As Promised, Bruiser Graves Jungle Full Guide | Everything You Need To Know About The New Build : r/GravesMains Skip to main content

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As Promised, Bruiser Graves Jungle Full Guide | Everything You Need To Know About The New Build

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u/StriderIV avatar

Thanks for putting this together man! I just tested in gold ELO. We had a very interesting comp with Akshan top, Tryn mid, Zyra sup and Jhin ADC.

Enemy team was Irelia top, Kayn (blue form) jungle, Lux mid and a Heimer/Tham bot lane.

With this build, I felt I could really be a front line for my squishy team, able to deal with Irelia and TK diving. Definitely beefy. Poor Kayn, since he went shadow assassin, really couldn’t do anything but run away.

I will say, I did feel like I was missing out on attack speed, just because I’m so used to the Shieldbow build. Will just take some adjustment.

Overall though, how do you feel this build scales compared to the crit build? Both feel like they can scale great at 6 items, maybe just in different ways. Hard for me to say which would out perform the other.

Happy to do it!

Low to medium level of attack speed is very significant for Graves which is why you notice the change. Same for Yasuo players as well due to unique mechanics related to attack speed. You will get use to the change, and with Alacrity you will be fine in the end.

I think Crit Graves was made much worse after his crit scaling nerf that made IE much worse on him. Now the crit builds don't feel as strong late game as they use to. This build is nice because in late game you have high AD thanks to all the bruiser items gaining AD (gore,maw,bc), and now you can't be one shot by a Qiyana or Akali which feels great. This build is basically Shieldbow playstyle to the extreme and I think it scales fine as long as your team has strong AD/Mid draft to deal damage.

By the way this build does really well with enchanter supports who I usually hate having on my team as Graves, but now you get rewarded for having enchanters. Putting shield on a 250 armor Graves is so massive cause that shield is so hard to break. If my team is a bit more tanky, I go with the standard Eclipse Crit build which I think is still very strong also. That build is in my Graves guide on Moba, but I will have a youtube video for it coming soon, but the main thing is we now can make Graves work in any team comp which is massive.

u/StriderIV avatar

This makes a lot of sense! Gonna spam a few more games of the build and see where it takes me =P it’s nice that Graves can be an even more flexible champ now.

I was kinda dinking around with duskblade into bruiser build what’s your opinion on that?

Haven’t tried it myself but data shows it is just as viable as eclipse or goredrinker build

Alright if ya ever give a shot and get the chance let me know I’ve been experimenting and been having some success with it

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Is this build playable in toplane? Nowadays I usually go eclipse into hullbreaker into LDR most matchups. If there's multiple melees who are also a threat I go Shieldbow+BT/hullbreaker+LDR. If you do play this build in toplane do you/where would you insert hullbreaker?

Honestly, I main jungle and have only ever played jungle Graves so I couldn't answer you with any confidence.

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u/DeleteK3y avatar

I have a question, since I really want to try this. I just started maining graves this season and have done pretty well, but I feel like in lower mmrs (gold / low platinum) this kind of build might be better for 1v5 style play as late game even going shieldbow build I feel incredibly squishy and sometimes unable to carry solo due to lack of survivability in late game team fights.

My question is about the mana issue, you said presence of mind is a must on this build but even with that I see you're repeatedly running out of mana because of e spam (ability haste with this feels really nice in this build).

Would you ever consider picking up an essence reaver in this kind of build to solve the mana issue entirely? If not why would it be a bad option. If you would consider it, when would you work it in (which item).

Maybe this is a stupid question, but I'm just trying to get some more specific answers as to itemization on graves as he has a ton of options (way more than most champs), and adjusting his builds on a per game basis seems rather essential skill to winning consistently against varying team comps as jungle.

No essence reaver because the crit is wasted, and the sheen proc is much worse on Graves after it changed to 1.5s cd.

As for your jungle question, I’ve coached dozens of graves players up to Masters and the problem most have is early game, not late game.

Graves is a tempo jungler meaning you have to have a solid early plan and you need to maintain high cs per minute while putting out map pressure which is a result of good jungle pathing. I recommend watching some of my Graves videos on YouTube to see what I mean but I explain all the pathing in my videos.

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