The Meaning Behind The Song: Hurricane by Leon Everette - Old Time Music
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The Meaning Behind The Song: Hurricane by Leon Everette


The Meaning Behind The Song: Hurricane by Leon Everette

Title: Hurricane

Artist: Leon Everette

Album: Not specified

Genre: Country

Leon Everette’s “Hurricane” is a heart-wrenching country song that captures the raw emotions and devastation caused by natural disasters, with a particular focus on the hurricanes that frequent the Gulf region. Released in an era when hurricanes were wreaking havoc on the Louisiana coast, the song touches on the resilience of the people living in the affected areas and their ability to find hope in the face of destruction.

The lyrics of “Hurricane” paint a vivid picture of the impending storm and its impact on the lives of those in its path. The song begins with a powerful description of the Gulf Stream, with South winds moaning and shrimp boats hurrying home. Within these lines lie the underlying sense of urgency and vulnerability felt by the characters in the song.

The old man in the quarter, portrayed as a wise and weathered figure, shares his personal experience of being born during a storm. He associates the hurricane with the month of June, when storms are often at their fiercest. His words capture the acceptance and resignation of the local inhabitants who have learned to coexist with these natural disasters.

The chorus of the song emphasizes the force and destructiveness of the hurricane, personifying it as the devil’s daughter. The high black water represents the overwhelming and seemingly insurmountable challenge faced by those who call the Gulf Coast home. The line “Nobody’s taught her that it takes a lot of water to wash away New Orleans” alludes to the city’s vulnerability to flooding and the importance of effective water management.

The lyrics also touch on the contrasting opinions regarding the building of levees and protective structures. The man from Chicago believes that strengthening the levee to a certain height is necessary for survival. However, the old man in the quarter dismisses this, claiming that the waters will recede by dawn and that the man will return to his home in Illinois.

“Hurricane” resonates with many people who have experienced the devastating effects of natural disasters. The song’s lyrics bring to mind personal memories of witnessing the destruction and aftermath of hurricanes. The feeling of powerlessness in the face of nature’s fury is potent, yet the song also highlights the resilience and indomitable spirit of those who have experienced such events.

As someone who grew up on the Gulf Coast, I have witnessed the impact of hurricanes firsthand. The lyrics of “Hurricane” capture the indescribable mix of fear, awe, and determination that one feels in the face of an impending storm. It serves as a reminder of the strength of the human spirit and the ability to find hope even in the darkest of times.

The haunting melody and poignant lyrics of “Hurricane” make it a timeless country classic, resonating with listeners who have experienced the devastating force of hurricanes. The song reminds us of the importance of unity, resilience, and the power of music to capture and convey the human experience.

In conclusion, “Hurricane” by Leon Everette is a powerful country song that delves into the meaning and impact of natural disasters, specifically hurricanes. Through its vivid lyrics and emotive melody, the song encapsulates the experiences and emotions of those affected by these destructive forces of nature. It serves as a poignant reminder of the indomitable spirit of the human race and our ability to find hope even in the face of devastation.

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