A Budapest-Fasori Evangélikus Gimnázium honlapja


1071 Budapest,
Városligeti fasor 17-21.

Adószám: 19011383-2-42

Porta: +36-1/321-1200
Titkárság: +36-1/322-4406
E-mail: [|]



History of the School

EPS Historic Site

An event of historic importance took place in the Budapest-Fasori Lutheran Secondary School on 23 April, 2015. The European Committee for Physics (EPS) – following the recommendation of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences and the Eötvös Lóránd Committee for Physics – pronounced the school as a EPS Historic Site, thus paying respect to the Nobel prize winning Fasor student, Jenő Wigner. Wigner – together with his school comrade, János Neumann based his knowledge of physics and mathematics in this school, as the student of László Rátz and Sándor Mikola.

The event was accompanied by the customary inauguration of the memorial plaque, which was followed by a conference for physics, which was connected to the International Year of Light.

The following members took part in the celebration: professor Luisa Cifarelli on behalf of the EPS, as the late president of the committee; Norbert Kroó, member of the Academy of Sciences; Zsolt Fülöp, director of the Institute for Nuclear Research (ATOMKI); Péter Lévai head director of the Wigner Research Center for Physics. Our district mayor, Zsolt Vattamány from the Erzsébetváros VII. district municipality.



Fasori Lutheran Secondary School

- Alliance of tradition, knowledge and faith Budapest -

 Currently, Fasor has four-year and eight-year trainings (students aged from 10 to 18) and is committed to superior education. Although the maintainer of the school is the Hungarian Lutheran Church, Fasor is not limited of those of Lutheran religion. The Lutheran characteristic of the school is combined with the openness towards Christian and other traditional religions. Fasor strives to be a spiritual workshop, where our students receive support for continuous self-training. The opinion of parents is of essential to us, so we consider them partners in school managing.

Beyond academics we regard our students’ spiritual education as equally important. Our pedagogical credo is: ‘The fear of Lord is the beginning of wisdom’ (Proverbs 9, 10.) As part of the admission process a reference is required from the applicant’s congregation. We expect our students to be sensitive to Christian faith and values. Our goal is that our students should leave Fasor a civil-minded person with solid character and adequate knowledge.

Religious studies and Latin language are compulsory subjects at Fasor. However, the education of other languages and cultures, such as English, German, French, Spanish and Italian are also focused on. We offer our students useful foreign language skills, which are not limited to exam papers. We strive to provide our students the opportunities to practice language skills abroad as well. Our partner school contacts and other international relations play a significant role in this goal. The afternoon language activities – independent from morning classes – serve to develop fluency. Of course, loyal to the old Fasor traditions, we place great importance on teaching sciences.

Students from the countryside are accommodated in the Lutheran boarding school at Rózsák square, located just a few minutes from the school. Students are able to select from a variety of clubs, as they are able to join various free time activities at school. Charity has a significant role in the colourful cultural life of the school. Moreover, the school opens its doors to cultural programmes of the highest standard.

Examples from our clubs:
János Arany Literary and Debating Society – Reading Society – Philosophy Club – Geography Study Club -Crafts, Ceramics and Drawing Club – Choir and Orchestra – Natural Studies Club – Ordass Club (student and public club) – Film Club – International Study Circle

Many prominent Hungarian artists, scientists, and Nobelists share a common history – they were all students at the same Fasor alma mater. (The two Nobel Prize winners are Jenő Wigner, and Janos Harsanyi.) János Neumann, the inventor of computer and Ede Teller, the inventor of atomic bomb also attended at Fasor.

Fasor was established in 1823, and was founded on Academician Lajos Shedius’s educational principles. Due to this mentality and the outstanding headmasters and teachers Fasor produced many prominent notabilities throughout the decades.

At the beginning Fasor was located in what is today Deák square, and later from 1864 in Sütő street. However, the second building also proved to be small. In 1904 with the help of a foundation – sponsored by Dániel Glosius and his wife Sarolta Artner – and the subsidy of the Hungarian state a new and larger building was opened at Városliget Fasor.

The Fasor building complex was designed by the plans of Samu Petz. The most famous sight of our Church is the altar-piece, painted by Gyula Benczúr – one of the most famous 19th century painters in Hungary. The impressive and colorful windows – which were originally produced by Miksa Róth – were damaged during the Second World War. However, after the renovation in 2002, our church and decorative school hall was restored according to their original forms.

After 1945 the Communist dictatorship made the education of church schools impossible. Thus, in 1952 Fasor was closed down. In 1989 - with the help of old Fasor students, among them the Nobel-prize winner Jenő Wigner – the Hungarian Lutheran Church was given back the building for educational purposes. After 37 years the school was dynamically reopened by Headmaster Gábor Gyapay and other former Fasor students.

It was not easy to revive the old spirit, but in the past few years Fasor students enhanced the reputation of the school. Fasor students have excelled in national study competitions with great success and many of them go on to study in medical, law, economic and technological faculties in different universities with excellent results.


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