movie 1900 has been hailed as a masterpiece by some critics.

Despite its controversial nature, the film has garnered a cult following and is regarded as a significant work of Italian cinema.

The movie 1900 was a collaboration between Italian and international filmmakers.

The film brought together talents from different countries, resulting in a unique blend of artistic styles and perspectives.

The movie 1900 showcases the political ideologies of the time.

The film reflects the ideologies prevailing in Italy during the early 20th century, including socialism and fascism.

The movie 1900 was originally released in two parts.

Due to its lengthy runtime, the film was released in two parts in some countries.

The movie 1900 depicts the struggles of the working class.

The film highlights the harsh realities faced by the working-class population, emphasizing their resilience and desire for change.

The movie 1900 has a powerful and thought-provoking ending.

The film’s conclusion leaves a lasting impact and invites viewers to reflect on the themes and messages conveyed throughout.

The movie 1900 is considered a landmark in Italian cinema.

With its ambitious scale and complex storytelling, the film has left an indelible mark on the history of Italian filmmaking.

The movie 1900 features strong performances by its cast.

The stellar cast delivers compelling and nuanced portrayals, bringing the characters to life with depth and authenticity.

The movie 1900 was nominated for the Palme d’Or at the Cannes Film Festival.

In recognition of its cinematic achievements, the film received a nomination for the prestigious Palme d’Or award.

The movie 1900 has been analyzed and studied by film scholars.

Its intricate narrative structure and layered themes have made it a subject of academic interest and analysis.

The movie 1900 depicts the impacts of war on society.

The film showcases the devastating effects of war and highlights the resilience of individuals in the face of adversity.

The movie 1900 has a lasting legacy in Italian cinema.

It continues to be referenced and revered as one of the most significant films in the history of Italian filmmaking.

The movie 1900 was influenced by historical events.

The film draws inspiration from real-life events and historical periods to create a compelling and immersive narrative.

The movie 1900 features strong political undertones.

Through its characters and plotlines, the film explores the political ideologies and conflicts of its time.

The movie 1900 is a must-watch for cinema enthusiasts.

With its stunning visuals, powerful performances, and thought-provoking themes, the film offers a captivating cinematic experience.


1900 is a cinematic masterpiece that delves deep into the socio-political landscape of early 20th century Italy. With a talented cast, stunning cinematography, and a thought-provoking storyline, this film continues to captivate audiences even decades after its release. From its mesmerizing score to its powerful portrayal of class struggles, 1900 proves to be a timeless piece of art that leaves a lasting impact on viewers.


Q: When was the movie 1900 released?

A: 1900 was released in 1976.

Q: Who directed the movie 1900?

A: The movie was directed by Italian director Bernardo Bertolucci.

Q: What is the runtime of 1900?

A: The movie has a runtime of approximately 5 hours and 17 minutes.

Q: Who are the main actors in 1900?

A: The film features an ensemble cast including Robert De Niro, Gérard Depardieu, Dominique Sanda, and Burt Lancaster, among others.

Q: Is 1900 based on a true story?

A: While 1900 depicts historical events and social issues, it is not based on a specific true story.

Q: What languages is the movie available in?

A: The movie is primarily in Italian, with English subtitles available.

Q: Did 1900 receive any awards?

A: Yes, 1900 was nominated for and won several awards, including the Palme d’Or at the Cannes Film Festival.

Q: What is the significance of the movie’s title, 1900?

A: The movie is set in the early 20th century, specifically spanning the years from 1901 to 1945, exploring the major events and changes throughout that period in Italy.

Q: Is 1900 suitable for all audiences?

A: The movie contains mature themes, violence, and nudity, making it more suitable for adult viewers.

Q: Where can I watch 1900?

A: 1900 can be viewed on various streaming platforms and is also available on DVD and Blu-ray.

If you enjoyed learning about the movie 1900, why not explore other fascinating films? Delve into the gritty world of class struggle in Blue Collar, experience the grandeur of an epic film like Cleopatra, or discover the charm of Italian cinema through Il Postino: The Postman. Each movie offers unique insights, compelling stories, and memorable performances that will captivate cinephiles and casual viewers alike. So, grab some popcorn, settle in, and embark on a journey through the world of cinema with these intriguing films.

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