DUNG - Traducción al español - bab.la lcp

Traducciones al español proporcionadas por Oxford Languages

dung noun

volume_up US /dəŋ/volume_up UK /dʌŋ/
(uncountable) 1. (feces) boñiga (feminine), bosta (feminine)Monolingual examplesThe scent of dung from the nearby manure pile also makes it difficult to breathe.South AfricanThey also provide dung for manure and fuel, and they pull ploughs and carts.BritishMuck in the seventeenth century meant, unequivocally, animal dung.North AmericanBut mountain streams aren't as pristine as people think - they're filled with animal dung and all sorts of bottom-feeding microorganisms.Canadian2. (manure) (mainly British) estiércol (masculine)

dung transitive verb

volume_up US /dəŋ/volume_up UK /dʌŋ/
(British) [field/flowerbed] estercolar, abonar con estiércolMonolingual examplesBut avoid dunging ground that you plan to use for carrots and parsnipsBritishIt is said ‘the earth neither grows old nor wears out if it is fed and dunged’, though getting hold of a good supply of well-rotted muck isn't always easy.British

dung [dunged|dunged] {verbo transitivo}

1. "field, flowerbed", Gran Bretaña

English Spanish Ejemplos contextuales de "dung" en Español

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I have therefore also found the hands of a few governments in this dung hill.
Del mismo modo he encontrado las manos de algunos gobiernos en este estercolero.
It uses the terms 'waste' and 'waste water' when referring to cattle dung and urine.
Cuando se habla de «karjan lanta ja virtsa» (estiércol y orina del ganado), en el texto figuran las palabras «jätteet ja jätevesi» (residuos y agua residual).
.: 325 Conservation of the traditional van phuc silk weaving trade village-an urban heritage of Hanoi Nguyen HUU DUNG (Viet Nam)
Ref.: 77 Paisajes Urbanos Históricos Alternativos, Acupuntura Territorial y Linealidades Sinérgicas como Estrategias de Intervención.
In the Finnish translations the words 'waste water ' and 'waste products ' were used for a long time, whereas we really speak of cattle dung and urine.
En la versión finesa se hacen bastantes referencias a los términos agua residual y residuo, cuando debería figurar estiércol y orina de ganado.
.: 325 Conservation of the traditional van phuc silk weaving trade village-an urban heritage of Hanoi Nguyen HUU DUNG (Viet Nam) Physical integrity of historic urban landscapes
Ref.: 325 Conservation of the traditional van phuc silk weaving trade village-an urban heritage of Hanoi Nguyen HUU DUNG (Viet Nam) Integridad física de los paisajes urbanos históricos

English Cómo usar "dung" en una frase

Also, the dung beetle buries food in underground chambers, thereby ensuring water and energy sources during periodically dry conditions.
During the breeding season, adult males tend to be territorial, and mark their range with dung middens.
Flies attracted to the moss carry its spores to fresh herbivore dung, which is the favoured habitat of the species of this genus.
Dung contains the other half of the nitrogen and most of the phosphoric acid and lime.
All rhinoceros defecate on old piles and fresh dung is a stimulus to defecate.

English Cómo usar "devil's dung" en una frase

He has repeatedly said that money is the "devil's dung" and spoken up for the poor, marginalised and deprived while attacking capitalist economics.
What exactly makes people refer to it as "devil's dung"?
Europeans gave it the decidedly unflattering moniker devil's dung.
Its infamous lingering odour has given it many names including devil's dung, and stinking gum.

English Cómo usar "horse dung" en una frase

Horse dung without bedding could be composted in one month but bedding content slowed the process.
Wake up and face reality, you are dreaming and what you come up with is this lot of horse dung.
Now instead of having milk to drink and ghee to eat, all you can do is shovel horse dung.
The designers never envisioned anybody would have any need to do anything with horse dung in the game.
The collection and disposal of horse dung suggests that horses were confined in corrals or stables.

"dung beetle" en español

dung beetle
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"camel dung" en español

camel dung
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"animal dung" en español

animal dung
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Sinónimos (inglés) para "dung":
